b'training to receive a Natural Healer cer- tract is the main goal of the 5R programharmfulpathogenssuchasundesirable tification, I learned and experienced theand in so doing, the immune system andfungiandbacteriaiskey.Additionally, phenomenalpowerofdoingaseasonalgeneral health are boosted. eliminatingunwantedcompoundsfrom liver and gallbladder flush. Doing the easyOne of my first successes was with a 50- processedfoods,environmentaltoxins, flush for the first time (on day 4 of a 5-dayyear old woman who had IBS for literallyand stress are essential parts of this first program),Irealizedforthefirsttimedecades and was reduced to eating jars ofstep towards rebalancing the GI tract.in my life that, This is what real healthpureed baby food. When Erin (not her feels like! I have not forgotten the feelingreal name) was widowed, and beginningReplaceto this day. We have remarkable abilitytodateagain,shewashorrifiedattheSupport proper digestion by restoring andinnatepotentialtohealourselvesthoughtoftravelingandtheattendantfunction with additional dietary fiber, di-throughsimpletherapiesthatsupportGI-tract anxiety. Having been reared on agestiveenzymesincludinghydrochloric proper structure and function. dairy farm, she was not pleased that theacid,pancreaticdigestiveenzymes,and Years later, working in our optometryprotocoleliminatednotonlydairybutox bile or sunflower lecithin for fat diges-clinic, I witnessed firsthand the effect ofalsogluten-containinggrainsfromhertion.poorfatdigestioninourpatientswhodiet. But desperate as she was, she fol-wouldnotresolvegallbladderproblemslowed the plan and within a week wasReinoculationthrough a liver/gallbladder flush, but opt- stunnedtoexperienceanormaldiges- Restore microbiome balance by adding ed instead for surgery to have their gall- tive and elimination pattern she did notfriendly bacteria and fermented foods to bladder removed. I took hundreds of pa- thinkpossible.WhenImetErinagaincreate a hospitable terrain.tient histories and realized that so manyweeks later, she had been to Las Vegas for who had had their gallbladders removeda long (successful) weekend with her boy- Regeneratewent on later to develop the potentiallyfriend and actually gained three poundsRestoretheintegrityofthegutwall blinding disease of macular degenerationwhereasshehadbeenslowlywastingwith targeted whole foods and nutraceuti-(often gaining a lot of weight as well). Thisaway before. To have such success certain- cals, which will help heal leaky gut.was remarkableremarkable enough toly sold both of us on the 4R program.take a hard look at the cause. Had theseNot only is the gut the logical place toRetainpatientsbeenadvisedbytheirsurgeonbegin a healing protocol, but it is direct- Adopt lifestyle habits and practices that that they would need exogenous fat-diges- ly connected to our brain and impacts itretain the structure and function of the GI tion aids after surgery, their sight mightalmost immediately as Michael Gershon,tract.havebeenpreservedandtheirweightM. D., showed in his 1999 book, The SecondI would add a few other steps to build kept under control. Brain: A Groundbreaking New Understand- upon an already fine program: begin with I wrote about my findings in these mac- ing of the Nervous Disorders of the Stomachahigh-fiberplant-baseddietandwith ular-degeneration patients and suggestedand Intestine. His work revealed the inti- proper hydration. We use structured water the use of ox bile or sunflower lecithin tomate connection between gut and brainfor our hydration. Consider adding a liv-emulsify fat so it could carry the fat-sol- function.Leakygut,leakybrain.Foggyer/gallbladder flush and parasite cleans-uble lutein to fill the macula.If the liverthinking clears when gut function is re- ing along with the regular use of a Far and gallbladder have impaired ability tostored. Infrared Sauna, which detoxifies deeply. digest fat, not only are fatigue and slug- From there, incorporate daily, or as need-gishnessanoutcome,butexcessweightComponents of the 5R ed, quality multiple vitamin and mineral and impaired vision or even loss of visionProgram supplementsandimmunesupplements may occur, all due to fat-soluble vitamins,1.Remove such as probiotics with targeted immune essential for our vision, not being assim- 2.Replace action, quercetin, N-acetylcysteine (NAC), ilated.3.Reinoculation EGCG, medicinal mushrooms, zinc, Vita-Also,earlyinmynutritionaltherapy4.Regenerate min D3, Vitamins A and C, essential fat-career,IlearnedofaWashingtonState5.Retain ty acids, and the like and a multitude of surgeon,Dr.JacobKornberg,whohadIn a nutshell, here are the steps to GIother things, such as exercise, sleep resto-stopped doing stomach and bowel surger- restoration and greatly improved immuneration, and destressing modalities will all ies and instead helped his patients healhealth: carry you to higher levels from this reli-their guts just the same as I did employingable, strong foundation. The 5R program the, then, 4-R program. Remove is not even hard! Just ask yourself if avoid-ThisprotocolhassinceexpandedtoThere are up to five pounds of bacteriaing all of those surgeries and illnesses will include one more R. The 5-pronged ap- inthegut,whichisapproximatelythebe worth it in five years.proach has integrity and I was eager tosame weight as that of a brain. The bal-2020 Katherine A. Carrolllearn it and put it into practice. Restoringance always needs to be tilted towards theTo access the Endnotes, go to: https://thenhf.com/ balance in the various functions of the GIsideofbeneficialbacteria,soremoving2020/10/25/nhf-world-report-immune-system/H ealtHF reedomN ews /F all2020 27HFN_FALL-2020_11-02-2020-FINAL.indd 27 11/2/20 8:50 PM'