What is the National Health Federation?

Established in 1955, the National Health Federation is the World’s first health-freedom organization. NHF protects the food you eat, the natural doctors you see, and the health products and vitamins you buy online and at your store. NHF fights for your health choices and the freedom to make them. We protect the health freedom of all people on the Planet.
Codex Alimentarius & Health Freedom NHF
Welcome to The National Health Federation – UK
Shadows of the Future / Schatten der Zukunft

COVID-19: The Science We Should Know
Since the inception of the COVID-19 pandemic in the spring of 2020, the messaging from most governmental authorities and major-media outlets has largely been consistent — COVID-19 poses a grave threat to all humanity, lockdown policies and mask mandates are necessary to ‘stop the spread’, existing diagnostic tests are reliable indicators of infection, no preventatives or treatments exist for COVID-19, the inoculations developed under Operation Warp Speed are ‘save and effective’, and mass inoculation is essential to end the pandemic. Meanwhile, dissenters from this orthodoxy have been routinely vilified and censored, regardless of their qualifications, personal experience, or the substance of their case.
Looming on the Horizon is also a Scheme to Regulate Supplements GloballyBy Scott C. Tips, NHF PresidentDecember 3, 2024 On my way to Geneva for Codex meeting Under overcast skies but with Winter’s icy grip not yet present, the 47th session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC) met for six days from November 25-30, 2024, in Geneva, Switzerland at the CICG hall. CAC Chairman Steve Wearne presided over his last meeting as he was unfortunately termed out after three years and could not remain Chairman any longer despite the wishes of most delegations there. The meeting began on Monday, November…
Giving Tuesday is Here!
We ask for your help in continuing our 70 years of health-freedom advocacyDecember 2, 2024 For Giving Tuesday, the National Health Federation (NHF) and our sister organization, the Foundation for Health Research, ask you to keep both organizations in mind when you consider your charitable giving as we begin to close out the Year 2024. With your support, we can surpass previous years’ donations to provide a solid financial foundation for our important health-freedom projects in 2025. In January 2025, NHF will turn 70-years old. And in our maturity, we still face many challenges ahead, even with the new Trump administration taking…
Reigniting Hope: Managing Systemic Lupus Erythematosus with Integrative Orthomolecular Medicine
By Richard Z. Cheng, M.D., Ph.D. Read Article on OrthoMolecular OMNS (Nov 16, 2024) A recent story from Shanghai highlights the difficult journey of SLE patients. A woman named Shabai, after two decades battling this autoimmune disease and suffering kidney failure requiring dialysis, sought relief through assisted death in Switzerland. In her final social media post on October 24, 2024, she expressed gratitude for a ‘wonderful life,’ offering a heartfelt farewell with her father. Shabai’s story has ignited public empathy, underscoring the profound impact of SLE on physical and emotional well-being. Having been asked to write about SLE, I aim…
In Memoriam: Durk J. Pearson
IN MEMORIAM DURK J. PEARSON August 19, 1943 – October 26, 2024 By Scott C. Tips, NHF President I first met Durk Pearson and his new wife Sandy Shaw 55 years ago at a Young Americans for Freedom (YAF) convention in Saint Louis, Missouri. Durk and Sandy had just turned 26. It was August 1969, and while we were talking libertarianism, the Woodstock music festival was making history in New York. But Durk and Sandy, and all of us, were making a more significant history of our own as the libertarian movement coalesced, gathered force, and abruptly broke free from…
Fluoridation and Cancer!?
by Richard A. Kunin, M.D. on Ola Loa Read the Article on Ola Loa C = CANCER In 1975 Dean Burk, former head of research at National Cancer Institute, and John Yiamouyiannis, a biochemist and fluoride expert, reported their analysis of fluoridation effects. After reviewing official public health statistics on 180 million Americans they found a significant increase in death from cancer in fluoridated cities. They limited their study to the ten largest fluoridated cities compared to the ten largest unfluoridated cities in America over a twenty-year period, from 1950 to 1970. The selection of cities was based upon similar…
DEF of Fluoridation…Delusion, Error and Fluorosis
by Richard A. Kunin, M.D. on Ola Loa Read on Ola Loa DELUSION AND DENIAL In the previous two installments of the ABCDEF of Fluoridation I have described the dangers due to the accumulation of fluoride in our bodies, bone cancer in young men, bone fractures in our senior citizens, and a variety of diseases, especially digestive and skeletal that seem to be on the increase. How can we pretend there is NO risk? But that is exactly what almost all health professionals are forced to do. They are presented the same one-sided information as everyone else: that fluoride is an essential…
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ABCs of Fluoridation
by Richard Kunin, MD on Ola Loa Read the Article on Ola Loa 1. AB 733, The California fluoridation bill became new law in California, as of January 1, 1996. This foolish law mandates fluoride treatment of all California public and private water supplies serving over 10,000 consumers. At a time when we have had our “green revolution,” environmentalism, to rescue our polluted planet; at a time when our EPA cannot accomplish their charge, the cleaning up of thousands of toxic waste sites, we now have the California state government dumping toxic fluorides into our public water supplies and thence into our…
Codex Nutrition Committee Meets in Dresden, Germany
Setting the Nutrient Reference Values for Infants & Children By Scott C. Tips Codex Head Table, 8 women, 1 man ©2024 FAO/WHO All Rights Reserved On the banks of the Elbe, in the city of Dresden, Germany, the Codex Committee on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Uses (CCNFSDU) met for its 44th session from September 30 through October 6, 2024. The National Health Federation (NHF) was there as a Codex-accredited organization for its 28th-straight meeting in that committee – still the only one representing health freedom. About 200 or more other delegates and observers joined the NHF at this…
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Fluoride Slapped Down in an Historical Decision!
NEWS RELEASE September 27, 2024 After seven years of pursuing legal action against the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) over the risk posed to children’s developing brains by the practice of water fluoridation, the United States District Court of the Northern District of California, Judge Edward Chen presiding, has just ruled in favor of the Fluoride Action Network and the plaintiffs in this precedent-setting court case. The court has found that fluoridation could pose an “unreasonable risk” to the health of children, and the EPA must regulate it as such. This was no whimsical case. This was a hard-fought, long researched, and in-depth presentation…
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The Global Treaty that no one wants except the control-freak elite would have created a worldwide medical dictatorshipBy Scott C. Tips, NHF President May 28, 2024 After two years of negotiations among its delegates, the World Health Organization (WHO) has reportedly admitted defeat for this year for any adoption of its WHO Pandemic Treaty. As Roland Driece, co-chair of WHO’s negotiating board, admitted last Friday, “We are not where we hoped we would be when we started this process.” In Geneva, WHO Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said after the talks ended in failure, “This is not a failure. We will…

The National Health Federation leads in the fight for the future of health freedom!
The NHF is an international consumer-education, health-freedom organization working to protect individuals’ rights to consume healthy food, take supplements and the choice to use alternative therapies without unnecessary government restrictions.
NHF envisions a World free of any and all artificial impediments to securing and retaining excellent, abundant health and health freedom. Individuals should be free to choose for themselves their own means of maintaining and regaining optimal health.
NHF, together with health-freedom friends and colleagues throughout the World, vows to change and save lives through our uniquely leveraged position on the international political stage impacting food, nutritional supplements, and healing.