Urge Congress to Take Action on Childhood Vaccine Safety
Decades of Lack of Reporting by Health and Human Services Will Not be Tolerated!
Written by the National Health Federation
Category: Campaigns
In 1986, Congress provided vaccine manufacturers with immunity from lawsuits should a child be hurt in any way by one of their vaccines. This was called the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act.
Congress was to receive safety tests every two years from the Department of Health and Human Services, which instead completely blew it off! Let them hear your voice on this horrific, blatant lapse today!
A recent lawsuit proved that the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has failed to do anything to protect the public’s health when it comes to vaccines, yet has provided plenty of other reports to support and promote vaccinations. They have flown under the radar for 32 years, but now is their day of reckoning along with the Congress that equally failed to demand the accounting.
The safety of our Nation’s children is the National Health Federation’s #1 priority. We demand an accounting from lawmakers and media! Why was this overlooked when other reports from HHS were received? What are you going to do to remedy decades of damage done to children and families from Health and Human Services’ lack of reporting on vaccine safety and breaking their agreement to do so? How will you create accountability to the people you represent going forward?
Hold your representatives accountable here; make your voice heard today!
The National Health Federation will be speaking to represent you at the California Rally for Justice in Sacramento August 6th. The goal of this event is to bring media attention to the fact that California is mandating vaccines for kids that the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) should have been studying and reporting on regularly as required. Yet, there has been a media blackout!
You will have the chance to contact your representatives even if you cannot attend. The NCVIA, National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (note the admission to there having been injury in the title of the law), gave the pharmaceutical companies immunity from vaccine injury lawsuits, and built in these safeguards that are very specific about identifying groups to possibly except, extending the schedule, etc. These mandatory steps that HHS should have taken and reported on to Congress have never been done, yet no one can sue and people are still being forced to vaccinate their children.
You are invited to attend the California Rally for Justice, Monday August 6, 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the State Capitol in Sacramento on the West Steps. If you cannot attend do not fail to make your voice heard by contacting your representatives today!