b'These were also the times when grass- the North American Continent and Mount rootseffortsprovokedmorelettersre- Konocti, a volcano that last erupted 12,000 ceivedbyCongressaboutprotectingyears ago. Clear Lake is also home to the accesstodietaryhealthproductsthanPuma Indians, who have occupied the ba-againsttheVietnamWar!Theseweresin for over 11,000 years.generatedbysmallhealth-foodstoresBy living in Clear Lake Riviera, he is es-throughout the U.S. and Vitamin Expresscaping the enormous radiation exposures led, promoted, supported, and advertisedpresent in the City from 4G and now 5G this course of action. electromagneticradiation(EMR)pulsa-The struggle against the FDAs draconi- tions that are well above the tolerable levels an policies and activities in the early 1990sfor health. His efforts in San Francisco withGive thewaspartiallyquenchedbyCongressstheBoardofSupervisorsandtheBoard unanimous passage of the Dietary Supple- of Appeals came to nothing when behindGreatest Health- ment Health and Education Act (DSHEA)closed doors Carte Blanche was given to in October 1994. Nevertheless, the revolv- the telecommunications industry to placeFreedom Gifting door between the FDA and the phar- antennas throughout the city. In Michaels maceuticalindustryremainsandcontin- shorttimeontheNHFBoardofGover- of All.ues to be harmful to a sick Nation in direnors,hehasalreadywrittenapowerful need of a healthful cure and is a constantarticle on 5G for the magazine as well asHelp Preserve andthorn in the side of the dietary-supplementco-launching a campaign on 5G. industry. His latest business is selling Swiss-madeProtect a Health-Alongsidethisstruggleistheinter- RayGuardproductsonlineatRayGuard- Freedom Heritage fornational debacle that is little known andProtect.com. Imported from Germany, they represents another great battleground formeet the Swiss anti-electromagnetic-wavethe Next Generations. health and health freedom, the standardslaws of 1998 and 2008, which were followedOne of the most powerful ways toand guidelines established by the Codexin turn by the similar European Directivepreserve and protect a Health-Freedom Alimentarius Commission and its variousof 2013. Michael also edits a product news- Heritage for the next generations is bycommittees. Michael notes that he is hon- letter and EMF blog, which can be foundremembering the NHF in your will.ored to be on the Board of Governors of theon his website. For more than six decades, periodic National Health Federation, It is a respon- Michaelsjoyincludesbeingwithhisbequests from our dedicated members sibility and opportunity to aid as much aswifeCamilla,hisfamily,beingagrand- have served as a valuable financial boost possible the goals of health freedom, and tofather, playing the piano, writing, poetry,enabling us to better fight for your health be able to join the other remarkable boardart, and practicing Chi Kung. In 2002, hefreedom. Many of the major victories we membersandespeciallyPresidentScottpublished The BIG Vitamin Dictionary, orig- have achieved through the decades would not have been possible without someone Tips who has relentlessly and unceasinglyinally written for his staff. It became a Nu- caring enough to remember the NHF in represented all of us at the Codex meetingstriBooks Best Seller and is a clear and con- their will.keeping us informed and waging a defensecise dictionary of everything one can findPlease, act today to preserve and protect to protect health and health freedom hereon the shelves of a vitamin store along witha HEALTH-FREEDOM HERITAGE for and abroad. sections on homeopathy, essential oils, im- the next generations by taking the time to munesupplements,sportsupplements,remember the NHF in your will.Nowadays brainsupplements,andtheBachFlowerYour passionate advocate for Health After 36 years of dedication to VitaminRemedies. Freedom,Express,Michaelretired.AstheWorldMichaels life continues to be one of ed-shifted to online buying, he closed or solducation, inspiration, and continual explora-his stores one by one, closing his last storetion. Michaels focus now is on revising his on Irving Street, as he said, while I still2002 vitamin dictionary, which is currently have customers. out of print, and on his activism through Michael spends his time between thethe NHF Board, especially concerning 5G. best of two worlds, the city of San Fran- We are fortunate to have his commitment cisco and Clear Lake Riviera, California,and passion on the Board and look forward overlooking Clear Lake, the oldest lake into seeing where it leads.H ealtHF reedomN ews /F all2020 23HFN_FALL-2020_11-02-2020-FINAL.indd 23 11/2/20 8:50 PM'