NHF's May Zoom Meeting View online


Friday, May 17, 2024, 12pm (noon) EASTERN / 9am Pacific

Pesticides Depleting Our Nutrition:

Does Health Freedom Matter?

With Guests:

      Morley Robbins, Founder of the Root Cause Protocol, on how nutrient deficiency, especially copper deficiency, stems in part from farm pesticide abuse

      Christina Stucker-Gassi, Healthy Food & Farms Program Manager, Northwest Center for Alternatives to Pesticides, on Farm Bill efforts to stop EPA from continuing to allow dangerous pesticide use on our crops

      Jeffrey Tucker, founder of the Brownstone Institute, on whether politicians have learned anything from COVID-19 Catastrophe


Co-hosted by NHF President Scott Tips, NHF Lobbyist Charles Frohman,

and NHF Media Manager Terri Harrah


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(1)  A wellness coach and health “futurist” for almost 20 years, Mr. Robbins has worked from the premise that Americans have been "Misled... and Misfed." He works with clients to rethink, redefine, and re-adapt to a more traditional nutrient-dense diet that is grounded in REAL food. Now he teaches coaches how to spread the Root Cause Protocol to a population for whom changing diet is harder than changing religion. In a recent podcast about iron lies and copper deficiency, he blamed farm abuse via pesticides for the nutritional collapse that partly explains the real epidemic: CHRONIC disease.

(2)  One way to stop this nutritional collapse would be to mandate that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) stop allowing Big Biotech to spray crops with toxic pesticides that other modern nations have phased out. Ms. Stucker-Gassi will update us on the effort to use the current Farm Bill to protect farm workers and empower local governments to replace farm poisoning with sustainable practices and regenerative agriculture. This includes preventing Federal pesticide-labeling preemption outlined in the Agriculture Labeling Uniformity Act (H.R.4288) and other attempts to Federally preempt pesticide use, which could remove that ability of States and localities to restrict uses.

(3)  When our industry-controlled government suppressed effective, early treatment of its bioweapon, and put all of its eggs into a worldwide “vaccine” mandate, Mr. Tucker worked with the Great Barrington Declaration epidemiologists to defend proper Public Health. With healthcare lying at the tip of the spear of the Great Reset behavior manipulators, Mr. Tucker wonders if any politician could ever hope to revive Ronald Reagan’s budget so as to drastically reduce the power of the Public Health edifice. Indeed, what evidence exists that the public is ready to assert its health freedom?


P.S. Please subscribe to the NHF’s Rumble channel where you can freely watch all of our NHF Monthly Brainstorms. Also join NHF’s groups and pages on Facebook, LinkedIn & Twitter, to help our campaigns.


P.P.S. We hope that you appreciate NHF’s efforts to give you a voice not only in Congress, but also in the UN’s Codex Alimentarius Commission. Since 1955, we have been defending consumers and healers from burdensome overregulation, and Nature from toxic cartelization schemes by the global elitists. You can also help these efforts with your energy and support by emailing Congress through our campaigns, and making a one-time or regular donations here.


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National Health Federation: Established in 1955, the National Health Federation is a consumer-education, health-freedom organization working to protect individuals' rights to choose to consume healthy food, take supplements and use alternative therapies without unnecessary government restrictions. The NHF is the only such organization with accredited delegate status at Codex meetings.


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The National Health Federation
P.O. Box 288 Mossyrock, WA 98564 USA

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