November 29, 2022 Dear NHF Members and Friends, Here’s what you need to do to keep the momentum going into 2023 when the battles against your health and health freedom will certainly gain intensity: Here are several reasons why: The National Health Federation (NHF) is part of a coalition fighting our own government’s transfer of sovereign Pandemic authority to the United Nation’s World Health Organization. But we … [Read more...] about When You Give to NHF, You Give to Yourself and Your Children
Comments of NHF on Zilpaterol Hydrochloride
JOINT FAO/WHO FOOD STANDARDS PROGRAMME CODEX ALIMENTARIUS COMMISSION Forty-fifth Session FAO Headquarters, Rome, Italy 21-25 November and 12-13 December 2022 Comments of NHF on Zilpaterol Hydrochloride (CX/EXEC 22/83/2 Add.2 of Agenda Item 2: Critical Review Part 3 (zilpaterol)) The National Health Federation (NHF), a non-profit consumer organization, respectfully submits the following comments on the draft MRLs for Zilpaterol hydrochloride for consideration at CAC45: Safety … [Read more...] about Comments of NHF on Zilpaterol Hydrochloride
Vitamin C and Cortisol – Synergistic Infection and Toxin Defense
Commentary by Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD OMNS (Dec. 11, 2021) Vitamin C and cortisol are the two most important and most powerful naturally-occurring anti-inflammatory agents. The mechanisms of their synergistic action indicate they are literally designed by nature to interact together to optimize the antioxidant impact needed to resolve the disease-causing oxidation that always results from toxins, infections, and stress. As inflammation in a tissue is the direct result of the … [Read more...] about Vitamin C and Cortisol – Synergistic Infection and Toxin Defense
Bill Sardi and Macular Degeneration
Bill Sardi Affirmed My Own Research and Discovery Path By Katherine A. CarrollNHF Executive Director of Operations and Finance, NTP In late 2010, my husband and business partner at Medical Vision Center (MVC) in Morton, Washington, Dr. Donald Carroll, and I were invited on a radio interview with a supplement manufacturer to discuss nutraceuticals and age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Our clinic’s strong emphasis was on treating this potentially blinding disease nutritionally. We were … [Read more...] about Bill Sardi and Macular Degeneration
With a Healthy Topping of Dolphin and Whale Fat …. BY SCOTT TIPS, NHF PRESIDENT The new Chairman of the Codex Alimentarius Committee on Pesticide Residues (CCPR) is Guibiao Ye and he is an excellent chairman. Unlike some others I have encountered, he lets everyone talk, he listens and thinks about what he’s heard, and then overall he makes sensible decisions. Above all, he doesn’t promote his own personal views and opinions as some sort of “consensus” of the Committee. Working well with … [Read more...] about IT’S OFFICIAL, COURTESY OF CODEX – SPIDERS, TICKS, AND LICE FOR BREAKFAST, OH MY!
JOINT FAO/WHO FOOD STANDARDS PROGRAMME CODEX COMMITTEE ON PESTICIDE RESIDUES 53rdSession (Virtual) 4-8 July and 13 July 2022 (Comments of National Health Federation) Agenda Item 6: Revision of the Classification of Food and Feed. Establishment of MRLs for pesticides for okra. CX/PR 22/53/5 The National Health Federation (NHF), a non-profit consumer organization, respectfully submits the following comments for consideration at CCPR53: One of Codex’s noble goals over the past … [Read more...] about JOINT FAO/WHO FOOD STANDARDS PROGRAMME CODEX COMMITTEE ON PESTICIDE RESIDUES
The Disinformation Governance Board BY SCOTT C. TIPS, NHF PRESIDENT In late April 2022, the Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas publicly revealed at a press conference the existence of a government Propaganda Department, euphemistically called the “Disinformation Governance Board” (DGB). Its mission is to suppress all viewpoints that disagree with what the government pronounces as correct. In other words, there will henceforth be a “party line” and those who oppose … [Read more...] about SADLY, GEORGE ORWELL’S PREDICTIONS ARE COMING TRUE
Monkeypox Infection
To Fear or Not to Fear? By THOMAS LEVY, M.D., J.D. As of the writing of this article, multiple news reports have recently addressed the occurrence of monkeypox virus infections in humans. In the current setting of the entire Planet dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic over the last two and a half years, fear is readily stoked that another pandemic with a virus that comes from the same family of viruses as smallpox could be poised to inflict widespread suffering and death. This article will … [Read more...] about Monkeypox Infection
The Last Interview Bill Sardi Gave Before He Died
This interview was recorded January 5, 2022 … [Read more...] about The Last Interview Bill Sardi Gave Before He Died
June 1, 1945 – February 14, 2022 Bill Sardi – beloved author, prolific writer, eloquent speaker, unique researcher, prominent health pioneer, and passionate advocate for liberty, both in health and in politics – unexpectedly passed away on February 14, 2022, in Southern California, at the age of 76, apparently of a pulmonary embolism. He left behind him a most loved son Matthew, a twin brother Wayne, an army of devoted and loving friends, a legacy of accomplishments, and a reputation for … [Read more...] about WILLIAM F. SARDI
David Noakes Freed Today
Nearly Three Years of Hell Is Over! February 28, 2022 Today, the French Court of Appeals rendered its decision on the David Noakes appellate case. Most significantly, David Noakes was freed from the requirement to stay in France and, as of today, has departed and arrived in London via the Eurostar. He was quite happy to leave France behind. In general, the court of appeals was more lenient with David than was the trial court. They reduced the severity of the charge significantly, … [Read more...] about David Noakes Freed Today
The Codex Alimentarius Circus Comes to Town By Scott C. Tips No one at the Codex Alimentarius Commission is as nice as the outgoing Chairman Guilherme da Costa, Jr. Even when he is kicking your feet out from under you by not allowing your spoken comments to go into the Final Report of the meeting, he is gentlemanly about it, even charming. He also is one of the most accommodating chairmen or -women when it comes to allowing a delegate to speak – just keep in mind that you will be … [Read more...] about A MOST SURREAL TWO WEEKS
Canceling the Spike Protein
Striking Visual Evidence BY THOMAS E. LEVY, M.D., J.D. No issue in the history of medicine has been as strident and polarized as that of the risk/benefit profiles of the various COVID-19 vaccines being administered around the World. This article does not seek to clarify this issue to the satisfaction of either the pro-vaccine or the anti-vaccine advocates. However, all parties should realize that some toxicity does result in some vaccinated individuals some of the time, and that such … [Read more...] about Canceling the Spike Protein
Why the Government Keeps Trying to Trick Us By Scott C. Tips, NHF President Normal people understandably expect their elected officials and even regulators to be honest with them. Because normal people are typically honest and straightforward, they expect others to be that way as well, especially with all of the civic responsibility and pride already inculcated in them over their many years of public (government) schooling. And yet, time after wearying time we continue to be disappointed … [Read more...] about TRICK OR TREAT?
How To Acquire The Immunity Children Have Against COVID-19
By Bill Sardi One of the gross errors of modern medicine is to study why people are diseased rather than why they are healthy enough to escape the many maladies that plague mankind. There are many perplexing questions that go unanswered since the COVID-19 pandemic was announced by the World Health Organization (WHO) on March 11, 2020. One of them is why young children appear to be immune to COVID-19? And if so, pray tell, why are vaccine makers and public health authorities vaccinating … [Read more...] about How To Acquire The Immunity Children Have Against COVID-19
JOINT FAO/WHO FOOD STANDARDS PROGRAMME CODEX ALIMENTARIUS COMMISSION Forty-fourth Session Comments of National Health Federation The National Health Federation (NHF), a non-profit consumer organization, respectfully submits the following comments for consideration at CAC44: One of Codex’s noble goals over the past years has been to tackle the increasing problem of antimicrobial resistance. One approach taken by Codex delegations has been to eliminate certain antimicrobial agents … [Read more...] about JOINT FAO/WHO FOOD STANDARDS PROGRAMME
Board of Governors Election 2022 Notification
Dear NHF Member, The National Health Federation announces the Election of members of the Board of Governors of the NHF for the Year 2022, which will be open until January 29, 2022. As an NHF member, you can cast your unique vote online at from whom you will personally receive a separate email with voting details and your unique registration code. This is the second year that we will be conducting an “online” election, as opposed to our old … [Read more...] about Board of Governors Election 2022 Notification
Victory! David Noakes Released Today!
THE FRENCH COURT OF APPEALS GIVES ITS DECISION ON DAVID NOAKES’ IMPRISONMENT By Scott C. Tips, NHF President “It is dangerous to be right in matters on which the established authorities are wrong.” — Voltaire With this year 2021 quickly winding down, we see that NHF Chairman David Noakes – who has endured false charges and hard-core imprisonment in France for years now, all because of his noble efforts to help dying patients get well – is still in prison after 18 months. At last … [Read more...] about Victory! David Noakes Released Today!
Safety Issues for Zilpaterol Still Exist
JOINT FAO/WHO FOOD STANDARDS PROGRAMME CODEX ALIMENTARIUS COMMISSION Forty-fourth Session Comments of NHF As invited by the Codex Secretariat at the end of Saturday’s meeting, the National Health Federation (NHF), a non-profit consumer organization, respectfully submits the following comments on the draft MRLs for Zilpaterol hydrochloride for consideration at CAC44: Safety Issues for Zilpaterol Still Exist The reason that there is significant … [Read more...] about Safety Issues for Zilpaterol Still Exist
Marchia Carnicelli Minor
By Scott C. Tips Originally from the Uniontown, Pennsylvania area but now based in Ohio & Florida and is a world traveller abroad as well as within the United States. Marchia Carnicelli Minor is the co-founder of the National Healthy Referral Newspaper, established in 1989 to educate the public about preventive/natural health & personal growth. Besides being a proud mother of three, Grandmother of three (almost four), and lover of life, Marchia is a former real-estate agent and … [Read more...] about Marchia Carnicelli Minor
Cancer, What is It? How Does One Reverse Cancer Tumors Without the Need for Mainstream Invasive Treatments? By Beatrijs M.C.H. Penn NHF-Canada Executive Director “It is more important to know what sort of person has a disease, than to know what sort of disease a person has.” – Hippocrates (460-377 B.C.) Now that the healthcare and medical system is on the verge of collapsing all over the World as a result of the fraudulent COVID-19 Plandemic – which is nothing less than an … [Read more...] about DO NOT FEAR CANCER TUMORS
Extinguishing Pain on Hot Summer Days
By: Joseph Pergolizzi, MD The summer, often synonymous with heat waves and humidity, can take a toll on anyone. However, for pain sufferers, especially those people dealing with arthritis and other conditions, heat can make the pain worse. Hot weather by itself can cause dizziness, lightheadedness, fatigue, and muscle cramps, even in people who do not normally have muscle pain. The science behind how extreme weather changes can affect a person’s pain levels is not completely clear. … [Read more...] about Extinguishing Pain on Hot Summer Days
THIS IS IT, FOLKS! SAY “NO” TO THE ILLEGAL AND UNCONSTITUTIONAL JOE BIDEN EXECUTIVE ORDER MANDATING EXPERIMENTAL INJECTIONS FOR 100 MILLION AMERICANS AND DEMAND CONGRESS END ALL VACCINE MANDATES! September 13, 2021 Breaking his earlier promises not to mandate vaccines (December 4, 2020 & July 23, 2021), Joe Biden announced on Thursday, September 9, 2021, that he will use the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to go after … [Read more...] about THIS IS IT, FOLKS!
PERFIDIOUS* DR. FAUCI *Perfidious Describes Someone Who Is Deliberately Dishonest and Cannot Be Trusted By Bill Sardi Rarely do any of our overlords ever get raked over the coals in Congress. And even then, it is mostly for political theatre. The front man for the entire infectious-disease industry who has conspired with vaccine makers to usher in the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic is being pilloried in the court of public opinion these days. What took so long? When is somebody going to fire … [Read more...] about PERFIDIOUS* DR. FAUCI
NHF Helps Stop Vet Drug from Flooding the World, But Stands Alone against Glyphosate By Scott C. Tips On the third and fourth days (July 14-15, 2021) of the most recent session of the Codex Committee on Residues of Veterinary Drugs in Foods (CCRVDF), held online, the National Health Federation (NHF) – the only health-freedom advocacy organization accredited by Codex Alimentarius to participate at its meetings – helped the European Union, Switzerland, Norway, Russia, Kazakhstan, China, … [Read more...] about CODEX ALIMENTARIUS: One Victory, One Loss