b'tonodownsideforthemanufacturers,more dangerous than the coronavirus theybutitwillalsomakeveryclearsense which have legal immunity. The vaccineare meant to protect us against. Besides, iteconomically.[https://www.targetlib-makers know this and that is why they areis going to be very difficult to mandate aerty.com/2020/08/coming-class-action-scrambling over each other like Hallow- vaccine when the COVID-19 mortality ratesuit-against-those.html]Hehasgained een-candy-crazed kids to implement Op- has dropped to less than 1%. some significant support for his intended, eration Warp Speed while trashing andsweeping lawsuit.suppressing all of the far-less-expensiveThe Solution While courts have ruled that under the medical solutions that are out there. In thePolitical action to stop this one-sidedCommunications Decency Act, social-me-ten years from 2007 to 2016, the vaccinecensorshiphaslargelybeenunsuccess- diaplatformsandprovidersofinterac-makers enjoyed a rise in annual revenuesful. So, some censored organizations aretive computer services are not generally from vaccine sales of $20 billion to overinstead taking legal action against theirliable for content posted or published by $50 billion. They definitely do not want ustormentors.TheChildrensHealthDe- authors, those decisions have been based breaking their rice bowls. fense (CHD), for one, filed a lawsuit in lateupon the notion that such companies are ThreedrugsmakersAstraZeneca,August 2020 in California Federal Courtnotpublishersorinformationcontent Moderna,andthePfizer/BioNTechal- allegingthatFacebook,itsCEOMarkproviders.However,bytakingthestep liancehaveprogressedfarwiththeirZuckerberg,andtheorganizationsSci- of actually becoming an active censor of Phase-3clinicaltrialsontensofthou- ence Feedback, Poynter, and PolitiFact act- content, that is by involving themselves in sands of participants. The Russians anded in concert with the Federal governmentthe content of their posts or publications, Chinesehavealreadydevelopedtheirto infringe its First and Fifth Amendmentthese companies risk losing that valuable ownvaccines.Theyallhopethattheirrights. The lawsuit also alleges that Face- exemption.cash machine will start ringing soon. bookandcertainofitsco-defendants Unfortunately, as well, as reported bycolluded to commit wire fraud by block- Reverse CassandrasWhitneyWebbinlateAugust2020,theing anti-vaccine ads that CHD had beenThe NHF has been a Cassandra. Cas-drug company Emergent BioSolutions isplacing and wished to place. CHD has thesandrawastheTrojanprophetesswho set to participate in manufacturing thesupport and good wishes of many in itscorrectly predicted the downfall of Troy at U.S. governments COVID-19 vaccine can- lawsuit. the hands of the Greeks. Sadly, no one be-didate of choice in spite of their horren- In a different strategy, another organi- lieved her. While many have believed us, dous track record on product testing andzation, the Association of American Phy- in my opinion, not enough have. Dr. Fauci, product safety. It seems that Emergentssicians and Surgeons, announced in Au- on the other hand, is a Reverse Cassandra. treatmentfornerve-gasexposure,Tro- gust 2020 that it was suing the Food andHe gives false predictions, and yet almost bigard, not only failed to work but wasDrug Administration (FDA) for not allow- everyone believes him. A large part of the untested for safety or efficacy even as theing physicians to use the inexpensive andreason is that the messages proving him companywasmarketingtheproducttoeffectiveoff-patentmedicationhydroxy- wrong are instantly blocked throughout thegovernment.[Seehttps://www.unz. chloroquineforCOVID-19patients.Hy- social and mainstream media.com/wwebb/company-set-to-manufac- droxychloroquine has been used medical- Inaperfectworld,allinformation ture-covid-19-vaccine-for-us-intentional- ly for some 70 years and the Associationwould flow freely and easily. We would all ly-sold-faulty-biodefense-products/] favors its use in treating COVID-19 infec- have access to all of the facts and be able to Butthatdidnotseemtomatterintions. On the other hand, the FDA gavethen make the best decisions for ourselves, the face of Emergents close ties with thepermissiononAugust28,2020,fortheourfamilies,andourbusinesses,notto U.S. military and the U.S. Department ofexpensiveantiviraldrugRemdesivirtomentionthecountry,baseduponthose HealthandHumanServices,includingbe used on all patients hospitalized withfacts.Wherecertainmega-corporations itsrevolving-doorexchangesofexecu- COVID-19, even though no published re- andtheirgovernmentalhand-maidens tives. Regardless, with all of the Westernsearch supports its use. have acted to restrict and suppress the free drugmakershavingatrackrecordthatA third approach is to make all whoflow of information based upon their own includes massive fines levied against thempromotedtheunnecessaryCOVID-19personalfinancialandpowerinterests, for wrongful activities, I can safely predictlockdownsfinanciallyresponsibleforthen it is time for all of us to act decisively thatwhateverCOVID-19vaccineorvac- the enormous losses incurred as a result.through legal action, boycotts, use of al-cines are selected to go to market for man- AccordingtoGerman-Americanlaw- ternative sites such as BitChute, and other datory or voluntary use, they will not haveyerDr.ReinerFuellmich,aclass-actionlawful actions to take back our access and been adequately tested for safety or effi- lawsuit making lockdown victims finan- end this wrongful censorship. cacy and will indeed be dangerous, evencially whole is not only legally possible, Copyright 2020 Scott C. 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