When 95% Vaccine Effectiveness Is Really Less Than 1%, and You Want to Pass Your COVID-19 Test, You Should Know That Garlic, Zinc, and Resveratrol Inhibit the Polymerase Enzyme upon Which the Test Is Based. So, Here’s Why I Might Opt for A Garlic Clove Over Vaccination

The news headline is that COVID-19 vaccines are 95% effective against COVID-19 corona virus. However, vaccines for other infectious diseases only have a 33.4% success rate. What gives?
The 95% Effectiveness Number Is Questioned
The effectiveness of a vaccine cannot exceed the infection rate of the population. If there are 100 million people and 1 million will become infected, a vaccine cannot possibly benefit more than 1 in 100, or 1%.
In the District of Columbia, as of November 29, 2020, 306,447 DC residents have been tested and 21,552 (7%) of those tested positive; 680 deaths were attributed to COVID-19 (2/10ths of one percent). Maybe only 6% of these deaths were attributed to COVID-19 infection alone, or 41 deaths which is 1.3 deaths per 10,000 people. The effectiveness of a vaccine in regard to mortality cannot exceed that number. In regard to its effectiveness to prevent infection, using the data above, a COVID-19 vaccine could not exceed 7% effectiveness because those were all who were infected.
Yet, COVID-19 vaccines currently entering preliminary clinical studies are now being touted as 95+% effective at quelling symptoms, at least temporarily.
Examination of an RNA Vaccine
Using the above figures, if you vaccinate the entire population of Americans, 325,000,000, about 1,950,000 (6 in 1,000 or 6/10ths of one percent) would totally avert severe symptoms should they be infected with COVID-19 in the immediate period following inoculation with Moderna’s COVID-19 RNA vaccine. But, it remains unknown whether the vaccine prevents infection altogether or whether it even saves lives. 1 out of 166 Americans would still get infected but not experience severe symptoms.
But confounding as it is, a good fever is needed to produce long-lasting antibodies. For me, I might opt for a clove of garlic. Let me tell you why.
The Moderna RNA Vaccine
The COVID-19 vaccine I am using as an example is Moderna’s new RNA COVID-19 vaccine that attempts to genetically change our cells to produce the very antigen that triggers the production of viral-specific antibodies. But antibodies are not long lasting and what is really protecting us against infection are the T cells, and in particular memory T cells that produce long-lasting immunity.
Within a short period following inoculation with Moderna’s RNA vaccine, 5 of 15,000 people experienced symptoms (none severe) versus 90 of 15,000 people who exhibited symptoms of COVID-19 (15 severe cases) after being given an inactive placebo. So, you have to vaccinate all 325,000,000 Americans to calm or eliminate symptoms of COVID-19 in 1-in-166 people. That is a pretty low bar for vaccine manufacturers as a hurdle to gain FDA licensure.
Mass Vaccination Represents Over-Vaccination
Since only a few people will be infected with COVID-19 at any given time, mass vaccination programs represent over-vaccination. It would be more appropriate, and safer, to treat the few people who do develop COVID-19-related symptoms than expose an entire population to an unproven vaccine that could produce more side effects than the disease itself.
Just a 1% vaccine side effect rate would put 3,250,000 Americans in sick bay versus an estimated 1,950,000 COVID-19-infected Americans who would just avert severe side effects.
Vaccine vs. Placebo Is Not Real World
But comparing vaccines with next to nothing (inactive placebo) is not a real-world test. People try to avoid having to deal with a week-long bout of the flu or a cold by taking preventive action (vitamins, minerals, herbs), or at least they take something once symptoms arise, to quell a fever that ironically is necessary for adequate antibodies to be produced. Inexplicably, modern medicine has nothing except vaccines to prevent infectious disease.
Vaccines Are Not the Only Route to Immunity
I would like you to know that exposure to anything that is mildly noxious will cause your immune system to be activated.
For example, probiotics like acidophilus are non-pathogenic bacteria that provoke the immune system to produce armies of white blood cells (neutrophils, macrophages, natural killer (NK) cells, etc.) to seek out and destroy any incoming pathogenic bacteria, viruses, or fungi in the digestive tract.
Or, as another example, a crushed garlic clove, which contains a very pungent organosulfur molecule called allicin, alerts the immune system to be activated. (The trick is that the clove must be crushed prior to consumption or the stomach acid will negate the enzymatic conversion of alliin in garlic to allicin. Or, an alkalinized garlic capsule negates stomach acid and facilitates conversion of alliin to allicin, the primary active ingredient in garlic.)
Yet another example would be Vitamin-D capsules, which, as a mimic of sunburn, activate squads of white blood cells – neutrophils and macrophages – to optimize the immune system. They also advantageously calm down the ratio of neutrophils to other white blood cells that produce inflammation. In other words, Vitamin D remarkably “normalizes” the immune response instead of provoking autoimmunity, i.e., the “body against itself.”
So, there is prevention of COVID-19 infection with natural remedies, to mention only a few here. These natural remedies also serve as back-up when, and should, vaccines fail, which, frankly, they all-too-often do.
Beware of Heavy Metal Vaccine Adjuvants
So now you take a vaccine loaded with adjuvants (toxins) such as aluminum or squalene to provoke an immune response, and who knows if the adjuvant is producing all the immediate “benefits” (and side effects) of the vaccine rather than the attenuated virus in the vaccine?
Beware: Aluminum adjuvants can potentially induce autoimmunity, long-term brain inflammation, and can cause long-term complications.
Long-Term Memory T Cells vs. Transient Antibodies
With the aid of fever, an attenuated virus in a vaccine should provoke the production of specific antigens and more importantly, memory T cells, thus hopefully producing a long-lasting immunity. The COVID-19 coronavirus “pandemic” has revealed that antibodies only produce short-term immunity (lasting only about a year), whereas zinc-dependent T cells selectively kill virally-infected cells. For comparison, anti-coronavirus T cells have been detected 17 years after infection. (Modern medicine fails to even recognize the importance of zinc in making vaccines work.)
Infection Produces a Health Benefit
Antibody production depends upon the severity of the infection. COVID-19 antibodies are detected up to 7 months following an infection. This is without vaccination.
“Most people infected with COVID-19 will have protective immunity against circulating viruses for many months after initial infection,” says an authoritative report. Which means, infection produces a health benefit. The more people who get infected, the fewer, we may argue, who might need vaccination.
So, why all the quarantines once a person is infected? If they are super-spreaders, they will unintentionally assist others in achieving immunity against COVID-19. Quarantines simply slow the development of real “herd immunity.” Lockdowns and quarantines can just slow the spread of the disease and not overwhelm hospitals, rather than prevent disease.
How to Pass Your COVID-19 Test
Zinc actually inhibits COVID-19 polymerase and therefore its replication capacity. Recall that the PCR (polymerase chain reaction) test is the standard for diagnosis of COVID-19. If you want to be COVID-19 negative when health authorities force you to be tested at work or school, zinc would be a way to pass that test and avoid quarantine. While vaccines may produce short-term antibodies, zinc activates long-term T-cell immunity.
Also, a well-fashioned garlic capsule would afford some level of prevention and, like zinc, inhibit viral RNA polymerase, that is, halt the reproduction of the COVID-19 virus in its tracks.
If anyone wants to splash around ninety-percent effectiveness numbers, the red wine molecule resveratrol (rez-vair-ah-trol) inhibits replication of COVID-19 by 98% at a modest concentration in a lab dish. And resveratrol inhibits DNA polymerase, the enzyme that controls COVID-19 rate of replication. But vaccine entrepreneur Bill Gates is not invested in resveratrol, or in garlic, or in zinc.
Smorgasbord of Vaccines for Guinea-Pig Americans
There are seven approaches so far to the development of a COVID-19 vaccine: DNA, RNA, inactivated virus, live attenuated virus, non-replicating viral vectors, replicating viral vectors, and protein subunits. It goes unexplained whether the public will have their choice of vaccines.
One report claims that the public “should be prepared that they [vaccines] might not prevent infection but rather reduce symptoms.” One expert said, “’many, and possibly all’ of the vaccines … could fail.” Which one will you get?
Let’s not get too excited about COVID-19 vaccines. After decades of research, there are no vaccines against any corona virus. Even licensed vaccines may be recalled after they are licensed. Eight vaccines have been recalled over concerns about safety.
You May Get Stuck with a Vaccine Side Effect for Life
One of the potential problems with an RNA vaccine like Moderna’s is that humanity is entering the unknown. The Moderna vaccine attempts to alter your genetic makeup so as to force it to create an antigen (something that generates an immune response) forever. However, it is also possible that if you experience a negative side effect, that side effect may also be forever. Do you or I really want to be the guinea pigs in this pioneering mass medical experiment?
© 2020 Bill Sardi
Is garlic powder as effective as alcalinized garlic capsules and crushed garlic?