b'Smoke Gets in Your BrainHEALTH BITS & PIECES With the Western United States cov-By Dan Kenner, Ph.D., LAc eredinsmokefromrecentwildfires, Neither Health Freedom News nor I are suggestingthere is great concern about the effects that any such medical care or treatmentbe conducted without competent of air pollution on health. Omega-3 fatty medical advice and supervision. acids are crucial for maintaining healthy brain cells, and they are also likely to Health Prevention cially in the Darfur region due to borderprotect them from the neurodegenera-Billions of dollars have been spent inmovements. International health bodiestive effects of air pollution. Researchers the attempt to eradicate polio, but a viru- also accidentally reintroduced the dis- at Columbia University Irving Medical lent strain of polio virus produced in theease in Pakistan, Afghanistan, and IranCenter looked at data from the Womens corporate pharmaceutical vaccine dis- in 2019. Also, in 2019, the governmentHealthInitiativeMemoryStudy-Mag-tributed in Central Asia and Africa hasof Ethiopia ordered the destruction ofnetic Resonance Imaging (WHIMS-MRI), sown destruction. The United Nations57,000 vials of type 2 oral polio vaccineconducted between 1996 and 2006, which has been forced to admit that a major(mOPV2) following a similar outbreak ofincluded over 1,300 healthy women be-international polio-vaccine initiative hasvaccine-induced polio. There have eventween the ages of 65 and 80. The subjects actuallycausedoutbreaksofpolioinbeen attacks on vaccinators and theiragreed to MRI scans of their brains, and Central Asia and Africa in 2019 and 2020.bodyguards. answered questions about their lifestyles, On August 9, 2020, the Federal Minis- diets, and more. The researchers also col-try of Health, Sudan notified the WorldWHO, Circulating vaccine-derived polio- lected blood samples to measure levels of Health Organization (WHO) of the de- virus type 2Sudan, Disease Outbreaktwo important Omega-3 fatty acids, EPA tection of a circulating vaccine-derivedNews, Sep 1, 2020, at https://www.who. and DHA. Women who were exposed poliovirus type 2. Neighboring Ethiopia,int/csr/don/01-september-2020-polio-sudan/ to more air pollution had lost greater the Central African Republic, and Chaden/; OCHA, Sudan: Vaccine-derived polioamounts of white matter in their brains, (along with Republic of the Congo, bor- outbreak - Flash Update No. 1, OCHA,as well as brain volume in the hippo-dering South Sudan) also reported cases,Situation Report, Aug 13, 2020, at https:// campus. The women with a diet rich in which increased the risk to Sudan, espe- reliefweb.int/report/sudan/sudan-vac-cine-derived-po- seafoodtherefore with abundant Ome-lio-outbreak-flash-up- ga-3ssuffered no brain tissue loss, even date-no-1; Mbaeyiwhen they were exposed to air pollution.C, Alleman M, etChen C, Xun P, Kaufman J, et al., Eryth-al., Update onrocyte omega-3 index, ambient fine particle Vaccine-Derivedexposure, and brain aging, Neurology Poliovirus OutbreaksDemocratic Re- 2020; 95(8): e995-e1007; doi:10.1212/public of the Congownl.0000000000010074.and Horn of Africa, 20172018, CDC, Mar 8, 2019; 68(9); 225-230, at https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/68/wr/mm6809a2.htm; WHO, Circulat-ing vaccine-derived poliovirus type 2Pakistan, Disease Outbreak News, Nov 28, 2019, at https://www.who.int/csr/don/28-novem-ber-2019-polio-paki-stan/en/.24 H ealtHF reedomN ews /F all2020HFN_FALL-2020_11-02-2020-FINAL.indd 24 11/2/20 8:50 PM'