Sayer Ji, NHF Advisory Board
Dear Friend of Health Freedom,
Our good friend at GreenMed Info, International Health Expert and Advisory Board member with the National Health Federation, Sayer Ji will co-host of the 5G Wireless Summit. Sayer has reached out to you here, inviting you to better understand the dangers of 5G and learn how to implement better solutions in your home and in your community!
5G wireless is a disaster of catastrophic proportions… You have most likely heard of 5G by now. It is a growing threat causing biological harm. 5G stands for fifth-generation cellular wireless.
What does it mean to you and your family? 5G is a higher frequency, therefore it travels shorter distances than our current wireless signals. Because of this exponentially more transmission devices must be installed to provide connectivity — millions more, in fact, on lamp posts, telephone poles, and other rights-of-way for existing utilities. Each tower will emit radiation at levels known to cause cancer, sterility, DNA damage, and other harm… especially to our children, who are most at risk. And this is only what we do know. But it is always what we don’t know that gets us.
In a February 2019 U.S. Senate hearing, the wireless industry was forced to admit they have no safety studies on 5G, and don’t plan to do any!
The industry HAS NOT shown it to be safe for your health or privacy — yet THOUSANDS of peer-reviewed, independent studies show the risks it presents — and they are rolling it out anyway.
Hundreds of scientists from 40 different countries have reached out to the United Nations and the FCC, asking them to consider health risks and environmental issues before rapidly deploying 5G. These researchers have studies that show adverse biological and health effects from EMF sources.
Despite this, the wireless industry is working with governments to deploy 5G — it’s a global, for-profit, human experiment… without our consent.
We feel so strongly about this we will be sending you more actionable information within days. Watch for it. Meantime, listen to what Sayer is sharing here: https://thenhf.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/5G-Crisis-Awareness.mp4
Scott C. Tips, President
National Health Federation
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