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Membership Benefits
Join the National Health Federation and help support the World’s oldest health-freedom organization, becoming part of its members’ combined efforts to advance your rights to alternative health therapies, dietary supplements, and much more!
Our personal pledge is to support and work for our members, by joining the NHF, you will…
Help support the World’s oldest health-freedom organization and become part of its members’ combined efforts to advance your rights to alternative health therapies as well as to those dietary supplements you seek.
Fund lawsuits to protect the rights of alternative doctors, chiropractors, and health-food store owners.
Receive our printed Health Freedom News quarterly magazine covering topics such as the latest health threats, vaccinations, mercury fillings, legislative updates, fluoridation, and nutritional health products.
Stay up-to-date on the NHF issues throughout the year by receiving our E-newsletters.
Have access to our National Health Federation Memorial Library, one of the largest alternative-medicine libraries in the U.S.
Receive pro-health-freedom representation at the annual Codex meetings in Europe.
Support the NHF website, which is updated regularly with hundreds of current articles and alerts that affect your health and health freedom.
Each membership includes a quarterly copy of our Health Freedom News magazine.
Please also consider making a donation to the National Health Federation today, thank you!
Want to Help The NHF Even More?
Alternatively, please feel free to send a check made payable to the “National Health Federation” at the address below, or to call our office with your credit-card information at our telephone number below.