b'net for cyanide, which then becomes cya- that synthesize it, although, importantly,tims from fires and in suspected terrorist nocobalamin B12, and is safely excreted inthere was never a complete inhibition, asscenarios.urine.) What struck me the most in such cas- that too would be dangerous. B12 is also very cheap, by comparison es, however, was that such high-dose, intra- Thrillingly, the protocol that I advocat- with the cost of drugs. In theory, even with-venous (IV) B12-treated, CN poisoning vic- ed for sepsis back in 2006 has already beenout a clinical trial, given its CN antidotal tims not only survived, but that they walkedusedtosavelivesforrelatedconditionsexistinguseinintensive-caremedicine, out of intensive care within days completelyinvolving acute inflammation: three yearsB12 could also legally be used off-label unscathed, when they should have been asago it saved the life of a young woman,in dying sepsis patients, in children with sick as sepsis patients. The speed of recov- accidentally exposed, in a new operatingmeningitis, in antibiotic-resistant patients, ery was nearly miraculous. The doctors whotheatre for 20 minutes to the anesthetic gasin flu and in other epidemics, not least for wrote the cases up noted that. nitrous oxidenot the same as nitric ox- COVID-19 right now. It is a matter of po-As there are many physiological paral- idefrom which she would have died. Yet,litical and medical will, and of having this lels between sepsis/septic shock, and CNwithin 48 hours an initial 5-day treatmentinformation.poisoningeffectsinthebody,Irealizedwith high-dose IV B12 restored her from thatthehydroxocobalamin/B12mustbecomplete paralysis and voicelessness, and doing more than acting just as a magnetlefthertotallyunscathed.Notlongago, for the cyanide. Some years later I foundcardiologists at the Mayo Clinic in the U.S. somewillingcollaboratorsattheBio- also used the 5-gram IV B12 dose to rescue chemical Pharmacology lab of the Williama serious cardiac surgery patient with va-HarveyResearchInstitute,inLondon,asoplegic syndrome. While still on the op-team with a special interest in natural anderating table, the patients blood pressure endogenousregulatorsoftheimmuneplummeted dangerously, as his heart func-response. They had read a theory paper Itiondeterioratedfurther.Bothvasopres-published in Medical Hypotheses in 2006sors (blood pressure supportive drugs) and outliningwhyhigh-doseIVB12shouldrepeated,standard,hazardousinfusionsB12 Has Known Anti- work for sepsis treatment, and together weof methylene blue were of no avail. Then,COVID-19 Actionsmade a key discovery. In a mouse modela B12 infusion was given, as a last resort.I posted this basic information as an of sepsis we demonstrated repeatedly thatRecovery took place in a mere quarter of anemergencytreatmentforCOVID-19on high-doseIVB12canregulatetheentirehour. my ResearchGate page at the very begin-immune response, because it regulates theSeveral other cases of high-dose IV B12ningofMarchthisyear.Manydoctors supposedbadboyofsepsis,apotentialuseforvasoplegicsyndrome,includingread it, but it seems that none decided to double-edged sword but also the universalduring liver surgery, confirm this dramat- act upon it.biochemical signal agent, the gas nitric ox- ic and safe therapeutic response to megaAndyet,inJune2020,asmall,con-ide. Regulated by good levels of B12/cobal- high-dose IV B12. Vasoplegic syndrome/ trolledclinicalstudyfromSingapore amin, nitric oxide in its turn exerts a cen- plummeting,unresponsivebloodpres- General Hospital, which gave COVID-19 tral control of the vital immune responsesure, caused by a deregulation of nitricpatients just an oral combination of Vita-cascade of all the pro- and anti-inflamma- oxide supply in the circulation, is a keymin D, magnesium, and B12, found that in tory hormones that run amuck in sepsis,characteristic of sepsis and is a frequentolder COVID-19 patients this simple com-just as they do in CN poisoning, and otherharbinger of death. High doses of B12 giv- bination was associated with a significant similar scenarios. en IV are known to raise blood pressure,reductionintheproportionofpatients We observed that high-dose B12, par- which in sepsis is just what is needed. Yet,with clinical deterioration requiring oxy-ticularlyinitsenzymaticallyactiveno one has ever tried treating this aspect ofgen support and/or intensive care. Anoth-methylcobalaminform,lowersdanger- sepsis with high-dose IV Vitamin B12. er study from India performed molecular ouslyhighlevelsoftheleadingpro-in- modelling with B12 and found that meth-flammatoryimmunehormones,Inter- Incredible Safety of High- ylcobalamin had the potential to bind the leukin 1 (IL1) and tumor necrosis alphaDose Injected B12SARS-CoV-2viralRNAreplicationpro-(TNFa), as well as a late mediator of sep- Safety is really not an issue here. High- tein, nsp12 polymerase, and thus prevent sis,highmobilitygroupbox1proteindose IV Vitamin B12 has an enviable clin- viral replication. The potential for direct (HMGB1). We also discovered that B12 actsicalandpharmacologicalsafetyrecord.binding of B12 to synthetic RNA recep-as a natural COX-2 inhibitor, and that all(The entire medical safety literature refer- tors has been known since 1994. This fact of these effects, which translated into sig- ences are in the draft protocol on my Re- inspired yet another molecular screening nificantly increased survival in the mice,searchGate page.) Because of its safety andstudy which found that niacin (Vitamin were accompanied by a perfect, time-de- efficacy profile, the FDA long ago gave IVB3) and cyanocobalamin B12 could bind pendent, regulated rise and fall in levelsB12 orphan drug status for use as a treat- andinterferewiththeCOVID-19virus of nitric oxide, and levels of the enzymesment for CN-gas inhalation in smoke vic- main protease.H ealtHF reedomN ews /F all2020 15HFN_FALL-2020_11-02-2020-FINAL.indd 15 11/2/20 8:50 PM'