Americans Must Not Permit Another Weaponized Pandemic
Abolish Biolab Weaponization and create an independent Commission to investigate Public Health Regulatory Capture
One of the big changes following the year-long COVID-19 hysteria is the absolute decline in vaccine enthusiasm, with majorities of health professionals flatly refusing the shot in institutions worldwide [1], and former Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Scott Gottlieb admitting most Americans don’t want the experimental shot.[2] With threats of vaccine mandates and individual, physical tracking in order for any of us to carry out life’s basic requirements – such as working, traveling, and shopping – now is the time for our State representatives to protect informed consent. [3] Will you support the Code changes below to ensure vaccines remain voluntary and completely private? Will you protect our basic rights as Americans?
Vaccine refusal is not new. Nurses for years have opposed vaccine mandates, [4] and more than a third of parents now refuse to follow the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) outrageous childhood vaccination schedule that requires more than 70 doses of vaccines from birth to high-school graduation! [5] Parents have very good reason to hesitate or refuse: new scientific evidence confirms that vaccines leave children with more chronic disease than unvaccinated children.[6] There is NO scientific study (to this day) of the possible, or actual, interaction/s between even only two of the vaccines on the CDC’s schedule administered in a human body simultaneously. Among adults, 60% of Americans now suffer from at least one chronic illness.[7] It is clear that society has reached the tipping point: we either change course now, or we destruct as a people. This march off a cliff cannot continue.
Adults have good reason to resist experimental COVID-19 vaccination, mostly due to lack of long-term testing and increasing reports of outrageous numbers of injury and death.[8] But, most importantly and fundamentally, all vaccines lack legitimate safety testing – as admitted by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services – and this has led to a host of other underreported problems.[9] Where there is risk, one should not mandate but rather fully respect, even demand, informed consent, and provide any and all other available options apart from vaccination!
Now is the time to protect all individuals from mandates, both public and private. We ask all State legislators to amend the following Codes:[10]
(1) Amend Education and Childcare Codes to oppose or prevent vaccine mandates, or at least allow exemptions for medical, religious, or philosophical reasons; refuse parental-free, minor consent; and prohibit mandates by unelected health bureaucrats both during and outside emergency orders.
(2) Amend Occupational or Labor Codes to prohibit vaccine mandates on employees by business owners – including those of medical institutions.
(3) Amend Vaccine Registry laws by repealing them, or at least changing the “opt-out” option to “opt-in,” to protect privacy and limit illegal government snooping on innocent Americans. Databases leak and they can be shared with other agencies and entities, ultimately eliminating the rights of vaccine refusers. Along this same line, Identification and Driver’s License Codes must be amended by prohibiting denial or use of either to discriminate against individuals based upon their vaccination status.
(4) Amend Civil Rights and Public Accommodation laws, to prohibit civil rights discrimination by employers against customers merely trying to shop, travel, enjoy entertainment, and go about their life and business.
(5) Amend Medical Practice Codes to prohibit all medical institutions from denying services to unvaccinated patients.
Thank you for amending the above Codes to protect individual rights to work, shop, travel, and live our lives without having to prove vaccination or sacrifice privacy or informed consent.
[1] https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/nurses-hospital-staff-refuse-to-take-covid-vaccine-in-large-numbers
[2] https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9164903/Former-FDA-chief-estimates-population-want-COVID-vaccine.html
[3] https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/individual-rights-freedoms-under-siege-covid-era/
[4] https://nurse.org/articles/vaccine-controversy-within-the-nursing-profession/
[5] https://abcnews.go.com/Health/parents-delaying-giving-vaccines-children-study/story?id=69141494
[6] https://informedconsentdefense.org/
[7] https://www.cdc.gov/chronicdisease/index.htm
[8] https://thehighwire.com/widespread-allergic-reactions-making-vaccine-safety-front-page-news/
[9] https://childrenshealthdefense.org/protecting-our-future/facts-you-can-use/10-facts-every-parent-needs-to-know-about-vaccinations/
[10] https://nvicadvocacy.org/members/Resources/LegislativeVaccineIssues/PreventMandates.aspx
NHF relies upon your support for its work at Codex meetings and in many other areas where our health and health freedoms are at risk. Without your financial support, we cannot attend these meetings, maintain a lobbyist in Washington, or conduct our health-freedom campaigns. NHF protects the food you eat, the natural doctors you see, and the health products and vitamins you buy. NHF fights for your health choices and the freedom to make them. Please donate by clicking on the Donate button below. Thank you.
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