b'Exhausted? Leaky gut, leaky brain.Wounds heal slowly? Before reaching NHF WORLD REPORT for medicine or even green drugging with targeted nutritional supplements, BY KATHERINE A. CARROLL, NTP go to the root of the problem and see if NHF EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR the rest will not resolve. Skin issues? Skin mirrors the GI tract. 5RputsthefireoutofRosaceaand acne.If You Do Only Aphysicianbeinginterviewedspoke for many other physicians when he said, If I could only practice on one system in One Thing to Boost the body, it would be the GI tract because once healed, so many other ailments re-Your Immune System, solve.Try the 5R Program The Sweet Spot in the Pey-The sweet-spot is found ers patches (PP), or aggregated lymphoid nodules. Like internal soldiers, they mon-2020 has already yielded an unexpect- thenewsisperpetuallyfullofdeath,itorintestinalbacteriapopulationsand ed treasure despite the global disruptiondoom, and gloom. All it takes is a bit ofprevent the growth of pathogenic bacte-and destruction resulting from COVID-19knowledge and implementation of the 5Rria in the intestines, thus forming an in-therenewedappreciation,orperhapsprogram, which will balance your GI tracttegral part of the immune system in the first-time awareness, of the value of build- where most of the immune system resides. gut. Because a huge portion of your im-ing, investing in, and nurturing our im- What is the 5R program? A lifestyle andmune cells are in the gut70%-80%it mune system. Immune strength and re- nutritional intervention for those experi- makes sense to invest where it counts: siliency are the greatest components of aencing digestive discomfort and dysfunc- in gut integrity, that is, in the repair and personal asset protection program, of fartion. But the ripples from improving di- restoration of proper function of the GI more value than locking down, maskinggestion are massive and powerful. tract. PP constitute the immune systems up, and social distancing. Becausesystemichealthisdependentfirst line of defense against gut-associated A strong immune system not only en- upon proper intake of good nutrition, di- mucosal antigens, the bad guys.Think riches your life but can save your life. Whygestion, and assimilation, as well as de- scales of justice. The good bacteria must prophylactic measures have usurped thetoxification, once these areas are fixed,outweigh the bad.common-sense practice of using the rootwatchforrapidimprovementinmanyI have been a Nutritional Therapy Prac-source of protection from disease is ob- other areas. Here are just a few: titioner since 2004, and I have personally vious to some and sadly beyond me to Depressed? Interestingly enough, morewitnessedcountlesstimeshowthisap-others. Health is wealth has never beenserotonin is produced in the gut thanproachin place of drugsworks and suchanimportantaxiomanditmakesinthebrainassumingproperGImakesperfectsensesincenutritional sense to employ one program on a regu- function.therapyisprovidingeverythingthat lar basis to ensure it: the 5R program. Ac-Frequent colds, fatigue, or exhaustion?our organs and systems need for prop-cording to 5R literature, Gut dysfunctionStart with the gut. erstructureandfunction.Whatcould impactsallotherorgansystemswhich Sleep apnea? A newly released studybemorelogical?Byfollowingthe5R need to utilize the energy from digestion.revealstheconnectionbetweentheprogram,thatis,gettingatleastseven Therefore, restoration of the gut functiongut microbiome and sleep disruption.hoursofsleep,stressreduction,follow-supportsthefoundationalhealthoftheGut microbes are intimately involvedingahealthydietwithnutritionalsup-wholebodyincludingimmunehealth,with neurological events.plementation, and staying well-hydrated, cardiometabolichealth,andcognitive GERD,heartburn,andindigestion?you build a sound foundation for optimal function. You dont have a Tums deficiency. healthandimmunefunction.CoupledIrritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)?Con- withgardeningandgrowingyourown Balance Your GI Tract tinuing to do what you are doing andfood (soil investments), the 5R program Investinginarobustimmunesystemexpecting different results is the verywill increase your chances of surviving a is literally life insurance at its most in- definition of insanity. Give the 5R pro- p(L)andemicandenjoyingalong,func-tegral level. Optimum immune strengthgram a try. tionally healthy life.yields peace of mind and less stress when Cantthinkstraight,feelfoggy?In1994,underDr.RichardSchultz 26 H ealtHF reedomN ews /F all2020HFN_FALL-2020_11-02-2020-FINAL.indd 26 11/2/20 8:50 PM'