b'Deathbed ScurvyWhy Are Critical-Care Physicians LeavingTheir Patients with Scurvy Levels of Vitamin Con Their Deathbeds?BY BILL SARDI. Cookie-CutterApproach Should Be AbandonedA grave error that is con-tinuallyrepeatedinmodern medicineistosolelyapply acookie-cutterapproachto determine how successful (in thiscase,life-saving)apar-ticular therapy is in a group rather than to use an individ-ualizedtreatment.Thedata obtainedfromthesestudies are only pertinent to groups, notindividuals.Otherre-searchers, including Dr. Mar-ik at the Critical Care Reviews meeting, practically beg their peers to cease large, random-ized(blindselectionofpa-tientsfortreatment)studies T he latest study of intravenous- unitwhenvitamin/cortisonetherapyPatient and to invoke individualized care protocols.ly infused Vitamin C/Vitaminwas administered (Chest, June 2017), 37Drowning the Critical Care B1/cortisone treatment of sep- studiesweresubsequentlylaunchedto sis (blood poisoning), a deadlyconfirm or dismiss Dr. Mariks results. In particular, Dr. Marik suggests that malady that is killing over 500,000 hos- Dr. Marik, responding from the Criti- thecommonpracticeofinjectinglarge pitalized patients a year, allegedly failedcal Care Reviews Meeting in Belfast, saysvolumesofcrystalloidfluidintosep-toshowanysignificantsurvivalbene- the most recently published study, knownsis patients must be abandoned as it is fit when compared to cortisone (adrenalby the acronym VITAMINS, in the Journalwithoutscientificbasis.Dr.Mariksays stress hormone) alone. oftheAmericanMedicalAssociation(Jan- this practice increases the risk for death Since Paul E. Marik, M.D., of the East- uary 17, 2020), does not reflect real-lifeamongsepsispatients. Asurveyofhis ern Virginia Medical School reported inexperienceandmayhaveconsciouslymedical colleagues shows that 62% agree 2017astrikingreductioninmortalityor subconsciously been pre-designed towith him. (from 40.4% to 8.5%) in the intensive-carefail. (Personal email, Jan 18, 2020) Dr.Marikfurtherassertsthatexcess 10 H ealtHF reedomN ews /F all2020HFN_FALL-2020_11-02-2020-FINAL.indd 10 11/2/20 8:50 PM'