By Scott C. Tips, NHF President
Once a month, the National Health Federation (NHF) hosts two-to-three guest speakers at a Zoom meeting accessible to all who are on the NHF email list. Our clever NHF Lobbyist, Charles Frohman, typically assembles the most interesting and controversial speakers, and the attendees are able to ask them questions about the topics discussed. These topics range from wireless dangers, toxic vaccines, and supplements to the World Health Organization’s feared power grab for total dictatorial medical control over the World’s entire population!
NHF lobbyist Charles Frohman has created a list that ranks in descending order our attendees’ top ten favorite NHF Zoom meetings (see below). I myself liked the last show (December 15, 2023) best, but it had not yet occurred when this list was created. That last Zoom event of the year featured Mark Krebs, Dr. Brian Hooker, and Dr. Lee Merritt.
How do we get such great guests, you might ask? Well, luck, skill, and the good grace of God all play a part. But it also takes support from our NHF members and followers. If you aren’t already an NHF member, please join HERE. And regardless of whether you are an NHF member or not, please donate HERE to support our work and our campaigns. As the World’s oldest and most experienced health-freedom organization, NHF continues its now 69-year tradition of fighting to protect your right to health freedom and to control your medical and nutritional choices.
The Zoom meetings mentioned in Frohman’s article below will both educate and stimulate you. I think you will also be encouraged to become part of the NHF community and participate in these and other NHF events.
Most Watched NHF Health-Freedom Shows
Our Top 10 List of 2023!
By Charles D. Frohman
For the past few years, I have had the privilege of working alongside with and contributing to the work of the World’s oldest health freedom organization – the National Health Federation – to lobby Congress against the nefarious attacks on health by special industry interest capture of their regulators. Here’s what we’ve done over the past year.
To highlight NHF’s campaigns, we invite a few leaders monthly to a Zoom meeting to discuss these threats to health freedom, and how we can regain our rights and stop the evil corruption. Below are the most-viewed shows for this past year 2023.
In reverse order …
#10 – Suing for Nutritional Supplements, Ignoring Wireless Dangers, and Broadband That’s Safe. For recommending not the dangerous shot but rather the same nutritional supplements touted by the criminal Fauci, chiropractor Dr. Nepute told us the FTC wants a trillion-dollar fine. Scientist Rubik explained the indisputable science of wireless danger to our health and nature. Telecom professional Bolton then helped us understand how broadband connectivity can occur in a fashion that is actually safe.
#9 – Killing Us with Shots & Radiation, Blocking Personalized Healing. After economist Sabrin explained how improved health plans are empowering patients and doctors, pharmacist Petersen warned how the FDA is smothering natural compounding with pre-approval guidance restrictions, thus limiting the revolution in healing around “personalization.” Former UN editor Edwards then blew the whistle on how the COVID-19 shots were intended to synergize with the growing wireless mesh, aggravating chronic disease and leading to globalist behavior coercion.

#8 – Recruiting INTEGRATED Healers & Patients to Health Freedom. For this monthly Zoom we invited healthcare leaders to discuss whether healthcare providers could be recruited to help us in health-freedom advocacy. Mr. Aubry trains doctors to integrate but warns financial bribes trap them in an allopathic prison. Assessment entrepreneur Nygaard is using self-insured corporations to train workers to assess their blood for nutrient deficiency, to teach them then to take up holistic treatments and behaviors. Biocompatible dentist McClure seeks to form practices that bring together more natural healers, and Mr. Hirsche adds competition to insurers from Medical Cost Sharing, whose version he has paying patients to get care from functional doctors. There’s an army of healers and patients seeking more natural care. How can we cajole them to help us politically?
#7 – Digital Gulag & Existential Microbe GMOs. The Institute for Responsible Technology’s Smith warned that the Elite are modifying microbes, which could undermine all known life itself. Paul “G” urged health-freedom advocates to pressure Congress to not let Telecom pass its Wishlist to carpet antennas outside our bedrooms, kids’ classrooms, and nearby parks. State Delegate Garrett announced his bill to allow homeowners to replace their radiation-emitting and spying meters with safe, non-wireless meters. Harvard researcher alumna Clark warned that radio frequencies were synergistic in a nefarious way with all of the environmental assaults, and that it entailed a globalist scheme we could not ignore.
#6 – Pesticide Student Lunches & Secretive Farm Vaccination. Moms Across America’s Honeycutt exposed government schools for feeding dangerous Frankenfood to our kids – and crop pesticide use was to blame, not just genetic modification. Holistic veterinarian Winter urged local farm patronage and consumer awareness of what most factor farmers are doing behind our backs – RNA-modifying injections of pigs and probably chickens and cows.
And now for our top 5 …
#5 – POISONED Water & Livestock. Attorney Renz warned of pig vaccination with the RNA-modifying method that our stomachs may not dissipate before digestion! Mr. North gave hope then to an EPA lawsuit to stop poisoning our water with fluoride. Ms. Brown then updated us on the Congressional effort to defund FDA’s smothering of the homeopathic treatments made even more important because of government’s full scale aggravation of the real epidemic – chronic disease.

#4 – Globalists’ Digital Gulag. Fervently blogging on every move by the World Health Organization to preempt national health regulation, Mr. Roguski warned we have limited time for any member nation to reject amendments to the International Health Regulations, or for Congress to defund or leave the WHO. Paul “G” then spoke on how to cooperate with local governments to pass ordinances setting back the Wireless Mesh of antennas the WHO needs to track Americans and coerce their behavior (in conjunction with cancellable cybercurrency, energy-rationing carbon footprints, and medical compliance passports). Writer Gormley and NHF President Tips then warned against FDA and Codex pre-approval threats to nutritional supplements needed for our depleted soils and Supermarket Frankenfood.
The Bronze goes to …
#3 – SPRAYING & Zapping Us like Bugs. For years it has been the elephant in the room – aviation-induced cloudiness, or geoengineering. Biden has a “Federal Weather Enterprise” report that discourages EPA regulation of it, and, as Ms. Diane presented, at least one of our States has a politician brave enough to introduce legislation to ban it. In this episode Ms. Wilkens from the National Call for Safe Technology warned that politicians aren’t stopping a basket of bills that prohibit property owners from keeping 5G antennas away from their bedrooms, children’s classrooms, and local parks. Knowledge of 5G dangers are suppressed by the regulators who are captured by industry. A surgeon, Dr. Moore, also explained his legal trial for having granted patients saline COVID-19 shots and cards to keep their jobs without having to put their lives at risk.

And just Missing Victory …
#2 – Athlete Deaths with NBA Icon John Stockton. Never previously, publicly proclaiming political beliefs, Mr. Stockton couldn’t remain silent on the excess injuries and deaths among professional athletes foolishly or under duress participating in the experimental, dangerous COVID-19 bioweapon shot. Americans are so concerned about the never-ending bad news about the injections that they are patronizing companies like Unjected, whose founder presented how to find unvaxxed mates to reproduce or ensure safe (unvaxxed) blood transfusions if hospitalized. Not satisfied with killing us with pharma’s toxins, FDA also is prohibiting safe, effective homeopathy treatments, as Ms. McCullough presented. Who in Congress is fighting for health freedom? Not enough, so FDA-suing attorney Emord discussed his campaign for the Senate, and even promised to stem the inevitable Wireless Gulag (about which too few health-freedom advocates are aware).
And our WINNER is …

#1 – EXCESS Death & the SIDS Scam. Governments still won’t disclose how many more of their citizens are dying than usual, for foolishly or under duress participating in the mal-tested, diabolically dangerous COVID-19 bioweapon injection. Blackrock investor Ed Dowd blew the whistle on the life insurance warnings and joined scientist Neil Miller who blew another whistle years ago, namely, on doctors’ refusal to blame vaccines for deaths cruelly and falsely attributed to parents blamed for shaking their babies to death. This episode also featured NHF Board member Michael LeVesque on the campaign to amend the American Constitution to guarantee Medical Freedom.
So many charts show the increase in injuries & death post-CV shot:

Poisoning Crops, Radiating Students & Global Takeover. After Ms. Stucker-Gassi explained the congressional Farm bill fight over local preemption and stronger EPA pesticide regulation, Mr. Wood explained how local control would be preempted as well from Congress’ basket of Wireless bills that will carpet antennas outside our bedrooms and kids’ classrooms. Mr. Roguski then pleaded again for pressure on WHO-member-state presidents to reject behavior-manipulating amendments to the International Health Regulations.

Join Health Freedom! Every noon Eastern Time, on the third Friday of each month, NHF hosts a Zoom meeting with highly recognized freedom leaders for their updated news and insights on the hot topics listed above. To receive notices of our meetings and then join them, simply go to https://thenhf.com/join-us/e-newsletter-sign-up/ and subscribe to NHF’s eList. You can easily become part of this!
Pressure your Politicians! You can also email your Representatives Federally and locally on every topic above by going to NHF’s website campaigns and scrolling to the bottom of each campaign to input your zip code.
Amazing presentations, intelligent discussions and important necessary information. What a great combination of enlighhtenment!
Thanks NHF!