November 29, 2022
Dear NHF Members and Friends,
Here’s what you need to do to keep the momentum going into 2023 when the battles against your health and health freedom will certainly gain intensity:
- Join NHF if you are not already a member
- Share the gift of health and hope with friends and family
- Order back issues of our magazine to introduce NHF into your circle
- Commit to a giving program that insures you LITERALLY have a fighting chance!
Here are several reasons why:
The National Health Federation (NHF) is part of a coalition fighting our own government’s transfer of sovereign Pandemic authority to the United Nation’s World Health Organization. But we are the only group in this coalition combining the anti-WHO effort with a campaign against the U.S. government’s effort to nationalize the vaccine tracking that currently happens in a decentralized, constitutional way in the 50 individual States.
And when the United Nation’s global food-trade and nutritional-supplement regulator called “Codex Alimentarius” became the go-to forum for the biotech conglomerates to expand their toxic pesticide sales and dumb down protective limits on toxic pesticides, only one health-freedom organization attended and argued against it. You guessed it, that was and is NHF – the only health-freedom organization accredited by Codex Alimentarius, which enables NHF to participate actively in Codex meetings and with our 25-years of Codex experience fighting for you at multiple international Codex meetings throughout 2022.
Perhaps longtime NHF member and supporter Dr. Phillip Burbutes said it best when he sent us this recent appeal:
“I shudder every time I think of an America where there are no supplements. No Vitamin C. No selenium. No Oregano oil. And no liquid silver; all of which will knock out any virus.
Were it not for the NHF, these and many other supplements would now be gone! Totally unavailable even with a doctor’s prescription. Try to imagine an America before COVID-19 where these few items were not available. I survived COVID-19 twice and Omicron once using these products. Surely the death count would have been much higher without these supplements. Thank God for the NHF!
Scott Tips and associates must have your help. It’s needed now more than ever before. Their relocation to Washington State begins a new chapter. Will you help to make the NHF greater than ever? Send what you can now. Ask for back issues of Health Freedom News to share with family, friends, or patients in your own workspace. Leave the magazines at local health-food stores. Support those companies that advertise in our wonderful publication.
Send as little as $25.00 a month. Keep the NHF strong! The choice is yours. Try to imagine an America where you cannot buy American-made vitamins and minerals. It could happen a lot sooner than you think! Keep freedom of choice in healthcare a sacred, God-given right. Support liberty and the NHF now. God bless Scott Tips, the NHF, and all of his associates.
Kudos and congratulations on the new alternative medical library (located in the new office). I know a lot of our readers will want to hear more about this.
Dr. Phil Burbutes, ND”
Year in and year out, Dr. Burbutes has faithfully sent NHF regular donations, and you can too, while also buying back-issues of Health Freedom News – 200 each time – to share with his patients, friends, and family. He and many others strong support NHF in its daily fight, providing vital funding for NHF to operate. Still, donations this year are way less than the year before – we need your support! Remember, NHF receives NO government funding.
We depend upon YOU, literally! Since 1955 and you haven’t let NHF down yet. Think how many big names are gone: Eastern Airlines, TWA, Eastman Kodak, Montgomery Ward, Lehman Brothers, and many others; but the National Health Federation remains not only in the game BUT AT THE FRONT LINES!

And while many health-freedom groups fought the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s authorization this last Summer 2022 for the gene-altering injection experiment to toddlers, only the NHF organized members of Congress to weigh in, not once, but twice (an effort covered by the Epoch Times and in Dr. Malone’s substack). Again, NHF.
When these same groups complained about the White House Occupant’s ban on unvaxxed visitors that would prevent tennis icon Novak Djokovic from participating in the U.S. Open, only one organization cajoled another group of legislators to apply pressure on the Administration against this cruel prohibition (as written about in Daily Caller). Again, it was NHF.
You get the idea. The National Health Federation influences international governments, and Congress, like no other group. Experience of nearly seven decades of activism and global leadership combined with legal expertise is an unbeatable combination. NHF outgrew its “National” moniker over twenty years ago when we breached national borders to spread health-freedom influence and battles into the World. We haven’t stopped one minute since 1955 while many other groups come and go.
NHF has proven itself trustworthy, competent, and capable of getting the job done time and again to protect our most treasured possession: our health and provide the insurance and assurance for you and your family that we always will but ONLY WITH YOUR HELP!
Won’t you please dig deep for a contribution, one time or monthly? How’s $250, now? Or $25 once a month?
Your investment ensures that NHF persists in leading domestic and global initiatives, such as proposals to ensure telecommunications connect your house and all businesses not just with dangerous wireless, but rather with safe, fast, and secure fiber optics.
NHF works in cooperation with other groups, too; but how can we add our grassroots heft to oppose new dietary supplement regulations, if we lack the funds to unleash our experts?

- Join NHF if you are not already a member
- Share the gift of health and hope with your friends and family
- Order back issues of HFN to introduce NHF into your circle
- Commit to a giving program that insures you LITERALLY have a fighting chance!
You can read more on our NHF website about how NHF has been consistently and persistently fighting to keep you strong (not just surviving) and keep you free (not in a cage of pseudo-security). We know you won’t let NHF down. We work best as a team, so thank you for pulling your weight and doing your part.
With our Warmest Thanks,

NHF President and General Counsel
and The National Health Federation Team
P.O. Box 288
Mossyrock, Washington 98564 USA
(564) 205-1462
P.S. The NHF is the oldest & best-respected Health Freedom group fighting for your health-freedom choices, access to dietary supplements, nutritional foods, and for the preservation of the small farmer and organic food producers. With your help, we can expand to help preserve Health Freedom in America, Canada, Europe, and around the Globe.
P.P.S. If you aren’t a member of the NHF, what’s stopping you? Join today! When you join NHF, then you will get as another benefit our flagship magazine, Health Freedom News, so unique that a Barnes and Noble rep said there was nothing like it in the World. The magazine is eagerly snatched up at every expo & show where it is exhibited, as are copies of our book Codex Alimentarius – Global Food Imperialism.
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