Jay Newman has been a business leader in the field of natural health for over twenty years. He is founder and CEO of Invision International Health Solutions, Inc. He is also co-inventor of its patented ionic silver complex, Opti-Silver. Opti-Silver is a powerful, broad-spectrum antibacterial and antiviral agent designed for internal human use that has no undesirable side effects at all with normal use. Mary Meeker, the former head of technology for Morgan Stanley, who is legendary for having funded Microsoft, AOL, Dell and Amazon during their very early stages, has predicted that the Opti-Silver technology “may lead to a billion-dollar company and make history changing the world of antibiotics, both from a financial point of view and a humanitarian point of view”. Bill Deagle, M.D., host of the Nutri-Medical radio show, has called the Opti-Silver technology “as much of an advancement in the medical field as the printing press and microchip were in their fields.”
Jay has been interviewed on Good Morning America and NBC TV News as a leading expert in the field of ionic silver and colloidal silver. Before founding Invision International Health Solutions, Jay was in the high-tech field. A high-school dropout who decided to turn the world into his library and find his teachers in the real world, he had the head of the Entrepreneurial Department at Harvard University and the Dean of the College of Management at Georgia Tech as mentors and as members of his Board of Advisors. He also had the same attorney and accountant as Steven Jobs of Apple Computer. It was Ross Perot who persuaded Jay, over twenty years ago, to walk away from high-tech and follow his passion in natural health.