b'for every hour that treatment is delayed.What Happens in Sepsis? other they fail. Biochemically, it is a very As many as 80% of sepsis deaths couldS epsis is the end result of a profoundcomplex story indeed; yet, outwardly, this bepreventedwithrapiddiagnosisandimmune-systemderegulation.Anormal,is what happens in sepsis and septic shock. standard treatment. Hospital staff need tohealthy immune-system response to dan- This happens also in very sick COVID-19 be fully aware also, and implement, estab- ger involves a necessary and useful degreepatients whose immune systems, for what-lished protocols within a given time frame.ofinflammation,whichreachesapeakeverreason,cannotmountanormalre-Oxygen, fluids, total supportive care, andwhenthechallengeismetorovercome,sponse.broad-spectrum antibiotics must be givenand then gives way to a predominantly an- Butitneednotbelikethis.Nature within the hour of first suspicion or admis- ti-inflammatory state and resolution. does not intend it thus. Our immune sys-sion. Delay can be fatal. However, even as this useful inflamma- tems are actually designed to avoid sepsis.In the United States, Rorys Regulationstion reaches its peak, the immune system (standard sepsis treatment but tied to anhas already begun to produce anti-inflam- Sepsis & COVID-19 Treatment: earlyinterventiontimeprotocol,intro- matory agents, which shift the pro- and an- The Solution Has Been with duced into many hospitals by the parentsti-inflammatory balance, ensuring inflam- Us All Alongof Rory Staunton, a young boy who died ofmation does not get out of control. Sepsis has been called a graveyard for sepsis as a result of fatal delays and diag- clinicaltrials,withmorethan60failed nostic failure) have already saved 40% ofclinical trials to date, and some drug trials childrens lives that would otherwise haveeven having to be stopped prematurely be-been lost. cause they actually increased the death rate. The official available treatmentsessential-Critical Information for lyantibioticsandoptimalintensive-care Nurses and Doctors measuresare clearly not enough. More-over, antibiotics, antimalarials, and antivi-rals are now failing fast, which may soon lead to an even higher death toll.The clinical drug trials have failed be-A healthy immune system behaves likecause they were based on the wrong par-a lion awash with adrenaline and angry foradigmoftherealbiochemicalcauseof a fight, but able to sleep peacefully like asepsis. Attempts to suppress the immune baby immediately after the kill and feast.system in sepsis are completely misguided. ThiskindofcontrolledinflammationisWhat is needed is something that will reg-necessarytosignaltheimmunecascadeulateaderegulatedimmunesystemand into action, to ward off or kill invaders. allow it to do its work. Nature has given us However, in sepsis, the anti-inflamma- just such a central immune-system regula-tory agents and hormones are either nottor: cobalamin/Vitamin B12, the product of produced, or not produced at sufficient lev- a humble mold, just as penicillin is.els, whilst the necessary pro-inflammatoryTwodecadesago,IreadtheFrench hormones are over-produced. There is nomedicalcaseliteratureontheantidotal resolution, and, as a result, the immune in- treatment of otherwise lethal cyanide (CN) flammatory response is continuously am- poisoning cases with enormous doses of plified and unceasing. What this leads to isVitaminB12givenintravenously,astan-popularly known as a cytokine storm. Indard CN antidote treatment in France for other words, a relentless production of pre- the last 70 years. dominantly inflammatory agents, stoking increasingly worse symptoms.Repeat Hospitalizations:Veinsandarteriesbecomelikespent Post-Sepsis Syndromeelastic. Then they begin to leak, and you Sixty-twopercentofpeoplehospital- blow up like a balloon because the vital ized with sepsis are re-hospitalized withinfluids go everywhere. You may look un-30 days. Patients who survive sepsis haverecognizable, like Elephant Man, one of the double the risk of death in the followingNorthwick Park, Parexel, London drug-tri-five years when compared with other hos- al victims of more than a decade ago. Your pitalized controls. They will also suffer theblood pressure plummets and is unrespon-untold burden of ongoing physical, mental,sive to adrenaline injections. Your organs cognitive, and emotional health problems. are starved of oxygen, and one after an- (The cobalt atom in B12 acts like a mag-14 H ealtHF reedomN ews /F all2020HFN_FALL-2020_11-02-2020-FINAL.indd 14 11/2/20 8:50 PM'