NEWS RELEASE By Scott C. Tips, NHF President Once a month, the National Health Federation (NHF) hosts two-to-three guest speakers at a Zoom meeting accessible to all who are on the NHF email list. Our clever NHF Lobbyist, Charles Frohman, typically assembles the most interesting and controversial speakers, and the attendees are able to ask them questions about the topics discussed. These topics range from wireless dangers, toxic vaccines, and supplements to the World Health Organization’s … [Read more...] about Don’t Miss NHF’s Easy-to-Attend Monthly Zoom Events
BOUGHT OFF: Why You Don’t Hear About Low-Cost Natural Remedies in the News
By Bill Sardi The obvious often escapes public recognition. By categorical definition, the news media attracts the public interest with information or entertainment that draws readers, listeners, and viewers in order to sell products and services offered by rich sponsors. Somehow some of the public mistakenly believes that news reporters are unbiased investigators operating in the public’s interest. In fact, they are front men for commercial entities. Consumers cannot … [Read more...] about BOUGHT OFF: Why You Don’t Hear About Low-Cost Natural Remedies in the News
We are too smart to allow these not-so-smart meters By Margie Miller, RN, ARNP Depending upon which State and county you live in and which utility company you have, you may or may not be familiar with smart meters. And because of the ten-year-long public backlash from those who have investigated the consequences of smart meters, the name “Smart Meter” is frequently veiled with a different title such as “Meter Enhancement,” “Meter Refresh,” or “Meter Upgrade.” Installation is occurring … [Read more...] about HELP TO HALT AND REVERSE THE INSTALLATION OF SMART METERS
Codex Alimentarius Commission adopts Zilpaterol standard
FAO Headquarters, Rome, ItalyNovember 28, 2023 By Scott C. Tips After having waged a many-years-long battle around the Globe against the toxic vet drug zilpaterol hydrochloride at both the Codex Alimentarius Commission and committee levels (2016, 2018, 2021, 2022), the National Health Federation (NHF) finally reached the end of the road today when over NHF’s and many Codex member states’ objections, the Commission voted 88-49, with 11 abstentions, in favor of adopting the toxic-drug … [Read more...] about Codex Alimentarius Commission adopts Zilpaterol standard
When Did the Scientific American Stop Being Scientific?
Making the Case for Dietary Supplements and Nutraceuticals By Scott C. Tips, J.D. © 2023 Scott C. Tips Sadly, the editors of the Scientific American – long captured by the pharmaceutical industry and the medical cartel – have recently published an editorial calling for even greater regulation of nutraceuticals.[1] This editorial displays their ignorance of both the safety record of nutraceuticals as well as their efficacy. It also fails to compare the safety record of “underregulated” … [Read more...] about When Did the Scientific American Stop Being Scientific?
Chlorine Dioxide, the Universal Medicine
By Dr. Mark Sircus So universal is chlorine dioxide that NASA called it, in 1988, “A Universal Antidote.” It is so much more than an antiseptic that only a full-blown idiot would call it bleach. The American Chemical Society, Division of Analytical Chemistry stated in 1999 that chlorine dioxide was the most powerful pathogen killer known to man. NASA knew way back when that chlorine dioxide was “able to destroy mold and fungus, as well as bacteria and viruses, with minimal harm to humans, … [Read more...] about Chlorine Dioxide, the Universal Medicine
Turtles All The Way Down – Vaccine Science and Myth
BOOK REVIEW by Margie Miller, RN, ARNP By Anonymous and edited by Zoey O’Toole & Mary Holland (ISBN-13: 978-9655981469, The Turtles Team; 2022, hardback, 518 pages, $44.58) Besides the peculiar title and cover design, what piqued my interest most when I came across this book was the absence of listed author(s). The rationale for this is revealed in the Foreword written by Mary Holland. This book was first published in Israel in 2019. A positive review of it was published in a … [Read more...] about Turtles All The Way Down – Vaccine Science and Myth
Resolving Persistent Spike Protein Syndrome
By Thomas E. Levy, M.D., J.D. As the acute cases of COVID-19 have continued to decline, the prevalence of the Persistent Spike Protein (PSP) syndrome has continued to increase. The spike protein is that part of the COVID-19 pathogen that attaches to ACE2 receptors throughout the body and permits the entry of the entire virus into the newly infected cell. There appear to be no cells, tissues, or organs in the body that are completely spared from this PSP attack once enough of it has … [Read more...] about Resolving Persistent Spike Protein Syndrome
In Memoriam – Harry D. Schultz
September 11, 1923 – February 22, 2023 By Scott C. Tips The first time I ever saw Harry Schultz he was walking in the Fontvieille district of Monaco. That must have been around 1997. I was just returning home from a grocery-shopping foray to the large Carrefour supermarket there and was surprised to spot him, large as life, out of my car window as I drove past him. I had already been a subscriber to his The International Harry Schultz Letter since 1979, owned several of his books, and I … [Read more...] about In Memoriam – Harry D. Schultz
Bill Sardi Proved Right On Infection Fatality Rate For Covid-19!
By Scott C. Tips Slightly over three years ago, and just as the COVID-19 “pandemic” was beginning to unfold, Bill Sardi calculated out the fatality rate for those catching COVID-19. As he encouragingly wrote in Health Freedom News in its Winter 2019 issue, “Just in case you are worried, out of a population of 7.8 billion people on Earth, your chance of developing symptoms from this corona-shaped cold virus is about 1 in millions and for death about 1 in hundreds of millions. However, … [Read more...] about Bill Sardi Proved Right On Infection Fatality Rate For Covid-19!
‘Reader’s Digest’ version of The Science We Should Know
This document briefly summarizes some of the new primary-source materials included in the April 2023 version of this manuscript. … [Read more...] about ‘Reader’s Digest’ version of The Science We Should Know
Codex Moves Forward on Several Fronts
As it begins celebrating its 60th Anniversary By Scott C. Tips It had been three-and-a-half years since the Codex Committee on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Uses (CCNFSDU) had last met in person. Because of the unnecessary panic attacks, economy-destroying lockdowns, and silly “social distancing” imposed by governments upon much of the World’s population during the 2020-2022 COVID-19 pandemic scare, this and many other Codex Committees had only met by remote Zoom video sessions … [Read more...] about Codex Moves Forward on Several Fronts
The Microbiome Theory of Aging (MTA)
By Ross Pelton, RPh, PhD, CCN ABSTRACT: The Microbiome Theory of Aging (MTA) explains how microbial imbalance in the intestinal tract, which is also referred to as dysbiosis, causes health problems that accelerate biological aging. The underlying mechanisms involved include increased inflammation, elevated levels of zonulin, destruction of intestinal tight junctions, and intestinal permeability, which allow lipopolysaccharides (LPS) to leak into systemic circulation. LPS is a powerful … [Read more...] about The Microbiome Theory of Aging (MTA)
Codex Alimentarius Commission Advances Toxic Vet-Drug and Bee-Killer Pesticide Standards
Very carefully choreographed, this year’s meeting met all of its anti-humanity goals By Scott C. Tips, NHF President After two years of Zoom meetings in place of live, in-person meetings, the Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC) finally met in-person once again in Rome, Italy during the week of November 21, 2022. Well, not quite. In deference to the on-going COVID-19 fear-mongering, it was actually a “hybrid” meeting where delegates could attend either in-person or by Zoom. But social … [Read more...] about Codex Alimentarius Commission Advances Toxic Vet-Drug and Bee-Killer Pesticide Standards
The National Health Federation’s 100-Year-Old Roots
Did Dr. Abrams’ work actually lead to the founding of NHF? By Scott C. Tips In late 2021, just before the fierce winter storms broke that year, the National Health Federation (NHF) moved its offices from southern California to central Washington State. Supervising and organizing the California end of the move was the NHF’s much-appreciated Art Director and general go-to-guy Ben Lizardi. Because of space limitations in the … [Read more...] about The National Health Federation’s 100-Year-Old Roots
From Health Freedom and Dignity to Chinese-like Digital Slavery in Four Easy Steps: What Must We Do to Stop This?
By Mascha Orel Seventy-five years ago, on August 20, 1947, the Nuremberg Code was introduced to the World. This landmark document was the culmination of the so-called Doctors Trials that were held after World War II. Since then, it has ever served as an ethical code to protect people’s dignity, establishing the non-negotiable rights to informed consent and to refuse medical interventions. Today, as we face the largest medical experiment in the history of mankind and rampant disregard for the … [Read more...] about From Health Freedom and Dignity to Chinese-like Digital Slavery in Four Easy Steps: What Must We Do to Stop This?
Now Is the Time! Support the Proposed 28th Medical Freedom Amendment
By Michael LeVesque, NHF Board Member The proposed 28th Medical Freedom Amendment to the U.S. Constitution is the long-awaited eleventh amendment to the Bill of Rights. The Amendment states the following: "All people have the Right to secure their Health in the manner they choose. Congress, the President, State Legislatures and Executives, Governmental Agencies, or Departments shall make no law or executive order that impedes the Individual's rights to informed consent nor right to medical … [Read more...] about Now Is the Time! Support the Proposed 28th Medical Freedom Amendment
Global Health Threats and More
By Charles Frohman, NHF lobbyist There has been so much happening around the World, and so quickly, that it has been a challenge to keep our members current. However, our monthly NHF Zoom meetings, hosted by Alex Landry and me, are not to be missed for those wishing to keep on top of current events. And the following information should help you too. Global Health Threats While NHF President Scott Tips fought against Codex-proposed environmental farm controls as potentially toxic, a … [Read more...] about Global Health Threats and More
Free access for a limited time to Health Freedom News
To the NHF membership and e-list subscribers, We are happy to let you know that the latest issue of Health Freedom News magazine is on its way to your mailbox but is also available in PDF format. Members may access it now by going to the NHF website to your member portal located on the upper right above the header. If you are not already an NHF member and would like access to all of our latest issues, then join now and you could be reading this very issue in just a few minutes. As a special … [Read more...] about Free access for a limited time to Health Freedom News
When You Give to NHF, You Give to Yourself and Your Children
November 29, 2022 Dear NHF Members and Friends, Here’s what you need to do to keep the momentum going into 2023 when the battles against your health and health freedom will certainly gain intensity: Here are several reasons why: The National Health Federation (NHF) is part of a coalition fighting our own government’s transfer of sovereign Pandemic authority to the United Nation’s World Health Organization. But we … [Read more...] about When You Give to NHF, You Give to Yourself and Your Children
Comments of NHF on Zilpaterol Hydrochloride
JOINT FAO/WHO FOOD STANDARDS PROGRAMME CODEX ALIMENTARIUS COMMISSION Forty-fifth Session FAO Headquarters, Rome, Italy 21-25 November and 12-13 December 2022 Comments of NHF on Zilpaterol Hydrochloride (CX/EXEC 22/83/2 Add.2 of Agenda Item 2: Critical Review Part 3 (zilpaterol)) The National Health Federation (NHF), a non-profit consumer organization, respectfully submits the following comments on the draft MRLs for Zilpaterol hydrochloride for consideration at CAC45: Safety … [Read more...] about Comments of NHF on Zilpaterol Hydrochloride
Vitamin C and Cortisol – Synergistic Infection and Toxin Defense
Commentary by Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD OMNS (Dec. 11, 2021) Vitamin C and cortisol are the two most important and most powerful naturally-occurring anti-inflammatory agents. The mechanisms of their synergistic action indicate they are literally designed by nature to interact together to optimize the antioxidant impact needed to resolve the disease-causing oxidation that always results from toxins, infections, and stress. As inflammation in a tissue is the direct result of the … [Read more...] about Vitamin C and Cortisol – Synergistic Infection and Toxin Defense
Bill Sardi and Macular Degeneration
Bill Sardi Affirmed My Own Research and Discovery Path By Katherine A. CarrollNHF Executive Director of Operations and Finance, NTP In late 2010, my husband and business partner at Medical Vision Center (MVC) in Morton, Washington, Dr. Donald Carroll, and I were invited on a radio interview with a supplement manufacturer to discuss nutraceuticals and age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Our clinic’s strong emphasis was on treating this potentially blinding disease nutritionally. We were … [Read more...] about Bill Sardi and Macular Degeneration
With a Healthy Topping of Dolphin and Whale Fat …. BY SCOTT TIPS, NHF PRESIDENT The new Chairman of the Codex Alimentarius Committee on Pesticide Residues (CCPR) is Guibiao Ye and he is an excellent chairman. Unlike some others I have encountered, he lets everyone talk, he listens and thinks about what he’s heard, and then overall he makes sensible decisions. Above all, he doesn’t promote his own personal views and opinions as some sort of “consensus” of the Committee. Working well with … [Read more...] about IT’S OFFICIAL, COURTESY OF CODEX – SPIDERS, TICKS, AND LICE FOR BREAKFAST, OH MY!
JOINT FAO/WHO FOOD STANDARDS PROGRAMME CODEX COMMITTEE ON PESTICIDE RESIDUES 53rdSession (Virtual) 4-8 July and 13 July 2022 (Comments of National Health Federation) Agenda Item 6: Revision of the Classification of Food and Feed. Establishment of MRLs for pesticides for okra. CX/PR 22/53/5 The National Health Federation (NHF), a non-profit consumer organization, respectfully submits the following comments for consideration at CCPR53: One of Codex’s noble goals over the past … [Read more...] about JOINT FAO/WHO FOOD STANDARDS PROGRAMME CODEX COMMITTEE ON PESTICIDE RESIDUES