b'such as WebMD and the Mayo Clinic sawazon as he had done with several previ- Plandemic. With one billion views online, their rankings rise. ous best-selling books, Amazon allowedhe notes that Plandemic Part 1 is the most In June 2019, the email service provid- its publication but then banned it with theviewed and most banned documentary of er Mailchimp announced that it had shutfeeble excuse that it did not meet the com- all time. Virtually every single time that downanumberofaccounts,includingpanys guidelines. Bowles book showedthe film or a link to the film is posted on GreenMedInfo.com,fortheiranti-vac- the close correlation between endogenoussocial media, it is peremptorily removed cinationcontent.Interestinglyenough,Vitamin-Dproductionandresistancetoas a violation of community standards. Mailchimp partners with the CDC Foun- COVID-19, not exactly a welcome messageTheblowback,however,hasbeenfero-dation, which also has as its partners suchin our money-driven, vaccine-happy age.cious. Plandemics producer Kelly Gallagh-vaccine makers as Pfizer, Novartis, Merck,TheaverageAmericanhealth-foodstoreer proudly states, As a result of this first Sanofi Pasteur, and GlaxoSmithKline. has more ammunition on its shelves to ef- 24-minute film about a virus going viral Also beginning in June 2019, Google,fectively fight COVID-19 in its early stagesonline and in the minds of people, a co-YouTube, Twitter, and Spotify all active- than the typical hospital. But you wouldalition of over 27,000 doctors has formed lysuppressedandbannedMercola.comnever know it from the mainstream me- in support of a call to reform our corrupt content. Dr. Mercolas crime? He featureddia, internet search engines, or social me- global healthcare systems. interviewswithdoctorsandscientistsdia unless you knew where to look, andStill,wecanneverforgetWikipedia who challenged the mainstream narrativeeven then it might not be possible. Ironi- withitshordeofpro-drugindustryin-about medicine. cally, those very health-food stores wereternetshillswhositontheWikipedia Laterthatsamemonth,ascompre- deemednon-essentialandforcedtowebsite and make certain that health-free-hensively documented by GreenMedInfo,close during the lockdowns. dom organizations such as the National Google manipulated its search suggestionsYouTubesCEOSusanWojcickievenHealthFederation(NHF),well-known to steer people towards drugs and awayunabashedlystatedthatthecompanynatural-health doctors, and even healthy from natural remedies. Other auto-searchwill censor any video that contradicts thesupplementsaredepictedintheworst suggestions such as chiropractic is fakeWorld Health Organizations pronounce- possible light in their Wikipedia listings. andorganicisaliepopulatetheau- ments on the COVID-19 pandemic.ThisNHFsownlistinginWikipediawas to-search field when a user asks Google tocensorship not only includes health-free- changed from a relatively neutral tone to a search chiropractic or organic. domandallegedlyfringevideosbutcondemnatory and dismissive one. When also those by licensed med- NHF tried to eliminate these negative and ical doctors and researchersmisleading portrayals with new edits, thesuch as by the group callednew edits were promptly eliminated and Americas Frontline Doctorsthen NHFs attorney was ordered by anwho are simply engaged inanonymous Wikipedia troll to stop mak-scientific debate and discus- inganyeditorialchangesorelse.So sions. much for fairness in media.As My Pillow CEO MikeAcutely sensitive to any criticism that Lindell tweeted, I am tiredmightthreatentheircartel,themedical ofthecensorship!Ander- monopolywhich now, by the way, in-sonCoopercalledmeacludessuchdrugcompaniesasGoogle snake oil salesman becauseand the CDChas closed ranks against ImtryingtogettheFDAthoseofuswhowishtocommunicate totestasupplementthattruthful information that will save lives. Ive seen work. And TwitterCensorship is one of the main weapons keeps taking my followers!inthemedicalmafiasarsenalofarms [August28,2020]Thishasfor stopping the spread of any dissenting become an all-too-commonviews.experienceamongnatural healthcareadvocatesandFor What Reason?When Jeff T. Bowles came out in Maypractitioners, especially those who haveMoney. Pure and simple. There are bil-2020withhisexcellenteBook16Fasci- large followings. lions, perhaps even trillions, of dollars to nating COVID-19 & Spanish Flu MysteriesJust ask Mikki Willis, the co-produc- be made from the planned billions of man-Solved! and tried to self-publish it on Am- erofthegone-viraldocumentaryseriesdated COVID-19 vaccine doses, with little 8 H ealtHF reedomN ews /F all2020HFN_FALL-2020_11-02-2020-FINAL.indd 8 11/2/20 8:50 PM'