What is the National Health Federation?
Established in 1955, the National Health Federation is the World’s first health-freedom organization. NHF protects the food you eat, the natural doctors you see, and the health products and vitamins you buy online and at your store. NHF fights for your health choices and the freedom to make them. We protect the health freedom of all people on the Planet.
Welcome to The National Health Federation
Codex Alimentarius & Health Freedom NHF
Welcome to The National Health Federation – UK
Shadows of the Future / Schatten der Zukunft
COVID-19: The Science We Should Know
Since the inception of the COVID-19 pandemic in the spring of 2020, the messaging from most governmental authorities and major-media outlets has largely been consistent — COVID-19 poses a grave threat to all humanity, lockdown policies and mask mandates are necessary to ‘stop the spread’, existing diagnostic tests are reliable indicators of infection, no preventatives or treatments exist for COVID-19, the inoculations developed under Operation Warp Speed are ‘save and effective’, and mass inoculation is essential to end the pandemic. Meanwhile, dissenters from this orthodoxy have been routinely vilified and censored, regardless of their qualifications, personal experience, or the substance of their case.
Revolutionizing ADHD Treatment: The Impact of Neurofeedback
By Connie McReynolds, Ph.D., Licensed Psychologist, Certified Rehabilitation Counselor, Certified Vocational Evaluator Parents often find themselves struggling to effectively support their children with ADHD or related behavioral problems. ADHD is often perceived as a life-long condition with some parents feeling reluctant to have their child diagnosed due to concerns about stigma. Others may question whether the child’s behaviors are intentional or if the child is willfully neglectful in following through on tasks. Much of the time, neither is true for children with ADHD. The often overlooked factors for these children are auditory and visual processing difficulties. These difficulties affect a…
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The Global Treaty that no one wants except the control-freak elite would have created a worldwide medical dictatorshipBy Scott C. Tips, NHF President May 28, 2024 After two years of negotiations among its delegates, the World Health Organization (WHO) has reportedly admitted defeat for this year for any adoption of its WHO Pandemic Treaty. As Roland Driece, co-chair of WHO’s negotiating board, admitted last Friday, “We are not where we hoped we would be when we started this process.” In Geneva, WHO Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said after the talks ended in failure, “This is not a failure. We will…
They’re At It Again! Now They Want Immunity from Pesticide Harm!
By Scott C. Tips In 1986, Congress passed, and President Ronald Reagan signed into law, the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, which granted vaccine manufacturers immunity from lawsuits alleging vaccine injuries or deaths. An administrative system of Vaccine Courts was established under the U.S. Court of Federal Claims to process any claims of injuries, but these panels were just a thin veneer slapped onto the legislation to ensure that all such claims would end up in a cul-de-sac with little or no recompense. In fact, two-thirds of all vaccine-injury claims submitted to these “courts” are denied. And, yet, even with…
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By Scott C. Tips July 17, 1965 – December 3, 2023 After a sudden and unexpected brief illness, NHF-Germany Executive Director Petra Weiß passed away in the local hospital on December 3, 2023. Petra became ill on a Friday, was rushed to the hospital, and was gone by Sunday. Throughout the Fall of 2023, Petra had been diligently working on staging an NHF event in Europe and just the previous month had met with NHF President Scott Tips to continue their planning for it. Petra Weiß was the National Health Federation’s amazingly dynamic representative in Germany. A superb organizer, she…
Since When Did the FDA Ever Get Anything Right? By Scott C. Tips © 2023 Scott C. Tips Throughout the year 2023, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has had over-the-counter (OTC) ophthalmic products in its crosshairs. In April 2023, and after an 11-day inspection that had begun in February, the FDA found that the Global Pharma Healthcare facility in India did not follow proper protocol to prevent bacterial contamination of its eye products. The company recalled its Artificial Tears Lubricant Eye Drops, distributed by EzriCare and Delsam Pharma, even before the FDA’s inspection was completed. Yet, the Centers…
Facing the Beast – Courage, Faith, and Resistance in a New Dark Age
BOOK REVIEW BY JERRY BROWN Facing the Beast – Courage, Faith, and Resistance in a New Dark Age By Dr. Naomi Wolf(ISBN: 978-1645022367; Chelsea Green Publishing; 2023, paperback, 240 pages; $22.46) Raw honesty and courage! That is what you will find time and again from author Naomi Wolf in Facing the Beast. Wolf shares her personal feelings, experiences, and understanding with keen cultural insights on the tyrannical public policies implemented during the COVID-19 years of 2020 to 2023, including her investigations into the truth about the experimental COVID-19 injections. In the Chapter, “Rethinking the Second Amendment,” Wolf vigilantly reviews the…
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Don’t Miss NHF’s Easy-to-Attend Monthly Zoom Events
NEWS RELEASE By Scott C. Tips, NHF President Once a month, the National Health Federation (NHF) hosts two-to-three guest speakers at a Zoom meeting accessible to all who are on the NHF email list. Our clever NHF Lobbyist, Charles Frohman, typically assembles the most interesting and controversial speakers, and the attendees are able to ask them questions about the topics discussed. These topics range from wireless dangers, toxic vaccines, and supplements to the World Health Organization’s feared power grab for total dictatorial medical control over the World’s entire population! NHF lobbyist Charles Frohman has created a list that ranks in…
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BOUGHT OFF: Why You Don’t Hear About Low-Cost Natural Remedies in the News
By Bill Sardi The obvious often escapes public recognition. By categorical definition, the news media attracts the public interest with information or entertainment that draws readers, listeners, and viewers in order to sell products and services offered by rich sponsors. Somehow some of the public mistakenly believes that news reporters are unbiased investigators operating in the public’s interest. In fact, they are front men for commercial entities. Consumers cannot imagine that the whole American shopping experience inside grocery stores, viewing food ads on TV, and going to doctors’ offices are all orchestrated to promote over-consumption of processed foods that foments metabolic disease, which…
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We are too smart to allow these not-so-smart meters By Margie Miller, RN, ARNP Depending upon which State and county you live in and which utility company you have, you may or may not be familiar with smart meters. And because of the ten-year-long public backlash from those who have investigated the consequences of smart meters, the name “Smart Meter” is frequently veiled with a different title such as “Meter Enhancement,” “Meter Refresh,” or “Meter Upgrade.” Installation is occurring across the United States as the transition is being made from analogue meters to these digital, microwave, and radiation-producing meters. This…
Codex Alimentarius Commission adopts Zilpaterol standard
FAO Headquarters, Rome, Italy
November 28, 2023. By Scott C. Tips. After having waged a many-years-long battle around the Globe against the toxic vet drug zilpaterol hydrochloride at both the Codex Alimentarius Commission and committee levels (2016, 2018, 2021, 2022), the National Health Federation (NHF) finally reached the end of the road today when over NHF’s and many Codex member states’ objections, the Commission voted 88-49, with 11 abstentions, in favor of adopting the toxic-drug standard. It took all of Tuesday afternoon, at the FAO headquarters in Rome, Italy, to reach a conclusion.
Remember that zilpaterol is Merck’s special steroid-like veterinary drug for cattle, pigs, and poultry, which unnaturally pushes them to make more muscle and less fat.
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When Did the Scientific American Stop Being Scientific?
Making the Case for Dietary Supplements and Nutraceuticals By Scott C. Tips, J.D. © 2023 Scott C. Tips Sadly, the editors of the Scientific American – long captured by the pharmaceutical industry and the medical cartel – have recently published an editorial calling for even greater regulation of nutraceuticals.[1] This editorial displays their ignorance of both the safety record of nutraceuticals as well as their efficacy. It also fails to compare the safety record of “underregulated” nutraceuticals with that of regulated pharmaceuticals. By any measure, the regulated pharmaceutical industry churns out killer drugs, for which it has been fined millions,…
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Chlorine Dioxide, the Universal Medicine
By Dr. Mark Sircus So universal is chlorine dioxide that NASA called it, in 1988, “A Universal Antidote.” It is so much more than an antiseptic that only a full-blown idiot would call it bleach. The American Chemical Society, Division of Analytical Chemistry stated in 1999 that chlorine dioxide was the most powerful pathogen killer known to man. NASA knew way back when that chlorine dioxide was “able to destroy mold and fungus, as well as bacteria and viruses, with minimal harm to humans, animals, or plants.” So why did Bloomberg News just say that injecting chlorine dioxide into people…
The National Health Federation leads in the fight for the future of health freedom!
The NHF is an international consumer-education, health-freedom organization working to protect individuals’ rights to consume healthy food, take supplements and the choice to use alternative therapies without unnecessary government restrictions.
NHF envisions a World free of any and all artificial impediments to securing and retaining excellent, abundant health and health freedom. Individuals should be free to choose for themselves their own means of maintaining and regaining optimal health.
NHF, together with health-freedom friends and colleagues throughout the World, vows to change and save lives through our uniquely leveraged position on the international political stage impacting food, nutritional supplements, and healing.