How Medical Boards Nationalized Health Care
Lyme Disease– A Modern Miasm
Vaccination Victory in Maine
Proposition 65 Meeting in Sacramento, California
Tocotrienols/ Twenty Years Of Dazzling Cardiovascular & Cancer Research
Tocotrienols: Twenty Years Of Dazzling Cardiovascular & Cancer Research Written by Byron J. Richards, Board Certified Clinical Nutritionist Category: Articles Published: 15 February 2011 Numerous studies over the past two decades have clearly proven that the tocotrienol form of vitamin E is a top choice for cardiovascular protection and heart health. A recent review of tocotrienol science1 points out that they are also being researched for benefits to bone health, blood sugar … [Read more...] about Tocotrienols/ Twenty Years Of Dazzling Cardiovascular & Cancer Research
New Organic Milk Contains Illegal Synthetic Additive
New Organic Milk Contains Illegal Synthetic AdditiveWritten by The Cornucopia InstituteCategory: ArticlesPublished: 23 February 2011 Last updated October 29, 2014Nation’s Largest Corporate Dairy Violates USDA Ruling, Acts as if it’s above the LawA prominent organic industry watchdog filed a formal legal complaint today alleging that a newly introduced product, by the giant dairy conglomerate Dean Foods, includes a synthetic nutritional oil that is prohibited in organics. The product, Horizon … [Read more...] about New Organic Milk Contains Illegal Synthetic Additive
Medicare Secret Police Target Doctors
Medicare Secret Police Target Doctors Written by Dr Tamzin Rosenwasser Category: Articles Published: 11 July 2011 A recent report stated that the Federal government was planning to conduct a stealth program of calling doctors, posing as patients, to see how long it takes to get an appointment, and whether it matters what type of payment system the fake patients say they have — Medicare, Medicaid, insurance or self pay. Then some doctors would be called back to see whether someone calling “on … [Read more...] about Medicare Secret Police Target Doctors
How The U.S. Government Forged A Surveillance Society
How The U.S. Government Forged A Surveillance SocietyWritten by Tom DeWeeseCategory: ArticlesPublished: 23 February 2011On September 12, 2001, President George W. Bush invited members of Congress and the media for a meeting in the cabinet room of the White House. The mood was understandably anxious, somber: The World Trade Center lay in rubble, the Pentagon had a hole gouged into it and shock and awe had settled over the United States. One of the most extraordinary periods of American history – … [Read more...] about How The U.S. Government Forged A Surveillance Society
Hawaii Bills to Ban Aspartame:- Childhood Obesity
Hawaii Bills to Ban Aspartame:- Childhood ObesityWritten by Dr. Betty Martini, D. HumCategory: ArticlesPublished: 23 February 2011The Hawaiian Legislature is considering a vital, courageous action to protect its children from poisoning, and thus may set a model for the entire nation. For the first time in America a state may outlaw all aspartame from schools. Aspartame is addictive. The aspartame industry wants to hook kids on their junk so to fatten both their profits and the children for the … [Read more...] about Hawaii Bills to Ban Aspartame:- Childhood Obesity
From Concep$ion to Death
From Concep$ion to DeathWritten by UnknownCategory: ArticlesPublished: 07 February 2017 A Reflection from 2030"Apathy is the glove into which evil slips its hand" - Bodie ThoeneMonsanto recently announced that they now own every seed and plant remaining on the planet. The last remaining natural seeds being destroyed in the 'accidental' release of a pernicious DDT derivative that wiped-out the last bastions of natural farming.The lack of nutrition in the GM foods, coupled with the recent … [Read more...] about From Concep$ion to Death
Five Key Things To Lower LDL Cholesterol Healthfully
Five Key Things To Lower LDL Cholesterol HealthfullyWritten by Byron J. Richards Board Certified Clinical NutritionistCategory: ArticlesPublished: 28 February 2011 PART 1 of 3It is high time that any person trying to improve their LDL cholesterol levels raises their understanding of the subject far beyond the kindergarten-level training of good and bad cholesterol, avoiding foods with cholesterol, and taking toxic high doses of statin drugs to knock down numbers.By the time your body is making … [Read more...] about Five Key Things To Lower LDL Cholesterol Healthfully
Emergency! Pathogen New to Science Found in Roundup Ready GM Crops?
Emergency! Pathogen New to Science Found in Roundup Ready GM Crops?Written by Science in SocietyCategory: ArticlesPublished: 03 March 2011USDA senior scientist sends “emergency” warning to US Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack on a new plant pathogen in Roundup Ready GM soybean and corn that may be responsible for high rates of infertility and spontaneous abortions in livestock. Dr. Mae-Wan HoPlease distribute widely and forward to your elected representativesAn open letter appeared on the … [Read more...] about Emergency! Pathogen New to Science Found in Roundup Ready GM Crops?
MUST YOU REQUIRE YOUR EMPLOYEES AND CUSTOMERS TO WEAR MASKS? By Scott C. Tips Everywhere I go these days, I see armies of masked men and women. These masked people are not bandits, nor are they extras in a sci-fi film. Rather, these are people who are either genuinely concerned about protecting themselves (and others) from the COVID-19 virus or else are only wearing the masks due to peer pressure and/or a belief that State or other legislation, rules, or regulations mandate their use. … [Read more...] about MUST YOU REQUIRE YOUR EMPLOYEES AND CUSTOMERS TO WEAR MASKS?
Eye on the Health-Freedom Prize
Health Bits & Pieces (Fall 2008)
Book Review: The 80/10/10 Diet
Board Member Introspective Dan Kenner, Ph.D., L.Ac.
Stevia Wonder- The Sweet Herb with a Future?
Mandatory Mental Screening for Postpartum Depression- The Brave New World of Coerced Drugging
Update on Forced Vaccinations in Maine
Blinded And Poisoned By The Light
Blinded And Poisoned By The LightWritten by Attorney Jonathan EmordCategory: ArticlesPublished: 02 March 2011Home is supposed to be a place of refuge but that is about to change. A federal law passed in 2007 will soon make it impossible for Americans to keep their homes and work places illuminated without assuming a very high risk of exposure to a toxic metal, mercury. The Congress has thus violated the rights of individuals to achieve a perceived communal good, energy efficiency. This certainly … [Read more...] about Blinded And Poisoned By The Light
American Citizens As Guinea Pigs Part 8
American Citizens As Guinea PigsPart 8Written by Kelleigh NelsonCategory: ArticlesPublished: 08 February 2011 Part 8 X-ray Computed Tomography or CT scanSince its introduction in the 1970s, CT Scans have become more and more popular as diagnostic tools. While the patient is receiving the three dimensional scan, outside of the room, a technician reads the 3-D image of the interior of the body on a computer.CT scans save lives, but they also cause cancer. Of the 70 million scans done last year … [Read more...] about American Citizens As Guinea Pigs Part 8