The Global Treaty that no one wants except the control-freak elite would have created a worldwide medical dictatorship
By Scott C. Tips, NHF President
May 28, 2024

After two years of negotiations among its delegates, the World Health Organization (WHO) has reportedly admitted defeat for this year for any adoption of its WHO Pandemic Treaty. As Roland Driece, co-chair of WHO’s negotiating board, admitted last Friday, “We are not where we hoped we would be when we started this process.”
In Geneva, WHO Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said after the talks ended in failure, “This is not a failure. We will try everything – believing that anything is possible – and make this happen because the World still needs a pandemic treaty.”
In a carefully choreographed move at the tail end of the COVID-19 pandemic, the WHO had been conveniently charged with constructing a global agreement that would centralize a global medical response to the next pandemic in the hands of the unelected and unaccountable WHO.
Given its complete and utter failure to competently handle the last pandemic, it was strange indeed to charge the WHO with any responsibility for managing the next pandemic unless and until the WHO is fundamentally reformed; and, even then, it would still fail since decentralized approaches to pandemics offer superior responses to medical crises. Placing all of the World’s eggs in one basket risks a major catastrophe for humanity should the one global medical response be the wrong one!
And if there is anything that humanity can count upon, it is that unaccountable bureaucracies will make huge mistakes just as they did during the last pandemic. Sadly, though, it will be you and me who pay the price, especially if the centralized medical dictatorship envisioned by the Treaty comes into force.
A final draft pandemic treaty was intended to be presented at this week’s World Health Assembly (WHA), which was then expected to be pro-forma adopted by its health-minister delegates in Geneva. That will not happen … this year.
However, this week the WHA will still take up the proposed amendments to its International Health Regulations (IHR), the most important ones of which would enable WHO to shove medical decisions down the World’s throats, and the decisions would be made by one unaccountable person, the WHO Director-General.
One of the proposed amendments to the IHR would, for example, replace the words “The implementation of these Regulations shall be with full respect for the dignity, human rights and fundamental freedom of persons” with the deliberately vague phrase “based on the principles of equity, inclusivity, coherence and in accordance with their common but differentiated responsibilities to the States Partners, taking into consideration their social and economic development.” Fortunately, the review committee considering the amendments rejects this change.
Still, it will be a long week as the WHA considers fundamental changes to its IHR, which changes could put all of us at risk of mandatory “emergency” public-health measures that would take away our freedoms. However, since, as WHO-expert James Roguski has pointed out, the IHR amendments were not timely submitted to the WHA (that is, four months before the start of its May 27th meeting), they may not be properly considered at this year’s meeting per WHA procedure.
The bottom line is that the WHO Pandemic Treaty will be brought up instead at next year’s annual meeting; and depending upon what happens at the WHA meeting this week on the IHR amendments, they will either be improperly accepted (and thereby ab initio void) or that can, will also be kicked down the road for next year’s WHA meeting. By then, if either Donald Trump or Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is elected President of the United States, it is virtually certain that they would reject the Treaty and the IHR amendments. Otherwise, the Treaty and IHR changes will guarantee that the World will have many more, highly subjective pandemics.
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