b'Board Member IntrospectiveMICHAEL LEVESQUEA Life Full of WisdomBY SCOTT C. TIPSI met Michael LeVesque in thely,shewasfullyvindicated,a early1990s,notlongafterIHollywood movie was made of had moved to Marin County,hertrialsandtribulations,and justnorthofSanFrancisco.theUSPSevenissuedastamp Michael was the owner of a smallcommemoratingherimpressive but elite chain of health-food storeswork. throughout the San Francisco BayThis has been a constant re-Area, and we soon became friendsminder to Michael of the many as I shopped frequently at severalalternativehealthpractitioners of his stores. This is his incrediblewhoarepenalized,persecuted, story so far, most of which I did notand prevented from performing even suspect until now. health services for those in need. One glaring and well-known ex-Early Life ampleisNurseCaisse,whoin In the Summer of 1943, MichaelOntario, Canada and during the wasborntheyoungestofthreefirst half of the 20th century suc-children, with one brother and onecessfully cured several thousand sister,inSaintPaul,Minnesota.cancer victims in her clinic, un-Sadly, at the age of three, he wasder hospital authorization, using hospitalized with infantile paraly- a Native American Ojibwa herb-sis, polio. Fortunately, he receivedal formula. She called it the Essi-the Sister Kenny Treatment, whichac formula. However, after visits wasdevelopedforpoliovictimsfrom cancer authorities, it was inAustraliaandwasremarkablydetermined that she was in vio-successful. The treatment protocollation of their rules (the standard involvedapplyingwetheatandof care) and her clinic was closed massagetocontinuallyallaythedespite her great success. There musculaturescrampingspasmsmedicalcommunityandtheAustralianwas a great effort from the public and shortening of the muscle. Over timeMedicalAssociation(AMA)consideredto keep it open, but that effort failed by one the bodys immune system responds andher work unprofessional, closing all of hervote of the Canadian government.overcomes the virus, resulting in no phys- clinics where children were getting cured.This also emphasizes for Michael the ical damage to the musculature. However,Ironically, though, when the President ofunnecessarysufferingandoutrageous he had to learn to walk again and speakthe Australian Medical Associations sonactsagainstDr.LyndaThyerandMr. clearly. became ill with polio, he took him to herDavid Noakes, the Chairman of the Na-Sister Kenny (Sister is a title used infor treatment. Much later she was recog- tionalHealthFederation,bothofwhom place of Nurse in Australia, among othernized for her work and in 1940 came to theare currently in prison for their efforts to places such as Eastern Europe and aroundUnited States. Minnesota was the very firstsave lives using GcMAF treatments. In the the World) was vilified at the time by theState to recognize her treatment. Ultimate- Summer 2020 issue of Health Freedom News, 20 H ealtHF reedomN ews /F all2020HFN_FALL-2020_11-02-2020-FINAL.indd 20 11/2/20 8:50 PM'