b'The Human Toll And make you 42% more likely to commitWhat do the deaths of Pope John Paul II and suicide?Superman Christopher Reeve have in common? What causes death in antibiotic-resistantWhat is the 3rd leading killer in the West? diseases, and is now a worldwide pandemic?[No, it is NOT COVID-19!] What seriouslyaffects 30 million people worldwide each year,The Answer is Sepsiswith over 8 million deaths? Sepsis is our real pandemic, longWhat is the leading cause of death in U.S. andbefore SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19 appearedEuropean hospitals, accountable for nearly on the scene. Yet, ironically, people who 50% of all clinical deaths? die of, or with COVID-19, are actually What kills the majority of cancer patients whomostly dying of Sepsis.die of infections? What kills more than 6 mil- The combined immune over-reac-lion Third World children each year, and is thetion and later immune depression of largest killer of children and infants in the FirstCOVID-19, followed by organ failure, World? What leads to frequent amputations? often with acute respiratory distressWhat causes over 75,000 maternal deaths syndrome (ARDS), also constituteworldwide each year? sepsis and septic shock.What single condition kills 40,000 plus peoplea day in the West?What will shorten your life expectancy evenif you survive it?12 H ealtHF reedomN ews /F all2020HFN_FALL-2020_11-02-2020-FINAL.indd 12 11/2/20 8:50 PM'