…via Pesticides, GMOs, over-vaccination and a dangerous reliance on Wireless Tech
Many now correctly blame chronic disease – the real epidemic – on synergistic, environmental pollution of our air, water, medical treatments, food, and land.1 The latter two suffer from factory-farm abuse of pesticides and genetic modification, vaccination of livestock (and crops!), and increasing reliance by farmers on radiation-emitting technology. The National Health Federation urges opposition to aggravation of this toxicity by politicians in Congress and the 50 States.
The biggest culprit is the congressional FARM bill, with provisions to block (section 10205) local organic requirements, preempt (sect. 10402) pesticide lawsuits, further muzzle (sect. 10201) disclosure or limits on genetic modified organisms, and subsidize (sect. 6502 of Senate version) wireless technology blamed by a court for causing a twenty percent culling of a farmer’s cows and similar depletion of milk yield.2
Not only did one court at least temporarily shut down a wireless antenna for committing significant damage on livestock and yield, but the studies are numerous regarding the threat of wireless on the soil biome and the domestic food supply.3 Similar radiation emissions will explode if the Senate joins the House in passing HR 1339, directing the FCC to set standards for satellite connection with the growing mesh of agriculture antennas. We also support the congressional resolution to overturn the U.S. Agriculture Department’s forced tracking of livestock with Radio Frequency Identification (RFID).4
With the consumer explosion in demand for food that’s organic, local, and non-GMO, it shocks Americans to learn that Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulation of pesticides and herbicides still allows 85 of such products banned in the European Union.5 And while local communities have banned chemical fertilizers in parks and public lands, politicians are seeking in the Farm Bill to preempt local organic requirements.6 We need, instead, U.S. Senator Booker’s “Protect America’s Children From Toxic Pesticides Act,” to limit some pesticides and protect local communities’ power to replace pesticides with organic land management and pest preventive building management practices.7
Herbicide use is skyrocketing in the U.S., up 30 percent from 2005 to 2012, mainly to facilitate the use of genetically engineered crops.8 The unavoidable truth is that it’s only a matter of time before plants will develop resistance to any approved pesticide as they have already done for glyphosate.9 And glyphosate represents one pesticide not directly targeted in the Booker bill. As award-winning journalist Sharyl Attkisson has reported, over 90% of school lunches are contaminated with glyphosate.10 Indeed, in this report, over 3/4ths of children’s meals had almost 30 pesticides – including veterinarian drugs injected into farm animals. Nevertheless, we support Mr. Booker’s bill as a necessary first step towards closing the most egregious EPA loopholes, respecting European Union pesticide bans, and empowering local communities to protect citizens.
Excessive vaccination of livestock came to light in National Health Federation’s monthly Health Freedom Brainstorm, when holistic veterinarian Will Winter claimed hog farmers had secretly been injecting pigs with gene-modifying mRNA vaccination.11 Missouri acted quickly to consider prohibiting gene-altering health care without disclosure and consent, a bill that needs replicating in all of the 50 States.12 Further, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Department of Agriculture (USDA), and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) must prohibit food sales without labels identifying (and limiting) all vaccines and any gene alteration.
The latter is important for any food label because industry is trying to replace animal meat with that genetically engineered in a lab, without any notice to the public!13 The former is necessary because even organic farms allow vaccination – under ridiculously inadequate testing procedures – something consumers certainly deserve to be informed about.14 It seems that vaccines have become an excuse for farms to remain as factory farms, where animals suffer stress that hurts their immunity, rendering them more susceptible to disease and being unhealthy.15
Senator Booker (D-NJ) has another bill, to incentivize factory farms to end their abusive practice of small lot-housing of the animals, their feed and their feces; while Congressman Thomas Massie (R-KY) has a bill to allow superior, local-meat processing to exist (addressing one study in which USDA-inspected large facilities suffer 150 weekly hygiene violations such as meat contaminated with blood, septicemic disease, and feces).16 And if there is an outbreak of, say, Foot and Mouth Disease, the protocols short of vaccination are clear: slaughter all infected animals, movement bans, tracing, quarantine, and surveillance.17 Farms that restore traditional practices are the ones that have learned about alternatives to over-vaccination, among other things.18
USDA guidelines already allow beef to be labeled “No Hormones Administered,” so amending this label should be easy.19 The FDA inspects unsanitary conditions on farms and slaughterhouses, which can include adulteration via excessive residues from drugs (including growth-distorting antibiotics), so their “tolerance” guidelines could be strengthened to forbid vaccines that alter genetics.20 The FDA’s “withdrawal” periods (during which no drugs may be administered to the animal so that any remaining drug residues in the meat at time of slaughter are thought to be safe for human consumption) should also be extended because of the industry’s manipulation of vaccines that hamper cell destruction of mRNA.21
Defenders of Big Pharma claim that withdrawal periods are sufficiently long – 2 months usually, but sometimes almost as little as 2 weeks (and in the case of ractopamine and zilpaterol there’s no withdrawal period) – to protect humans from dangerous residues.22 But the esteemed Dr. Campbell found injected mRNA to last at least one month in humans, while others have found life-long existence of injected spike in animals.23 Surely consumers deserve informed consent and transparent labeling – including the animals’ treatment records and if the product was genetically modified – of any food they are eating! Anything less is fraudulent and misleading.
The same secretive use of novel vaccination came to light in the congressional appropriations process when the House passed Rep. Massie’s (R-KY) amendment to defund research into “edible” vaccines (the Frankenstein-like insertion of toxic chemicals & mechanisms via our food, without informed consent).24 We’re glad certain farmers are advertising a promise never to endanger humans with the sale of such vaccinated food. Until Congress stops kowtowing to special interest corruption, we urge consumers to seek trusted labels like “NoGMO Project” – and patronize local farmers who promise to provide healthy food.
Not only should gene-modifying shots be banned, and GMO limits be stricken from the FARM bill, but also Congress (and the States) should ban (or at least disclose) genetic modification of all food. At the very least we should muzzle our government from pressuring Mexico to adopt America’s poisonous GMO corn mandate.25 Russia, in fact, may have a lesson for the West – treating violations of a GMO Ban as acts of terrorism.26 As Americans (and humanity at large) are educated to seek natural (healthy) food, farmers should respond with organic – and “regenerative” – techniques. Only with a wholesale improvement in agriculture practices can we hope to ever mitigate the real epidemic – chronic disease.
1. https://x.com/Holden_Culotta/status/1781724974295699615
2. https://beyondpesticides.org/dailynewsblog/2022/04/industry-money-and-politics-drives-legislation-to-squelch-local-pesticide-restrictions/?iframe=1; https://beyondpesticides.org/dailynewsblog/2024/05/house-republican-farm-bill-draft-would-cripple-pesticide-restrictions-advocates-say/; https://beyondpesticides.org/dailynewsblog/2024/05/house-republican-farm-bill-draft-would-cripple-pesticide-restrictions-advocates-say/; https://www.connexionfrance.com/news/french-court-orders-4g-antenna-switch-off-over-cow-health-concerns/181324
3. https://thenationalcall.org/ag-tech/
5. https://farmandranchfreedom.org/fight-animal-id-action-alert/; https://ota.com/news/press-releases/21755?iframe=1; https://www.ehn.org/banned-pesticides-allowed-in-us–2649743719.html?iframe=1
6. https://beyondpesticides.org/dailynewsblog/2022/04/industry-money-and-politics-drives-legislation-to-squelch-local-pesticide-restrictions/?iframe=1; https://www.thenewlede.org/2023/02/bill-to-strengthen-pesticide-protections-offers-farm-bill-wish-list/?iframe=1; https://beyondpesticides.org/dailynewsblog/2023/02/codifying-local-authority-to-restrict-pesticides-in-federal-law/?iframe=1
8. https://biologicaldiversity.org/w/news/press-releases/opening-brief-filed-in-lawsuit-challenging-trump-administrations-expansion-of-bee-killing-insecticide-sulfoxaflor-2021-02-17/?iframe=1; https://www.organicconsumers.org/news/ever-heard-of-isoxaflutole-thats-about-to-change?iframe=1; https://www.treehugger.com/glyphosate-food-consumer-information-4867938?iframe=1
10. https://sharylattkisson.com/2022/10/report-school-lunches-laden-with-high-levels-of-toxic-heavy-metals-and-glyphosate/?iframe=1
11. https://rumble.com/v2pdzu4-may-monthly-health-freedom-brainstorm-with-guests-zen-honeycutt-and-will-wi.html
12. https://twitter.com/RenzTom/status/1642229969555259395?s=20&iframe=1
13. https://advocacy.organicconsumers.org/page/50222/petition/1?iframe=1; https://www.usda.gov/media/blog/2020/10/27/organic-101-allowed-and-prohibited-substances?iframe=1; 16. https://yournews.com/2023/04/11/2552226/are-you-eating-pork-injected-with-mercks-mrna-livestock-vaccine/?iframe=1
14. https://truthout.org/articles/factory-farm-conditions-are-unhealthy-for-animals-and-bad-for-people-too/?iframe=1
15. https://advocacy.organicconsumers.org/page/16004/action/1?locale=en-US&iframe=1; https://massie.house.gov/news/documentsingle.aspx?DocumentID=395216&iframe=1; https://truthout.org/articles/factory-farm-conditions-are-unhealthy-for-animals-and-bad-for-people-too/?iframe=1
16. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-07-17/why-isnt-australia-vaccinating-against-foot-and-mouth-disease/101220094?iframe=1
17. https://eorganic.org/node/8000?iframe=1
19. https://truthout.org/articles/factory-farm-conditions-are-unhealthy-for-animals-and-bad-for-people-too/?iframe=1
19. https://www.fda.gov/animal-veterinary/animal-health-literacy/adequate-records-help-prevent-illegal-drug-residues-and-ensure-food-safety?iframe=1; https://www.fda.gov/animal-veterinary/animal-health-literacy/adequate-records-help-prevent-illegal-drug-residues-and-ensure-food-safety?iframe=1; https://www.ers.usda.gov/amber-waves/2015/november/restrictions-on-antibiotic-use-for-production-purposes-in-u-s-livestock-industries-likely-to-have-small-effects-on-prices-and-quantities/?iframe=1
20. https://yournews.com/2023/04/11/2552226/are-you-eating-pork-injected-with-mercks-mrna-livestock-vaccine/?iframe=1
21. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2023/04/17/fact-check-no-mrna-vaccine-approved-cattle-us/11608583002/?iframe=1; https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2023/02/15/fact-check-false-claim-mrna-vaccines-food-supply/11218991002/?iframe=1
22. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fWVxVd6IGgg&iframe=1; https://yournews.com/2023/04/11/2552226/are-you-eating-pork-injected-with-mercks-mrna-livestock-vaccine/?iframe=1
23. https://x.com/RobSchneider/status/1707169750366015933?s=20&iframe=1
24. https://x.com/GMOFreeUSA/status/1809923069890236883
25. https://x.com/iammrpaddie/status/1810292076807946642
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