By Scott C. Tips

Originally from the Uniontown, Pennsylvania area but now based in Ohio & Florida and is a world traveller abroad as well as within the United States. Marchia Carnicelli Minor is the co-founder of the National Healthy Referral Newspaper, established in 1989 to educate the public about preventive/natural health & personal growth. Besides being a proud mother of three, Grandmother of three (almost four), and lover of life, Marchia is a former real-estate agent and Fitness Instructor facilitating classes in dance aerobics, the YMCA’s Way to a Healthy Back Program, as well as trainer of Trainers for the YMCA’s
“Way to Weight Management” program.
Marchia also hosts the Healthy Referral’s Mind Your Body and Spirit radio show since 1989 on WERE, WUJC John Carroll U., WELW out of Ohio, and over the internet
at www.BlogTalkRadio.com/MindYourBodyandSpirit (one of the first most listened to internet radio stations). Her guests have included many wonderful visionaries such as Dr Christopher Hills, Ram Dass, Mladen Golubic, M.D., Ph.D. (Cleveland Clinic), Actor Dennis Weaver, Patch Adams, M.D., Arun Gandhi (Gandhi’s grandson), Lewis Mehl Madrano, M.D. (Native American healing), Gabriel Cousens, M.D. (national author on Conscious Eating), and Howard Lyman, the famous cattleman who was sued for his appearance on the Oprah show for exposing the meat industry.
Marchia is also a Reiki Master as well as a CMP (Certified Massage Practitioner) & licensed minister. In addition to Natural Health, she created what is called Dance of Spirit along with a workshop titled “Re-Awaken Your Spiritual Essence through Music, Sound & Movement.
It is an Honor to be on the Advisory Board of National Health Federation! Health Freedom is very close to her heart and shines through with her 30-year commitment to her mission! She loves the opportunity to speak with groups and organizations around the World to help them become more conscious of the Natural way of living and healing — the way Mother/Father nature meant it to be!
Marchia is excited to be continuing to spread the word about NHF and would love to hear from you with any comments/questions or concerns. She can be reached at 216-533-2273 or by email: or. Her website is www.healthyreferral.com – and remember that “Truth” does prevail!! Even though sometimes the World can look as if it is totally out of control! Let us remember that everything is an opportunity! An Opportunity to make a difference and be the change we want to see!
Please send this recommended title on to Scott Tips. I sincerely hope that he will evaluate it and find it worthy to recommend to Catherine Austin Fitts and others. The book that explores all manner of promoting transhumanism (anti-humanism as Catherine Austin Fitts correctly calls it) is by Elana Freeland copyright 2021, 658 pages titled GEOENGINEERED TRANSHUMANISM; how the environment has been weaponized by chemicals, electromagnetism & nanotechnology for synthetic biology.
Discover Magazine Nov/Dec 2021 featured an article describing how Dr. Lee Cronin of U of Glasgow has coded a “nanobot” chemputer to synthesize nanomaterials. Hopefully anyone using his very efficient machine will test their end products to ensure they don’t cross the blood-brain barrier unless specific determinants have been established. Cronin’s ongoing project is the answer to the question, “How do random chemical systems become information processing?’ to produce a tool to demonstrate the potential for chemistry to build an artificial brain that surpasses computer intelligence. Please respond for further recommendations.
Please feel free to send a book review to contact-us@thenhf.com!
I am a retired high school librarian who looks forward to learning how the world actually works: “Who influences information regarding the air we breath, the water we drink, and the food and drugs we consume as well as all of the natural world’s plants and animals.”
Thank goodness I happened to hear about the National Health Federation when I stumbled across Coast to Coast with Scott Tips.
I look forward to learning more by reading Scott Tips’ book.