The suppression of free speech gains momentum as drug companies panic
By Scott C. Tips
As more and more people wake up to the fact that they are being taken for fools in this COVID-19 pandemic, the mainstream and online corporate and social-media platforms react by suffocating any news that contradicts their dogma that COVID-19 is the most dangerous virus since the bubonic plague. The facts, which include a 99.5% survival rate, tell a completely different story though. Back in the 14th century, the bubonic plague killed off one-third (some say 60%) of Europe’s population, while tuberculosis kills at least 1.4 million people annually to this very day. Even the Hong Kong flu in 1968-1969 killed 3-1/2 times more people than COVID-19; and, yet, the authorities and media continue to dish out a rotten swill that too many people are still willing to eat up. A large part of their success stems from their ability to censor any truthful messages that reveal that COVID-19 is not as dangerous to the majority of people as portrayed and that masks, social distancing, and lockdowns cause more harm than benefit.
So, it was no surprise, then, that during the last week of August 2020, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) clarified the COVID-19 mortality count in America. It seems that instead of the six-figure inflated death toll from this coronavirus, only 6% of that number, or 9,683 Americans, died from COVID-19 alone. Now, I will hasten to add before anyone lambasts me for using the word “only” that even one or two deaths are tragic; but when compared to the death-rate predictions pitched by Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Deborah Birx in early March 2020, this corrected death toll is far less than they predicted, and even less than during a severe flu season. And for this, they shut down economies across the World, destroying small businesses and jobs, increasing the suicide and divorce rates, and killing individual liberties? And are still doing so? It is absolutely insane.
The current justification for lockdowns and other controls is that the coronavirus case rate has been increasing. But that is only an artifact of the greatly increased “testing” with its many false positives, falsified tests from people who never even took the test, and confusion between an actual viral infection with viral fragments that result from a successful human-immune system defense against COVID-19 or even the seasonal flu. The PCR test simply cannot tell the difference between an existing infection and an historical one.
To form a true picture of the COVID-19 threat, we must look at the mortality rate, which has been dropping like a rock ever since Summer 2020 (with increased Vitamin-D levels from Sun exposure) began. With its low sickness rate, low mortality rate, and empty ICUs, the COVID-19 epidemic is long since over. Yet, the propaganda machine grinds on.
Suppress the Truth
Even worse, the propaganda machine has warped into a united Ministry of Truth that suppresses all dissent from the official party line. This censorship seems rudely out of place in an internet age where near-universal and almost instant access to information is possible and taken as a given.
Yet, censorship examples abound. Facebook will not permit any articles from The Gateway Pundit online news site to be posted to its pages. In December 2018, Pinterest banned the popular GreenMedInfo.com website, the largest evidence-based natural-health resource, because it had posted natural health and vaccine-safety information. More recently, Instagram de-platformed GreenMedInfo.com as well.
And Google has stopped ranking natural-health websites that are not on Google’s approved list. GreenMedInfo.com was just one of those, while the Dr. Axe, PaleoHacks, Robb Wolf, Top10HomeRemedies, and Dr. Mercola websites were among the many others. Readership of unranked sites plummeted as a result. At the same time, establishment websites such as WebMD and the Mayo Clinic saw their rankings rise.
In June 2019, the email service provider Mailchimp announced that it had shut down a number of accounts, including GreenMedInfo.com, for their “anti-vaccination content.” Interestingly enough, Mailchimp partners with the CDC Foundation, which also has as its partners such vaccine makers as Pfizer, Novartis, Merck, Sanofi Pasteur, and GlaxoSmithKline.
Also beginning in June 2019, Google, YouTube, Twitter, and Spotify all actively suppressed and banned Mercola.com content. Dr. Mercola’s crime? He featured interviews with doctors and scientists who challenged the mainstream medical narrative, including later the mass lies about COVID-19.
Later that same month, as comprehensively documented by GreenMedInfo, Google manipulated its search suggestions to steer people towards drugs and away from natural remedies. Other auto-search suggestions such as “chiropractic is fake” and “organic is a lie” populate the auto-search field when a user asks Google to search “chiropractic” or “organic.”
When Jeff T. Bowles came out in May 2020 with his excellent eBook 16 Fascinating COVID-19 & Spanish Flu Mysteries Solved! and tried to self-publish it on Amazon as he had done with several previous best-selling books, Amazon allowed its publication but then banned it with the feeble excuse that it “did not meet the company’s guidelines.” Bowles’ book showed the close correlation between endogenous Vitamin-D production and resistance to COVID-19, not exactly a welcome message in our money-driven, vaccine-happy age. The average American health-food store has more ammunition on its shelves to effectively fight COVID-19 in its early stages than the typical hospital. But you would never know it from the mainstream media, internet search engines, or social media unless you knew where to look, and even then it might not be possible. Ironically, those very health-food stores were deemed “non-essential” and forced to close during the lockdowns.
YouTube’s CEO Susan Wojcicki even unabashedly stated that the company will censor any video that contradicts the World Health Organization’s pronouncements on the COVID-19 pandemic. This censorship not only includes health-freedom and allegedly “fringe” videos but also those by licensed medical doctors and researchers – such as by the group called America’s Frontline Doctors – who are simply engaged in scientific debate and discussions.
As My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell tweeted, “I am tired of the censorship! Anderson Cooper called me a snake oil salesman because I’m trying to get the FDA to test a supplement that I’ve seen work. And Twitter keeps taking my followers!” [August 28, 2020] This has become an all-too-common experience among natural healthcare advocates and practitioners, especially those who have large followings.
Just ask Mikki Willis, the co-producer of the gone-viral documentary series Plandemic. With one billion views online, he notes that Plandemic Part 1 is the most viewed and most banned documentary of all time. Virtually every single time that the film or a link to the film is posted on social media, it is peremptorily removed as a violation of “community” standards. The blowback, however, has been ferocious. Plandemic’s producer Kelly Gallagher proudly states, “As a result of this first 24-minute film about a ‘virus’ going viral online and in the minds of people, a coalition of over 27,000 doctors has formed in support of a call to reform our corrupt global healthcare systems.”
Still, we can never forget Wikipedia with its horde of pro-drug industry internet shills who sit on the Wikipedia website and make certain that health-freedom organizations such as the National Health Federation (NHF), well-known natural-health doctors, and even healthy supplements are depicted in the worst possible light in their Wikipedia listings. NHF’s own listing in Wikipedia was changed from a relatively neutral tone to a condemnatory and dismissive one. When NHF tried to eliminate these negative and misleading portrayals with new edits, the new edits were promptly eliminated and then NHF’s attorney was ordered by an anonymous Wikipedia troll to stop making any editorial changes “or else.” So much for fairness in media.
Acutely sensitive to any criticism that might threaten their cartel, the medical monopoly – which now, by the way, includes such drug companies as Google and the CDC – has closed ranks against those of us who wish to communicate truthful information that will save lives. Censorship is one of the main weapons in the medical mafia’s arsenal of arms for stopping the spread of any dissenting views.
For What Reason?
Money. Pure and simple. There are billions, perhaps even trillions, of dollars to be made from the planned billions of mandated COVID-19 vaccine doses, with little to no downside for the manufacturers, which have legal immunity. The vaccine makers know this and that is why they are scrambling over each other like Halloween-candy-crazed kids to implement “Operation Warp Speed” while trashing and suppressing all of the far-less-expensive medical solutions that are out there. In the ten years from 2007 to 2016, the vaccine makers enjoyed a rise in annual revenues from vaccine sales of $20 billion to over $50 billion. They definitely do not want us breaking their rice bowls.
Three drugs makers – AstraZeneca, Moderna, and the Pfizer/BioNTech alliance – have progressed far with their Phase-3 clinical trials on tens of thousands of participants. The Russians and Chinese have already developed their own vaccines. They all hope that their cash machine will start ringing soon.
Unfortunately, as well, as reported by Whitney Webb in late August 2020, the drug company Emergent BioSolutions is set to participate “in manufacturing the U.S. government’s COVID-19 vaccine candidate of choice in spite of their horrendous track record on product testing and product safety.” It seems that Emergent’s treatment for nerve-gas exposure, “Trobigard,” not only failed to work but was untested for safety or efficacy even as the company was marketing the product to the government. [See https://www.unz.com/wwebb/company-set-to-manufacture-covid-19-vaccine-for-us-intentionally-sold-faulty-biodefense-products/]
But that did not seem to matter in the face of Emergent’s close ties with the U.S. military and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, including its revolving-door exchanges of executives. Regardless, with all of the Western drug makers having a track record that includes massive fines levied against them for wrongful activities, I can safely predict that whatever COVID-19 vaccine or vaccines are selected to go to market for mandatory or voluntary use, they will not have been adequately tested for safety or efficacy and will indeed be dangerous, even more dangerous than the coronavirus they are meant to protect us against. Besides, it is going to be very difficult to mandate a vaccine when the COVID-19 mortality rate has dropped to less than 1%.
The Solution
Political action to stop this one-sided censorship has largely been unsuccessful. So, some censored organizations are instead taking legal action against their tormentors. The Children’s Health Defense (CHD), for one, filed a lawsuit in late August 2020 in California Federal Court alleging that Facebook, its CEO Mark Zuckerberg, and the organizations Science Feedback, Poynter, and PolitiFact acted in concert with the Federal government to infringe its First and Fifth Amendment rights. The lawsuit also alleges that Facebook and certain of its co-defendants colluded to commit wire fraud by blocking anti-vaccine ads that CHD had been placing and wished to place. CHD has the support and good wishes of many in its lawsuit.
In a different strategy, another organization, the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, announced in August 2020 that it was suing the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for not allowing physicians to use the inexpensive and effective off-patent medication hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19 patients. Hydroxychloroquine has been used medically for some 70 years and the Association favors its use in treating COVID-19 infections. On the other hand, the FDA gave permission on August 28, 2020, for the expensive antiviral drug Remdesivir to be used on all patients hospitalized with COVID-19, even though no published research supports its use.
A third approach is to make all who promoted the unnecessary COVID-19 lockdowns financially responsible for the enormous losses incurred as a result. According to German-American lawyer Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, a class-action lawsuit making lockdown victims financially whole “is not only legally possible, but it will also make very clear sense economically.” [https://www.targetliberty.com/2020/08/coming-class-action-suit-against-those.html] He has gained some significant support for his intended, sweeping lawsuit.
While courts have ruled that under the Communications Decency Act, social-media platforms and providers of interactive computer services are not generally liable for content posted or published by authors, those decisions have been based upon the notion that such companies are not publishers or information content providers. However, by taking the step of actually becoming an active censor of content, that is by involving themselves in the content of their posts or publications, these companies risk losing that valuable exemption.
Reverse Cassandras
The NHF has been a “Cassandra.” Cassandra was the Trojan prophetess who correctly predicted the downfall of Troy at the hands of the Greeks. Sadly, no one believed her. While many have believed us, in my opinion, not enough have. Dr. Fauci, on the other hand, is a Reverse Cassandra. He gives false predictions, and yet almost everyone believes him. A large part of the reason is that the messages proving him wrong are instantly blocked throughout social and mainstream media.
In a perfect world, all information would flow freely and easily. We would all have access to all of the facts and be able to then make the best decisions for ourselves, our families, and our businesses, not to mention the country, based upon those facts. Where certain mega-corporations and their governmental hand-maidens have acted to restrict and suppress the free flow of information based upon their own personal financial and power interests, then it is time for all of us to act decisively through legal action, boycotts, use of alternative sites such as BitChute, and other lawful actions to take back our access and end this wrongful censorship.
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