b'Leave a Meaningful LegacyYear-End & Tax Time Prompt the Question: Am I Meeting My Charitable-Giving Goals?S ince COVID-19 has afforded many people a tax-filing exten- at the same time. A portion of your donation is tax-deductible. sion, there is no better time to access charitable giving strat- Call us to get a detailed personalized illustration of how a CGA egies and goals to hit your targets this tax year. If there iscould work for you. The minimum amount is $20,000.one thing our suffering through this COVID-time has doneDonating Appreciated Stocks or Mutual Fundsis that it has crystalized this basic principle: Health is Wealth. Mak- By donating appreciated securities that you have owned ing lasting investments in the health and education of ourselves andfor more than one year, you can deduct their full value while others so that health can be safeguarded is a remarkable legacy. also avoiding the capital gains tax on those shares were you to Please consider the options below. Since the National Health Fed- have sold them. Call NHF to get more information about how eration (NHF) is a 501(c)(4) organization, you may wish to includeto donate stocks or mutual funds, and to see if mutual funds its sister organization, the Foundation for Health Research (FHR), incan be accepted.your giving plans. FHR is an IRS-recognized 501(c)(3) organization, which for most people affords them a tax-deductible receipt.Donating Gold and SilverCharitable-Giving Options: Capital gains tax can be avoided by donating the proceeds One-time, or Recurring, Donations from liquidated physical gold and silver. Your metals dealer can simply cash in your choice of physical metals and wire the Monthly donations are vital for the advancement of thefunds directly to the NHF or FHR.cause of health and health freedom. NHF and FHR receive no Making a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) governmental support. We depend solely on membershipsDirectly from your IRAand gifts/donations to operate debt-free and completely inde- If you are 70-1/2 years old or older, tax law allows you to pendent as we have since 1955 and 1982, respectively. donate directly from your IRA without that distribution being Become a Million Dollar Club Member subject to Federal income tax withholding. These QCD contri-Maureen Kennedy Salaman, past President of the Nationalbutions can count toward your Required Minimum Distribu-Health Federation (NHF), established the Million Dollar Clubtion (RMD) amount. You can typically donate up to $100,000 to finance NHFs health-freedom battles. Few of us will everper year. This may be an excellent strategy for donors who can have $1 million for a great cause, said Maureen. But most ofno longer itemize charitable donations on their income taxes.us can save $100 a year. This is only $2 a weeka mere 30 cents Fiscal Sponsorshipa day and with 1000 people giving, we have our $1 million.For a limited time, until the Plandemic Movie series is com-While separate from the NHFs annual membership dues, join- plete, NHF and FHR are acting as its fiscal sponsors. We will ing the Million Dollar Club is a vital and bold statement ofpursue other projects with the producers in the near future after your support and belief in NHFs ability to protect health andcompletion of this movie series. Should you wish to donate to-health freedom for you and your loved ones. The donation toward the films completion, either the NHF or FHR can receive the Club can be given either in one contribution or over a ten- a portion of your donation. Learn more on our websites.year period at $100 a year.Including the National Health Federation inNHF is grateful for your support, including your being a Voice your Will or other Estate Plans for Health Freedom where you live and work, for your faith in the NHF has endured over 65 years as a financially indepen- NHF, and for your prayers. As we have always said, We cannot do dent organization largely because of its faithful members whoit without you!were wise enough to think ahead and include the NHF in theirIf you need a tax-deductible receipt, then consider support for wills. NHF provides the perfect vehicle for your enduringour sister organization, the Foundation for Health Research and do-commitment to health freedom and is a lasting and meaning- nate at www.foundationforhealthresearch.org. Otherwise, visit us ful, life-changing legacy. at www.thenhf.com. Thank you for your investment in the future Establishing a Charitable Gift Annuity by legacy-giving.If you are 55 or older, you can set up a Charitable Gift An- This article is intended for informational purposes only and not in-nuity (CGA) through our sister organization, the Foundationtended to provide tax, legal, or accounting advice. Please consult with for Health Research. It will safely generate a fixed-income pay- your accounting, legal, and tax advisors for detailed information as to ment to you for life, while helping health and health freedomhow charitable giving options can be of the best benefit to you.30 H ealtHF reedomN ews /F all2020HFN_FALL-2020_11-02-2020-FINAL.indd 30 11/2/20 8:50 PM'