History of the NHF
One man’s battle becomes a movement

In 1955, a man fought to save his beloved wife, Eva. She was dying of cancer, but by using a frequency device, now common, he was the target of the American Medical Association. Eva died inside of a needless political and greedy one-sided battle. He loved her. All he wanted was to help Eva to live, but the AMA shut him down and it cost Eva her very life.
That man, Fred Hart, a powerful and successful visionary in multiple arenas, turned his anger at a needless death into a mission. Now, over six decades later, that mission of the creation of the National Health Federation has championed and saved the lives of billions of people on the planet today. Driven to engaging and educating the public, Fred harnessed the pain of her death and transformed it into a movement.
Before the words “activist” or “food activist” were even coined, Hart was all that and more. He started a grassroots movement that grew into the National Health Federation—today the World’s oldest health-freedom organization and now, the only one with a seat at the table of the Codex Alimentarius Commission thanks singlehandedly to current NHF President and General Counsel Scott C. Tips; two pivotal forces impacting the World of health and health freedom joining across the decades to influence humanity in profound and practical ways like survival…like freedom.
- April 2008 in Beijing, China – NHF begins its lone campaign against neurotoxic aluminum in food additives at the Codex Committee on Food Additives (CCFA) meeting, which after five more years of fighting and with the help of the European Union delegation, succeeded in achieving the removal of approved status for 75% of aluminum used in food additives.
- November 2009 in Dusseldorf, Germany – Singlehandedly initiated the opposition at the Codex Nutrition Committee that stopped the “dumbed-down” Nutrient Reference Values (NRVs) standard for vitamins and minerals from being adopted. (These NRVs would have set daily amount for Vitamin C at 45 mg, and almost all of the B vitamins would have been reduced by up to 66%, etc.)
The U.S. fight becomes global
Back then, before many of us were even born, NHF flourished in the United States as a domestic power for health and health freedom. Championing its cause, many powerful leaders stepped onto the NHF stage to lead in the intervening years. But it wasn’t until Scott C. Tips, then an NHF Board of Governors Member, pushed past national borders so that NHF expanded to effectively and powerfully impact the entire Planet due to Tips’ securing the singular Voice for Health Freedom™ at the global seat of power: Codex Alimentarius in 2002. This was a colossal and key advancement in health and health freedom.
In Scott’s work, Fred’s initial vision and passion leveraged to include the whole Earth where decisions in global policy would impact 7 billion people. Fueled by his legal expertise and while still a Board of Governors member, Tips propelled NHF into the global arena and the health of the World nor the now expanding health freedom community would never be the same. Five years later Tips was elected NHF President.
Your Voice for Health Freedom™
As the World moves rapidly toward “harmonization” NHF has the power, experience, and the ability to transcend local, state, and national governance. No other health freedom organization can even begin to approach the powerfully representative position that the National Health Federation provides for its members today.
The National Health Federation is Your Voice for Health Freedom™ — the ONLY Voice that is respected internationally where the decisions are made that impact and affect you and your loved ones right now. The NHF was borne of love and the right to choose. Every one of us understands that. Over six decades later that intention has never wavered. This is who the National Health Federation is.
Snapshot of the NHF’s work through the decades

Our Recent Codex Work
Snapshot of some of the NHF’s work at Codex this decade
- February 2014 in Bergen, Norway: NHF argued against the continued inclusion of aluminum in fish batter at the Codex Committee on Fish and Fishery Products. Aluminum was removed.
- March 2014 in the United States: NHF was the first to notice and point out that the FDA, with its new proposed food-labeling guidelines, was actually attempting to harmonize vitamin-and-mineral Daily Allowances down to ridiculously low Codex levels.
- March 2014 in Hong Kong, China: NHF continued its work in removing aluminum from food additives at the Codex Committee on Food Additives, and argued that aspartame is a dangerous and harmful artificial sweetener.
- March-April 2014 in The Hague, Netherlands: NHF argued for lower permissible arsenic and lead levels in foods at the Codex Committee on Contaminants in Foods meeting. The debate continues with NHF persistently pushing its views for safer foods.
- April 2014 in Paris, France: NHF participates at the Codex Committee on General Principles meeting where changes in the Codex Procedural Manual are being proposed.
- April 2014 in Atlanta, Georgia: NHF actively participates at a doctor/healthcare-practitioner conference given by Dr. Dan Pompa and where Scott Tips spoke on Codex and health freedom to a large audience.
- May 2014 in Daventry, England: NHF-UK appears in force at the Alternative View 5 conference, where Scott Tips again speaks on Codex and health freedom.
- May-June 2014 in Texas: NHF joins coalition efforts to help with intended passage of a constitutional amendment in Texas guaranteeing Texans their health freedoms.
- July 2014 in Geneva, Switzerland: NHF actively participates in the Codex Alimentarius Commission meeting, where it argues strenuously for decreasing the amount of lead permitted in infant formulas, the levels of arsenic in rice, and against any continued use of aluminum as a food additive.
- September 2014 in The Hague, Netherlands: NHF attends the Codex European regional meeting (styled CCEURO) where NHF is publicly acknowledged by the chairman for its passionate representation of consumer interests.
- October 2014 in Rome, Italy: NHF aggressively argued at the Codex Committee on Food Labeling against the continued erosion of organic standards.
- November 2014 in Birmingham, UK: NHF participates at a nationwide conference where Scott Tips speaks on health freedom to a packed crowd.
- November 2014 in Bali, Indonesia: NHF will actively participate at a pivotal Codex Nutrition Committee meeting on vitamin-and-mineral daily values where NHF will continue its work of stopping our nutrition from being dumbed down.
- March 2013 in Beijing, China: NHF fought at Codex against food additives achieving a 50% reduction in many varieties of aluminum and total elimination of many other varieties; aspartame will be addressed in spring of 2014 in Hong Kong.
- April 2013 in Moscow, Russia: NHF spoke at Codex against arsenic contamination and Ochratoxin A in foods. While in Moscow, NHF President Scott Tips delivered the speech representing the consumer at Codex’s 50th anniversary celebration. Since the National Health Federation is the granddaddy of all health freedom organizations and nearly 60 years old, it was only fitting to be hand-selected for this honor as we’ve protected consumer rights for food safety and supplement and alternative practitioner use longer than any other health freedom organization.
- June 2013 in Chicago, Illinois: NHF attended the Health Freedom Congress in Chicago, sharing our vision with the health freedom organizations in attendance and then joined the Health Freedom Expo hosting a booth and enabling others to express their gifts and talents in health freedom for the World by joining and working alongside NHF.
- July 2013 in Rome, Italy: NHF was in Rome, where the long battle to keep Ractopamine, the dangerous vet steroid, out of meat was lost after four tough years of fighting against it at Codex. Few even know they consume this dangerous vet steroid as it’s labeled, “Natural” or it isn’t labeled at all. Zilpaterol, Ractopamine’s evil partner, will hopefully be defeated and outlawed Globally in 2015 with your help when this Codex meeting occurs again. NHF is working to educate on this.
- August 2013 in Minneapolis, Minnesota: NHF was in Minneapolis, host City for the 21st session of the Codex Committee on Residues of Veterinary Drugs in Foods from August 26-30. NHF successfully helped to get 9 out of 10 dangerous antibiotics out of the Global meat and honey supply and instituted permanent changes to the Codex Procedural Manual to allow future changes to be effected easily, without the lag of red-tape.
- September 2013: NHF hosts a booth at the International Conference on Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine educating health care practitioners about how Codex impacts their practice and their ability to use supplements with effective nutrient levels in them.
- November 2013 in Bad Soden, Germany: NHF attends Codex fighting to preserve current levels of nutrients in supplements and infant formula from dropping further or disappearing altogether.
The Work of Scott Tips
Accomplishments of National Health Federation’s President Scott Tips
- Enlarged the scope of NHF’s influence and the branding by gaining a seat at Codex Alimentarius, thus taking NHF from a heretofore local and national federation onto the International stage of global politics.
- This watershed accomplishment means billions of people on the Planet now have an unbiased advocate speaking for them. With only 5 consumer groups at Codex (including NHF, and with NHF often being the ONLY consumer group present) this is of vital importance to the health of mankind, animal husbandry, and the protection of our soils.
- The seat at Codex Alimentarius also means that NHF has a Voice in setting policy that shapes the way the World will run.
- Scott has participated in more Codex meetings than any other health freedom activist, and paved international relationships by his interactions, personally educating many of the delegates on health, supplements, and health freedom.
- Some of those delegates now, such as South Africa, come to Scott and theNHF for help and protection in regards to safeguarding their supplements, etc.
- Scott also navigated the worst economic downturn in the history of NHF (the Great Recession) by savvy money management, enacting widespread cutbacks, and practicing and teaching frugality personally.
- Scott celebrates his 10th year as President and General Counsel of the National Health Federation
- Scott’s accomplishments have already been recognized many times by many other groups. Most recently he was the recipient of the Health Freedom Award at the Health Freedom Congress, a gathering of the health freedom community.
- Scott produced an excellent publication on Codex, taking it out from behind the veil to expose it to the common man thus empowering them to participate in a typically “closed-door” arena.
- Scott has tirelessly spoken all over the World to groups large and small to educate and expose Codex and NHF’s work in the World.
- Comments received from delegates at Codex and others include: “You are doing the work of God,” and “Scott should be nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize equivalent in the health freedom World.”