Facing the Beast – Courage, Faith, and Resistance in a New Dark Age
By Dr. Naomi Wolf
(ISBN: 978-1645022367; Chelsea Green Publishing; 2023, paperback, 240 pages; $22.46)
Raw honesty and courage! That is what you will find time and again from author Naomi Wolf in Facing the Beast. Wolf shares her personal feelings, experiences, and understanding with keen cultural insights on the tyrannical public policies implemented during the COVID-19 years of 2020 to 2023, including her investigations into the truth about the experimental COVID-19 injections. In the Chapter, “Rethinking the Second Amendment,” Wolf vigilantly reviews the importance of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights if we are to preserve our freedom from Tyranny.
Naomi Wolf is a best-selling author of eleven books, including The End of America and The Bodies of Others. She is the cofounder and CEO of DailyClout.io, and a prolific journalist through her Substack column Outspoken.
Refusing to be silenced and discouraged, and unwilling to collude with Mainstream Media and public-policy dictates, Naomi Wolf shares her pilgrimage and transformation from a somewhat conditioned liberal, feminist, intellectual progressive to having a new respect and interest in conservatives, spirituality, rational openness, and an exploration of the evil forces influencing our civilization today.
With deep insight, self-reflection, and clear and powerful writing, Wolf “paints a picture” for us through her journey of being censored, deplatformed, and ostracized for telling the truth about women experiencing menstrual dysregulation and much more upon receiving the mRNA vaccines. She states, “I was radioactive for telling the truth.”
Truth and Justice! Naomi Wolf’s dedication to Truth and Justice is a major theme throughout the book. It led her to facilitate the organization of over 3,250 volunteer scientists, physicians, and other experts to report the facts in the Pfizer documents, which started to be released in early 2022. She states, “Eighty-four reports reveal that Pfizer committed the greatest crime against humanity in recorded history; with a special focus on destroying the reproductive capacity of human females.” A full (and chilling) Chapter, “The Pfizer Documents,” is included in the book.
Wolf’s support of justice for the atrocities committed from 2020 to 2023 is intelligently reasoned and described. She makes it plain to see that it is not about revenge or “keeping score,” but about accountability, a necessity for justice. She states, “Without accountability, and truth and reconciliation commissions … and justice served up to suit the crimes committed, there is nothing at all to ensure that the exact same crimes won’t be committed again. The social contract cannot be reknit without public accountability, trials, public confrontations, and sentencing. To have healing, there must be justice.”
Wolf explains what made her pray again, reconsider her spiritual life, and become “willing to speak about God publicly.” She states, “This edifice of evil was too massive, too quickly erected, too complex, and too elegant to assign to human awfulness and inventiveness …. I felt all around us … the presence of “principalities and powers” – awe-inspiring levels of darkness and of inhuman and anti-human forces. What is the object of this spiritual battle? It seems to be nothing short of the human soul. I think the forces of darkness are so big that we need help …. I do think that we are at an unheard-of moment in human history … that we have no other choice but to ask for assistance from beings – or from a Being.”
In the Chapter, “Have the Ancient Gods Returned?” Wolf reviews the Hebrew Bible and Old Testament referrals to “covenants” as “God’s blessing and protection requiring action from both the Lord and His people to be in effect. If we withdraw our role in the covenant … pagan entities – long held at bay in the West – are empowered, and rush back in. Too few (in both Christian and Jewish) communities seem to understand how dangerous to a nation, to civilization, abandoning God can be.” Wolf concludes, “The only thing that feels intuitive to me is that these pagan forces may indeed once again have gained a foothold on our planet.”
We owe a debt of gratitude to Naomi Wolf for her courageous quest for truth and justice for the atrocities forced upon us by the global elites and power cabal, and for offering solutions for our survival from these dark forces. Wolf concludes, “We are in a time of extraordinary change … and if we are to survive this time and indeed if we are to evolve safely to wherever we are supposed to arrive next, we need to talk honestly about good and evil energies; about healing and killing energies; about sacred and profane energies.”
Naomi Wolf explains how her years-long predictions of attacks on our liberties and freedom are coming true “based simply enough on my reading of past histories …. The bad guys are not done with us …. Their goal is still a global feudalism.” Yet, Wolf remains cautiously optimistic, which is relayed in her statement, “I think you will find as you read that I believe we are in a time in which we may witness and receive incredible potential blessings – and experience incredible rapid evolution – depending on what we choose to do; morally, and as humans fighting for humanity …. Tyrannies only fall when there is mass resistance.”
As a truth seeker, Jerry Brown has learned through his life experiences and independent thought, to question and challenge conventional “wisdom” and societal conditioning. He is an author, a poet, and a golf coach. A native of Long Island now living in Santa Fe, New Mexico, he can be reached at inquirythroughpoetry@gmail.com and info@keepitsimplegolf.com.
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