Aviation-induced Cloudiness makes a bigger threat than Climate Change
With COVID-19 corruption leading half of America by late 2023 to lose trust in scientific authorities, Americans are less gullible than ever to government declarations about problems that matter most, such as chronic illness – the real epidemic now affecting over half the population.1 The explanation for the real epidemic given by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. appears more reliable: synergistic toxicity from the pollution of our land, water, air, food, and medicine.2 However, the poisoning of our atmosphere may outweigh these other environmental pollutants in harmfulness.
Various forms of atmospheric pollution (e.g., graphene and radiofrequency/microwave radiation) do not only sicken and kill, but also effect the construction of a Digital Prison – planned via United Nations Agenda 2030 – within the Internet of Bodies (IoB) under a CCP-style, totalitarian Artificial Intelligence (AI) biometric control.3 Known by various names, including weather modification, solar radiation management (SRM) and geoengineering, we urge each of our 50 States, together with the Federal Government, to disclose the facts of these polluting activities, and ban geoengineering altogether.
An overwhelming number of Americans told Pew Research in 2021 that they understand what solar geoengineering and cloud seeding are, expressed opposition to them, and agreed with the statement that both “will be used before we fully understand how they affect the Earth’s ecosystems.”4
Those opposing aviation-induced cloudiness had hoped that a 2015 proposal from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would clean up geoengineering pollutants. When finalized in 2020, however, the Rule omitted toxic-cloud formation and the emission of harmful metallic and other aerosols attributed to Alzheimer’s, autism, cancer, and a plethora of other debilitating illnesses.5 Sadly, a 2021 report entitled the “Federal Weather Enterprise” stated on p.22, “[R]educed attention is being paid to the effects of airborne toxins, ozone, and fine particulate matter on human health, and the impact of air pollution on human health and sensitive ecosystems,” revealing that the EPA would pay even less attention to air-pollution health effects.6
In the following year, tragically, the Biden Administration proposed a 5-year “Solar Radiation Modification” research governance plan that would place State constituents under programs at once military and experimental, intentionally releasing hazards – chemical, [trans]biological and physical – upon them, knowingly causing harm to people, property, and the environment.7 Worse, the Administration’s proposal also directs other US agencies – such as the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Department of Energy, National Science Foundation, et al. – to engage in “atmospheric aerosol dispersion” experiments coordinated by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO).8 While the Federal government needs to separate from global diktats violating American sovereignty, States too need to refuse compliance with such global threats to sovereignty or suffer even worse by default.
Enemies foreign and domestic can now – on the verge of world war – release chemical and physical pollutants in terror attacks upon our State territories. Therefore, while introducing their own bills, State legislators must urge the U.S. Congress to halt SRM and other geoengineering funding and require testing to ensure aviation release compliance. Since 2017, State policymakers in Rhode Island, Ohio, New Hampshire, Kentucky, Tennessee, Minnesota, South Dakota, Illinois, South Carolina, and Connecticut have introduced legislation banning geoengineering and weather modification activities.9 Notably, a northeast regional block of States took matters into their own hands in 2010 and banned the fuel additive sulfur dioxide, a cause of acid rain as well as asthma in children and the elderly.10
However, dozens of States allow weather modification, often with support from the EPA.11 For this reason, in addition to the current State bills to prohibit geoengineering, we urge State Attorneys General to help ban geoengineering while studying the extant aviation-induced cloudiness for SRM.
Such study should include observation and analysis, such as rainwater-sample collection and testing to learn the types of chemical releases by aviation and the deployment of RF/microwave radiation in connection thereto. EPA manages monitoring stations, but locations are few; and collection rules exclude certain potential toxicants and the micro amounts used. A proposal to “End Atmospheric Experimentation Without Notification” from an organization called “ClimateViewer” has good language on necessary data collection.12 The substantiated facts are needed to prosecute those engaged in deploying hazards, whether or not claimed for “experimentation” upon people and the environment.
Until Federal agencies cease polluting the atmosphere – and stop colluding with international entities to do so – the States must ban all forms of geoengineering, collecting data toward enforcement as they do.
1. https://www.newsweek.com/who-do-you-trust-opinion-1787783?iframe=1&iframe=1
2. https://x.com/Holden_Culotta/status/1781724974295699615
3. https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/graphene-skies/; https://national-health-federation.rallycongress.net/ctas/stop-wireless-mesh?iframe=1; https://x.com/JustinWeRchange/status/1731469179293728842; https://zero5g.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/The-Internet-of-Bodies-3.pdf
4. https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2021/06/11/u-s-adults-have-mixed-views-on-whether-geoengineering-would-help-reduce-effects-of-climate-change/?iframe=1
5. https://www.epa.gov/regulations-emissions-vehicles-and-engines/regulations-greenhouse-gas-emissions-aircraft?iframe=1
6. https://zerogeoengineering.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/2021_fedrep.pdf?iframe=1
7. https://www.cnbc.com/2022/10/13/what-is-solar-geoengineering-sunlight-reflection-risks-and-benefits.html?iframe=1
8. https://zerogeoengineering.com/2019/reaerosols-global-atmosphere-watch-gaw-implementation-plan-2016-2023/?iframe=1
9. https://zerogeoengineering.com/take-action-usa/
10. https://www.nj.gov/dep/newsrel/2010/10_0086.htm?iframe=1
11. https://zerogeoengineering.com/2021/weather-modification-project-locations/
12. https://climateviewer.com/enmod/
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