b'B12 Has a Historic Record Yet,datahascorrelatedpooroutcomesinof B12 (and they tend to have lower Vita-as an Antiviral COVID-19 with poor Vitamin-D status. Thismin-D levels). I am now completing a review of themeans that summer sunshine should play aFurther, people no longer eat abundant knowneffectsofB12ontheimmunere- part also. Vitamin C is also known to haveB12-rich foods such as liver, kidneys, eggs, sponse,whichpointsoutitssignificanceantiviral actions. So, taking these vitaminsandseafood.Antibiotics,junkfood,and forCOVID-19treatment.Togivebutoneprophylactically,alongwithaliposomalobesity have wiped out many peoples nat-example, the fact that while COVID-19 de- form of B12 as methylcobalamin, and alsouralimmunity.Acid-blocking(B12-block-pletes Natural Killer (NK cells), and othera synergistic methylfolate supplement, is aing) medication prescriptions are epidemic, immune cells, B12 is known to boost them.first step for prevention, and early treatment. even given to babies; and smoking rapidly The review covers much lost, forgotten, ordepletesB12:Socrates(thesoccerplayer)overlooked B12 clinical data in multiple for- was a two-pack-a-day smoker.eign-language journals dating back to 1949.It presents considerable evidence of theCrippling Economic Costs of multiple antiviral potential and clinical usesSepsisof B12 in the last 70 years, which are inex- In the United States alone the annual plicably being ignored: the research showscost of treating sepsis is over $24 billion, B12hasantiviralactionagainstinfluenzareaching $35 billion, if one includes all an-A & B viruses, and human papillomavirustibiotic-resistant infections. Across Europe, (HPV), with manyforgottenearly clinicalannual sepsis treatment costs are 17 bil-studiesshowingcobalaminseffectivenessInat-riskcategoriesofpatientswithlion and rising. Recently, an independent against viral hepatitis, neurotropic viruses,COVID-19, I would also advise using dai- report from the UK Sepsis Trust found that polio,herpessimplex,herpeszoster,andlyhigh-dosemethylcobalaminB12injec- sepsis-relatedtreatmentcostshadbeen varicella (chickenpox). In HIV, in vitro, co- tions to prevent any deterioration to sepsisradically under-estimated and that it costs balamin significantly inhibits HIV integrase,and ARDS. This would likely also shortenthe UK 15.6 billion a year. No health econ-the gp120 glycoprotein, thus preventing HIVCOVID-19 hospital stays, and has alreadyomycansustainsuchrisingcosts.Yeta infection, in a non-strain specific manner. been clinically tested at 50 mg parenterallifesaving and cost-cutting solution is star-LucMontagnier,theFrenchvirologistdaily doses, in a six-month Japanese ALSing us in the face.who discovered the HIV virus, and his as- clinical trial. So, we know this is very safe. More than that. There is no guarantee sociateDr.Perez,recentlydemonstratedFinally,forsepsisandCOVID-19sep- that any of the SARS-CoV-2 vaccines in the the unique existence in the SARS-CoV-2 ge- sis/ARDS, doctors should go up to the fullpipeline will work. The Oxford frontrun-nome of a seemingly exogenous/inserted re- 5-gram IV dose, preferably of methylcobala- nervaccinetrialhasalreadybeenhalted gion containing 16 exogenous informativemin. There are some cautions for certain pa- because of adverse effects. Yet, if one has elements(Env,Pol,andIntegrasegenes)tients at this dosage: anyone with poor kid- a safe and effective treatment now, as I be-derived from diverse specific HIV-1/2 andney function could, according to the Mercklieve we may, the World could go back to Simianimmunodeficiencyretrovirusge- Cyanokit studies, be susceptible to furthernormal, and normality would not hinge on nomes, and also from the malaria Plasmo- kidney damage, even if this is potentially aa distant hypothetical vaccine solution.diumyoeliigenome,which,insum,givevery rare event, and these will be mitigatedLuc Montagnier said that Nature ab-SARS-CoV-2 its virulence and pathogenicity. for in my forthcoming clinical trial protocol. hors disharmonies, and recently observed These inserted HIV/malaria genome re- thattheSARS-CoV-2viruswasalready gions may perhaps account for SARS-CoV- shedding the pathogenic inserts first, mu-2s response to HIV retroviral drugs andtating into less-aggressive forms, and might anti-malarialhydroxychloroquine,which,well disappear. Just like SARS and MERS.like cobalamin/B12, has pleiotropic anti-vi- Yet, sepsis, the true pandemic, will re-ral action. One might therefore expect ther- main. So, what are we waiting for?apeutic effects also from cobalamin againstThe registered UK charity, Survive Can-SARS-CoV-2 on this count alone, given itscer, is fundraising for formal clinical trials anti-HIV,andalsoitsknown,2008pub- of high-dose B12 for sepsis, and working to lished, anti-malarial actions. find interested clinicians.Sepsis Does Not Strike Ran-How High-Dose B12 May Bedomly as at First It Appears HELP OUR CLINICAL TRIAL FUND-Deployed for COVID-19 andVaried genetic inheritance affecting B12RAISING EFFORT. Sepsis: A Threefold Plan biochemicalpathwaysmeansthatsomeGet the cobalamin COVID-19/sepsisWhilstmuchhasbeenwrittenaboutneed more B12 than others. Blacks are prob- clinical trial protocol.potentialanti-COVID-19drugs,naturesably more susceptible to COVID-19 because,CONTACT:own antivirals are not getting much airtime.genetically, they require much higher levelswheatley.carmen@googlemail.com16 H ealtHF reedomN ews /F all2020HFN_FALL-2020_11-02-2020-FINAL.indd 16 11/2/20 8:50 PM'