by Richard A. Kunin, M.D. on Ola Loa C = CANCER In 1975 Dean Burk, former head of research at National Cancer Institute, and John Yiamouyiannis, a biochemist and fluoride expert, reported their analysis of fluoridation effects. After reviewing official public health statistics on 180 million Americans they found a significant increase in death from cancer in fluoridated cities. They limited their study to the ten largest fluoridated cities compared to the ten largest unfluoridated cities … [Read more...] about Fluoridation and Cancer!?
DEF of Fluoridation…Delusion, Error and Fluorosis
by Richard A. Kunin, M.D. on Ola Loa DELUSION AND DENIAL In the previous two installments of the ABCDEF of Fluoridation I have described the dangers due to the accumulation of fluoride in our bodies, bone cancer in young men, bone fractures in our senior citizens, and a variety of diseases, especially digestive and skeletal that seem to be on the increase. How can we pretend there is NO risk? But that is exactly what almost all health professionals are forced to … [Read more...] about DEF of Fluoridation…Delusion, Error and Fluorosis
ABCs of Fluoridation
by Richard Kunin, MD on Ola Loa 1. AB 733, The California fluoridation bill became new law in California, as of January 1, 1996. This foolish law mandates fluoride treatment of all California public and private water supplies serving over 10,000 consumers. At a time when we have had our “green revolution,” environmentalism, to rescue our polluted planet; at a time when our EPA cannot accomplish their charge, the cleaning up of thousands of toxic waste sites, we now have … [Read more...] about ABCs of Fluoridation
Codex Nutrition Committee Meets in Dresden, Germany
Setting the Nutrient Reference Values for Infants & Children By Scott C. Tips On the banks of the Elbe, in the city of Dresden, Germany, the Codex Committee on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Uses (CCNFSDU) met for its 44th session from September 30 through October 6, 2024. The National Health Federation (NHF) was there as a Codex-accredited organization for its 28th-straight meeting in that committee – still the only one representing health freedom. About 200 or more … [Read more...] about Codex Nutrition Committee Meets in Dresden, Germany
Fluoride Slapped Down in an Historical Decision!
NEWS RELEASE September 27, 2024 After seven years of pursuing legal action against the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) over the risk posed to children’s developing brains by the practice of water fluoridation, the United States District Court of the Northern District of California, Judge Edward Chen presiding, has just ruled in favor of the Fluoride Action Network and the plaintiffs in this precedent-setting court case. The court has found that … [Read more...] about Fluoride Slapped Down in an Historical Decision!
By Scott C. Tips, NHF President 400 attendees at NHF’s April Conference in Germany After months of planning, and after having lost our master-event planner Petra Weiss who suddenly and unexpectedly died of hospital sepsis in early December 2023, NHF was saved by Ernesto Langrock, who picked up Petra’s fallen torch and worked very hard with me to make this one-day, live event on April 27, 2024, in Heilbronn, Germany a great success. Styled as “Recht trifft Medizin” (Law Meets Medicine), … [Read more...] about NHF’S HEILBRONN, GERMANY EVENT A SMASH HIT!
Book Review-Cracking the Stem Cell Code
By Dr. Donald A. Carroll, OD - Cracking the Stem Cell Code What’s New, What’s Real & What’s Next in Stem Cell ScienceAdult Stem Cells Hold the Promise of Miraculous Wellness (Updated Edition)By Christian Drapeau(ISBN-13: 978-0981020952; The Natural Wellness Group; 2013, paperback, 282 pages; $21.95) This book has explained to me why my 3” by 2” post-surgical ankle wound would not heal until I decided to try exercise despite a gaping and serious injury. By exercising, that big wound … [Read more...] about Book Review-Cracking the Stem Cell Code
Revolutionizing ADHD Treatment: The Impact of Neurofeedback
By Connie McReynolds, Ph.D., Licensed Psychologist, Certified Rehabilitation Counselor, Certified Vocational Evaluator Parents often find themselves struggling to effectively support their children with ADHD or related behavioral problems. ADHD is often perceived as a life-long condition with some parents feeling reluctant to have their child diagnosed due to concerns about stigma. Others may question whether the child’s behaviors are intentional or if the child is willfully neglectful in … [Read more...] about Revolutionizing ADHD Treatment: The Impact of Neurofeedback
The Global Treaty that no one wants except the control-freak elite would have created a worldwide medical dictatorshipBy Scott C. Tips, NHF President May 28, 2024 After two years of negotiations among its delegates, the World Health Organization (WHO) has reportedly admitted defeat for this year for any adoption of its WHO Pandemic Treaty. As Roland Driece, co-chair of WHO's negotiating board, admitted last Friday, "We are not where we hoped we would be when we started this … [Read more...] about WHO PANDEMIC PREPAREDNESS TREATY FALTERS AND LOOKS SET TO FAIL…THIS YEAR
They’re At It Again! Now They Want Immunity from Pesticide Harm!
By Scott C. Tips In 1986, Congress passed, and President Ronald Reagan signed into law, the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, which granted vaccine manufacturers immunity from lawsuits alleging vaccine injuries or deaths. An administrative system of Vaccine Courts was established under the U.S. Court of Federal Claims to process any claims of injuries, but these panels were just a thin veneer slapped onto the legislation to ensure that all such claims would end up in a cul-de-sac with … [Read more...] about They’re At It Again! Now They Want Immunity from Pesticide Harm!
By Scott C. Tips July 17, 1965 – December 3, 2023 After a sudden and unexpected brief illness, NHF-Germany Executive Director Petra Weiß passed away in the local hospital on December 3, 2023. Petra became ill on a Friday, was rushed to the hospital, and was gone by Sunday. Throughout the Fall of 2023, Petra had been diligently working on staging an NHF event in Europe and just the previous month had met with NHF President Scott Tips to continue their planning for it. Petra Weiß was … [Read more...] about IN MEMORIAM — PETRA WEISS
Since When Did the FDA Ever Get Anything Right? By Scott C. Tips © 2023 Scott C. Tips Throughout the year 2023, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has had over-the-counter (OTC) ophthalmic products in its crosshairs. In April 2023, and after an 11-day inspection that had begun in February, the FDA found that the Global Pharma Healthcare facility in India did not follow proper protocol to prevent bacterial contamination of its eye products. The company recalled its Artificial … [Read more...] about THE FDA GOES AFTER HOMEOPATHIC EYE DROPS
Facing the Beast – Courage, Faith, and Resistance in a New Dark Age
BOOK REVIEW BY JERRY BROWN Facing the Beast – Courage, Faith, and Resistance in a New Dark Age By Dr. Naomi Wolf(ISBN: 978-1645022367; Chelsea Green Publishing; 2023, paperback, 240 pages; $22.46) Raw honesty and courage! That is what you will find time and again from author Naomi Wolf in Facing the Beast. Wolf shares her personal feelings, experiences, and understanding with keen cultural insights on the tyrannical public policies implemented during the COVID-19 years of 2020 to … [Read more...] about Facing the Beast – Courage, Faith, and Resistance in a New Dark Age
Don’t Miss NHF’s Easy-to-Attend Monthly Zoom Events
NEWS RELEASE By Scott C. Tips, NHF President Once a month, the National Health Federation (NHF) hosts two-to-three guest speakers at a Zoom meeting accessible to all who are on the NHF email list. Our clever NHF Lobbyist, Charles Frohman, typically assembles the most interesting and controversial speakers, and the attendees are able to ask them questions about the topics discussed. These topics range from wireless dangers, toxic vaccines, and supplements to the World Health Organization’s … [Read more...] about Don’t Miss NHF’s Easy-to-Attend Monthly Zoom Events
BOUGHT OFF: Why You Don’t Hear About Low-Cost Natural Remedies in the News
By Bill Sardi The obvious often escapes public recognition. By categorical definition, the news media attracts the public interest with information or entertainment that draws readers, listeners, and viewers in order to sell products and services offered by rich sponsors. Somehow some of the public mistakenly believes that news reporters are unbiased investigators operating in the public’s interest. In fact, they are front men for commercial entities. Consumers cannot … [Read more...] about BOUGHT OFF: Why You Don’t Hear About Low-Cost Natural Remedies in the News
We are too smart to allow these not-so-smart meters By Margie Miller, RN, ARNP Depending upon which State and county you live in and which utility company you have, you may or may not be familiar with smart meters. And because of the ten-year-long public backlash from those who have investigated the consequences of smart meters, the name “Smart Meter” is frequently veiled with a different title such as “Meter Enhancement,” “Meter Refresh,” or “Meter Upgrade.” Installation is occurring … [Read more...] about HELP TO HALT AND REVERSE THE INSTALLATION OF SMART METERS
Codex Alimentarius Commission adopts Zilpaterol standard
FAO Headquarters, Rome, ItalyNovember 28, 2023 By Scott C. Tips After having waged a many-years-long battle around the Globe against the toxic vet drug zilpaterol hydrochloride at both the Codex Alimentarius Commission and committee levels (2016, 2018, 2021, 2022), the National Health Federation (NHF) finally reached the end of the road today when over NHF’s and many Codex member states’ objections, the Commission voted 88-49, with 11 abstentions, in favor of adopting the toxic-drug … [Read more...] about Codex Alimentarius Commission adopts Zilpaterol standard
NHF Board Elections 2024
When Did the Scientific American Stop Being Scientific?
Making the Case for Dietary Supplements and Nutraceuticals By Scott C. Tips, J.D. © 2023 Scott C. Tips Sadly, the editors of the Scientific American – long captured by the pharmaceutical industry and the medical cartel – have recently published an editorial calling for even greater regulation of nutraceuticals.[1] This editorial displays their ignorance of both the safety record of nutraceuticals as well as their efficacy. It also fails to compare the safety record of “underregulated” … [Read more...] about When Did the Scientific American Stop Being Scientific?
Chlorine Dioxide, the Universal Medicine
By Dr. Mark Sircus So universal is chlorine dioxide that NASA called it, in 1988, “A Universal Antidote.” It is so much more than an antiseptic that only a full-blown idiot would call it bleach. The American Chemical Society, Division of Analytical Chemistry stated in 1999 that chlorine dioxide was the most powerful pathogen killer known to man. NASA knew way back when that chlorine dioxide was “able to destroy mold and fungus, as well as bacteria and viruses, with minimal harm to humans, … [Read more...] about Chlorine Dioxide, the Universal Medicine
Turtles All The Way Down – Vaccine Science and Myth
BOOK REVIEW by Margie Miller, RN, ARNP By Anonymous and edited by Zoey O’Toole & Mary Holland (ISBN-13: 978-9655981469, The Turtles Team; 2022, hardback, 518 pages, $44.58) Besides the peculiar title and cover design, what piqued my interest most when I came across this book was the absence of listed author(s). The rationale for this is revealed in the Foreword written by Mary Holland. This book was first published in Israel in 2019. A positive review of it was published in a … [Read more...] about Turtles All The Way Down – Vaccine Science and Myth
Resolving Persistent Spike Protein Syndrome
By Thomas E. Levy, M.D., J.D. As the acute cases of COVID-19 have continued to decline, the prevalence of the Persistent Spike Protein (PSP) syndrome has continued to increase. The spike protein is that part of the COVID-19 pathogen that attaches to ACE2 receptors throughout the body and permits the entry of the entire virus into the newly infected cell. There appear to be no cells, tissues, or organs in the body that are completely spared from this PSP attack once enough of it has … [Read more...] about Resolving Persistent Spike Protein Syndrome
In Memoriam – Harry D. Schultz
September 11, 1923 – February 22, 2023 By Scott C. Tips The first time I ever saw Harry Schultz he was walking in the Fontvieille district of Monaco. That must have been around 1997. I was just returning home from a grocery-shopping foray to the large Carrefour supermarket there and was surprised to spot him, large as life, out of my car window as I drove past him. I had already been a subscriber to his The International Harry Schultz Letter since 1979, owned several of his books, and I … [Read more...] about In Memoriam – Harry D. Schultz
Bill Sardi Proved Right On Infection Fatality Rate For Covid-19!
By Scott C. Tips Slightly over three years ago, and just as the COVID-19 “pandemic” was beginning to unfold, Bill Sardi calculated out the fatality rate for those catching COVID-19. As he encouragingly wrote in Health Freedom News in its Winter 2019 issue, “Just in case you are worried, out of a population of 7.8 billion people on Earth, your chance of developing symptoms from this corona-shaped cold virus is about 1 in millions and for death about 1 in hundreds of millions. However, … [Read more...] about Bill Sardi Proved Right On Infection Fatality Rate For Covid-19!
‘Reader’s Digest’ version of The Science We Should Know
This document briefly summarizes some of the new primary-source materials included in the April 2023 version of this manuscript. … [Read more...] about ‘Reader’s Digest’ version of The Science We Should Know