b'P resideNtsN oteCensorship InOur Cancel CultureThe suppression of free speech gains momentumas drug companies panicBY SCOTT C. TIPS, NHF PRESIDENT A smoreandmorepeoplenumber,or9,683Americans,diedfromWith its low sickness rate, low mortality wakeuptothefactthatCOVID-19alone.Now,Iwillhastentorate, and empty ICUs, the COVID-19 ep-theyarebeingtakenforaddbeforeanyonelambastsmeforus- idemic is long since over. Yet, the propa-foolsinthisCOVID-19ing the word only that even one or twoganda machine grinds on.pandemic, the mainstreamand onlinedeaths are tragic; but when compared to corporate and social-media platforms re- the death-rate predictions pitched by Dr.Suppress the Truthact by suffocating any news that contra- Anthony Fauci and Dr. Deborah Birx inEven worse, the propaganda machine dictstheirdogmathatCOVID-19istheearlyMarch2020,thiscorrecteddeathhaswarpedintoaunitedMinistryof most dangerous virus since the bubonictoll is far less than they predicted, andTruth that suppresses all dissent from the plague. The facts, which include a 99.5%even less than during a severe flu season.official party line. This censorship seems survivalrate,tellacompletelydifferentAnd for this, they shut down economiesrudelyoutofplaceinaninternetage story though. Back in the 14th century, theacross the World, destroying small busi- where near-universal and almost instant bubonic plague killed off one-third (somenessesandjobs,increasingthesuicideaccess to information is possible and tak-say 60%) of Europes population, while tu- and divorce rates, and killing individualen as a given. berculosis kills at least 1.4 million peopleliberties? And are still doing so? It is ab- Yet,censorshipexamplesabound. annually to this very day. Even the Hongsolutely insane. Facebook will not permit any articles from Kong flu in 1968-1969 killed 3-1/2 timesThe current justification for lockdownsThe Gateway Pundit online news site to be more people than COVID-19; and, yet, theand other controls is that the coronavirusposted to its pages. In December 2018, Pin-authoritiesandmediacontinuetodishcase rate has been increasing. But that isterest banned the popular GreenMedInfo.out a rotten swill that too many peopleonly an artifact of the greatly increasedcomwebsite,thelargestevidence-based are still willing to eat up. A large part oftestingwithitsmanyfalsepositives,natural-healthresource,becauseithad their success stems from their ability tofalsified tests from people who never evenpostednaturalhealthandvaccine-safe-censor any truthful messages that revealtook the test, and confusion between anty information. More recently, Instagram that COVID-19 is not as dangerous to theactual viral infection with viral fragmentsde-platformedGreenMedInfo.comas majority of people as portrayed and thatthat result from a successful human-im- well.masks, social distancing, and lockdownsmunesystemdefenseagainstCOVID-19AndGooglehasstoppedranking cause more harm than benefit. or even the seasonal flu. The PCR test sim- natural-healthwebsitesthatarenoton So,itwasnosurprise,then,thatply cannot tell the difference between anGooglesapprovedlist.GreenMedInfo.during the last week of August 2020, theexisting infection and an historical one. com was just one of those, while the Dr. Centers for Disease Control and Preven- To form a true picture of the COVID-19Axe, PaleoHacks, Robb Wolf, Top10Hom-tion(CDC)clarifiedtheCOVID-19mor- threat, we must look at the mortality rate,eRemedies,andDr.Mercolawebsites tality count in America. It seems that in- which has been dropping like a rock everwere among the many others. Readership stead of the six-figure inflated death tollsince Summer 2020 (with increased Vita- of unranked sites plummeted as a result. fromthiscoronavirus,only6%ofthatmin-D levels from Sun exposure) began.At the same time, establishment websites H ealtHF reedomN ews /F all2020 7HFN_FALL-2020_11-02-2020-FINAL.indd 7 11/2/20 8:50 PM'