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Want to Help NHF Lobby Health Freedom?

Here’s how to schedule a Zoom meeting with your Rep on your favorite issue …

By Charles Frohman, M.Ed., HIA, NHF Lobbyist

May 2, 2024


With President Trump joining candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. in agreeing that the real epidemic isn’t COVID-19 but rather Chronic Disease, at least two of our three main politicians running for the Presidency understand the true threat to health in America and much of the Western World. 

This epidemic is caused synergistically by toxins polluting our air, water, food, land, and medicines. For each of these environmental assaults, NHF has a campaign with an email that you can send to your congressional Representative and both Senators.

Will you help our NHF lobbyist, Charles Frohman, schedule a Zoom meeting with your U.S. Representative, so that he can explain the issue and you can discuss its importance in your congressional district, your State, and in America as a whole?

Beyond sending our email to Congress, we need meetings with these politicians and their relevant staffers. 

To help schedule a Zoom meeting, will you please:

(1)   Click on your favorite campaign now, to send the email to Congress

(2)   Then call that politician's office – via the operator at 202-225-3121 – to request the name and email address of the “Legislative Assistant for Health”

(3)   Email that staffer a request to “meet by Zoom next week to discuss [insert topic of email you choose in #1 to send]”

(4)   Forward any response to Charles.Frohman@theNHF.com to schedule the Zoom

(5)   Follow up with another email or call the following week if there’s no response

Congressional staffers are terribly busy, with a broad portfolio of issues to track – not only to advise their bosses on how to vote but also to answer countless letters from voters on the same. Thus, persistence will be required to secure this meeting for NHF and you.

Over the past year, NHF has met with dozens of congressional staff, mainly to oppose Wireless bills pushed by the Telecommunications industry. While COVID-19 has awakened the World in such a way that health-freedom advocates can go on the offensive against vaccine tyranny, no equivalent catastrophe has warned decision-makers that the mesh of antennas they’re allowing to be deployed outside of our bedrooms, classrooms, and in our parks might be dangerous. 

You may have seen the viral, 3-minute warning from NHF lobbyist Frohman:

NHF lobbyist Frohman gave a 3-minute warning on how the Wireless Mesh’s antennas outside our bedrooms, classrooms, offices, farms & parks will spy on, fry & coerce Americans into a Digital Prison.

We’re also commencing calls for co-sponsors for our bill to ban vaccine mandates and report on unvaxxed comparison studies (which expose over-vaccination for the chronic disease epidemic).

But we will lobby with you on any health-freedom campaign that NHF is pursuing, including:

      Restoring pHARMa vaccine injury liability (taken away in 1986)

      Opposing FDA’s persecution of nutritional supplements, homeopathy, and natural compounding

      Exiting the WHO and the UN

      Replacing occupational licensing with competitive certification

      Expanding Health Savings Accounts

      Exposing vaccination of livestock and crops on ranches & farms

      Goading the EPA to ban toxic pesticides and geoengineering. 

      Passing the Medical Freedom Amendment, and

      Restoring trust in health authorities by dividing the Federal health bureaucracy among the 50 States.

Which of the above campaigns motivates you to schedule a Zoom meeting for our NHF lobbyist to discuss the issue with your politicians?

NHF lobbyist Charles Frohman will explain any of the above campaigns to your Representative, if you first schedule the Zoom meeting with him or her, or their staff. Let our NHF lobbyist argue for you or together with you.

Will you start the effort now, with #1 above?

Thank you!

The NHF Team 

P.S. Please subscribe to the NHF’s Rumble channel where you can freely watch all of our NHF Monthly Brainstorms. Also join NHF’s groups and pages on Facebook, LinkedIn & Twitter, to help our campaigns.

P.P.S. We hope that you appreciate NHF’s efforts to give you a voice not only in Congress, but also in the UN’s Codex Alimentarius Commission. Since 1955, we have been defending consumers and healers from burdensome over-regulation, and Nature from toxic cartelization schemes by the global elitists. You can also help these efforts with your energy and support, by emailing Congress through our campaigns, and making a one-time or regular donations here.

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NHF relies upon your support for its work at Codex meetings and in many other areas where our health and health freedoms are at risk. Without your financial support, we cannot attend these meetings, maintain a lobbyist in Washington, or conduct our health-freedom campaigns. Please donate NOW by clicking on the Donate button below. Thank you.


National Health Federation: Established in 1955, the National Health Federation is a consumer-education, health-freedom organization working to protect individuals' rights to choose to consume healthy food, take supplements and use alternative therapies without unnecessary government restrictions. The NHF is the only such organization with accredited delegate status at Codex meetings.


Our mailing address is:

The National Health Federation
P.O. Box 288 Mossyrock, WA 98564 USA

Website: www.thenhf.com  E-mail: contact-us@thenhf.com

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