b'and worked as a lawyer, his wife, children, LETTERS TO THE EDITOR and parents were shot in front of his eyes and at that moment he made an inner de-cision never to hate anybody and to love everybody. He had helped German soldiers as well as the prisoners in the camp, and Dear Editor, Trust? should have been announced ineven gave away his food.Iapplaudyouforthecontentofyourwhite letters at the front page of HFN asThis love for everybody was his strength website that I have viewed so far. I willwell.that had kept him healthy and fit, despite be reading much more on here from nowThis existential question is the Key forthe devastating circumstances of the con-on and will definitely be sharing a link tohow this crisis will end. Will it be the vic- centration camp. I believe that even if we your site, as far as I can. tory of the dark forces in this darkest yugabecome interned in FEMA camps because Sincerely, (Kali Yuga) or will it be the start of the Newwe refuse to become vaccinated or because Rennie Hill Golden Era, the next cycle of the Earthof some other offence like not wearing a Northumberland, UK yugas, as is expected by many?mask, or disregarding lockdown, this love Katherines existential search for findingof everybody will keep us alive and well.Dear Editor, meaning in the midst of what is going onLove is what we areand when it flows Here is my donation, especially for ourand what might be coming reminded methrough us, when we are connected with JuneNPIsTheBellRingerarticlefromof the book by George Ritchie, 1978, enti- ourSoul,throughthemeridiansand Scott Tips, President, with thanksgiving!tled Return from Tomorrow. When Ritchiechakras, and the Kundalini, then we are Scott Tips was gracious to allow me to takewasinhisearlytwenties,hewasverythe living antennas of the cosmic divine en-hislengthyarticleNeverHasSoLittleill and had a Near-Death Experience inergy. That energy will feed us and keep us Done So Much Harm to So Many from theCamp Barkeley, Texas. During the periodalive.It is not doingit is being!Health Freedom News Spring 2020 issue, inin the afterlife, he encountered a light-be- With great respect for the work that the which he expressed many misgivings anding that he knew to be Christ. When backNHF team does. You are my heroes!some revelations concerning the virus.Iin his body, he regretted that he was notBeatrijs M.C.H. Pennliked what he said in your quarterly maga- dead and longing to go back to be with that zine, and he gave me permission to reprintlight-being Christ. He craved the deep ex- Dear Editor,it in the June 8th issue of our newsletter,perience of Unconditional Love. Somehow,Thankyou.Manythanksforyour The Bell Ringer.There, it was titled Thehe understands that he has to find Christlife-saving work. Youre the man.Latest Coronavirus Attack Is a Cover forin every other human being. A devastatingThe days of see the USA in your Chevro-Restricting Our Health Freedoms. A greatand disappointingly long search amonglet are fading fast. The post WW-2 car-cen-essay full of information and truth. people follows.tric culture was a big job-creating mistake Thankyou,Scott!GodBlessyouandHe is drafted and when his Unit liberatedthat has caused our obesity, diabetes, and looking forward to the next issue of theparts of Germany, they were sent to the sur- heart-disease epidemics by driving instead National Health Federation magazine.roundings of Wuppertal, and he was sentof walking, not to mention the inherent Sincerely yours, to give medical support to a concentrationdanger of driving and its big contribution Gerald Christian (Jerry) Nordskogcamp in that area, where many Jews fromto the cost of living.Holland, France and Eastern Europe hadThe cost of buying, maintaining, and in-Dear Editor, been held prisoners during WWII. He wassuring a motor car has become prohibitive Friends,pleasesendyetanother100deeply affected by the devastating agonyfor many people in our debt-ridden econ-back issues. I am working now in Texasof the prisoners, walking skeletons. Butomy. The cost of repairing and maintain-and hope to spread the good word. there was one man in the camp, they calleding our roads and bridges diverts our tax God Bless, him Bill Cody, who was not affected by themoney from other essential services. With Dr. Phil Burbutes, MD experience. He spoke several languages, hemore people shopping online, there is less helped as many people as he could, walkedneed for driving to shopping centers. With Dear Editor,straight, his body was strong, musculaturemore drug-impaired drivers on the road, With much interest I read HFN when itintact, his eyes were shiny, he seemed todriving has become even more dangerous arrived at my address in Canada last Thurs- have endless energy. The soldiers thoughtto life and limb. day, Aug 20, 2020. I devoured the articles!he was only shortly interned in the camp. In a few words, our automobile-depen-They were so fitting with my current aware- When Ritchie interviewed him, Bill Codydent culture is no longer healthy, sustain-ness of the global situation. Thank you. told him that he was like many other pris- able,ordesirable.Weneedtoredesign One comment though: the Health Freedomoners in this camp, kept as a prisoner ofand rebuild our cities and towns on the News World Report by Katherine Carrol en- war since 1939, for about 6 years! He sharedpre-WW2 model of compact and pedes-titled Lifes Bottom Line: Whom Do Youwith Ritchie that in Warsaw, where he livedtrian-friendly neighborhoods where most 4 H ealtHF reedomN ews /F all2020HFN_FALL-2020_11-02-2020-FINAL.indd 4 11/2/20 8:50 PM'