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We Can Defeat Telecom’s Digital Prison!

If you send NHF’s email to your politicians

July 2, 2024

We Can Defeat Telecom’s Digital Prison

 Ever since the government and media were distracted by the COVID-19 Plandemic, a special interest every bit as evil as pHARMa made its stealth move to carpet the World with an internet technology that the public neither wants nor needs. In the Spring of 2023, Big Telecom got their puppets in Congress to pass bills to make it virtually impossible for property owners to seek help from their county officials to keep radiofrequency (RF) and microwave (MW) radiation-emitting antennas safely far away from our bedrooms, offices, children’s classrooms, and local parks. This wireless mesh will spy on us, fry us, and coerce compliance, trapping Americans in an Orwellian Self-Monitoring Active Reporting Technology (SMART) prison. Will you click here NOW please to send NHF’s email to your U.S. Representative and both Senators? 

Our weekly lobbying with the National Call for Safe Technology stopped the momentum for preemption. Unfortunately, Telecom still got their preemption indirectly in the Net Neutrality Rule, and Congress is gifting their Telecom overlords with other wireless entry points in America via our national parks and rural farms. NHF’s email has all the details and links – please, send it now. 

Further, will you click here to learn the identity of your elected officials, and call the Capitol Hill operator (at 202-225-3121) to ask to be connected to them? And once connected, please ask for the name and address of the “telecom staff person” and email that person a request for a “Zoom meeting next week to discuss Telecom bills to bridge the broadband digital divide.” Then, forward any response you receive to our NHF lobbyist at Charles.Frohman@theNHF.com to schedule a meeting to win those politicians over to our side on this issue. The more meetings in your State that you help NHF schedule, the better the chance that we can defeat Telecom’s wireless gulag. Will you help us all and schedule a meeting in your State now, please?


P.S. This month, NHF’s monthly Health Freedom Zoom Brainstorm will be specially held on the SECOND FRIDAY of the month, that is, on July 12th, 2024, at noon ET, and will give a platform to former Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health Research Assistant Susan Clarke on how the wireless mesh synergizes with toxins polluting our air, food, land, and medical interventions – all intended to morph humanity into an Internet of Bodies. Also joining NHF will be Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance (FARFA) founder and Executive Director Judith McGeary on the multi-pronged attack on family farming, which farming is critical to reversing the real epidemic – chronic disease. Will you please forward this email blast to a friend, inviting them to subscribe so that they can be invited to the Zoom Brainstorm next week?

P.P.S. We hope that you appreciate NHF’s efforts to give you a voice not only in Congress, but also in the UN’s Codex Alimentarius Commission. Since 1955, we have been defending consumers and healers from burdensome and unnecessary overregulation, and Nature from toxic cartelization schemes by the global elitists. You can also help these efforts with your energy and support, by making a one-time or regular donations here.

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NHF relies upon your support for its work at Codex meetings and in many other areas where our health and health freedoms are at risk. Without your financial support, we cannot attend these meetings, maintain a lobbyist in Washington, or conduct our health-freedom campaigns. Please donate NOW by clicking on the Donate button below. Thank you.


National Health Federation: Established in 1955, the National Health Federation is a consumer-education, health-freedom organization working to protect individuals' rights to choose to consume healthy food, take supplements and use alternative therapies without unnecessary government restrictions. The NHF is the only such organization with accredited delegate status at Codex meetings.


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The National Health Federation
P.O. Box 288 Mossyrock, WA 98564 USA

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