b'Dr. E. V. Volda in Norway says, After introducingVitamin-C therapy to the equation, sepsis is nolonger a concern of mine. If they are not already dead at arrival, the patients survive. And theysurvive with their health intact!fluidsonlydilutetheclinicalbenefit,farcical goal of keeping ascorbic-acid-de-essentially drowning the sepsis patientpleted patients alive and wellwithout in salt water. A study recently publishedgiving them ascorbic acid!?in the Journal of Intensive Care supports Dr.Marikhere.Itfound40%ofsepticScientific Bias, Unsolicited shockpatientswerefluidoverloaded,Online Tracking and Rebuttalwhich increases organ (kidney and heart)Anotherrecentstudydismissedvi-failure. tamintherapyforsepsiswhen46fac-Dr. Marik underscores this point bytorsweremeasured,butthecritical notingthatpatientsintheVITAMINSfactor,mortality,showedasignificant trialstillhadhighbloodlactatelevelsbenefit, which suggests bias by investi-despite the provision of fluids.High lac- gators.Flawedstudiesproduceflawed tate levels indicate cells are deprived ofresults. oxygen (hypoxic). Interestingly, an online follower of the Vitamin-C/sepsis story notes that Goo-Importance of Timing gle News Wire sent him an automatic, Dr. Marik notes that it is critically im- unsolicited refutation of the Vitamin-C portant for clinicians to initiate intrave- therapy for sepsis. There appears to be a nous Vitamin-C therapy within six hourscovert effort to quash Vitamin-C therapy of their presentation as a sepsis patient,by tracking individual reading lists andDr. Robert Bob C. Beck, D.Sc.ideally at the time of their first dose ofmatching them with medical databasesTruly a man ahead of his time, Bob antibiotics.IntheVITAMINSstudy,that publish contradictory studies.Beck recognized that the health the first dose of intravenous Vitamin CModern medicine appears to be cre- challenges many people face can be was administered 12.1 hours after deter- ating flawed science to keep Vitamin-Caddressed effortlessly and painlessly mination of sepsis criteria, missing thetherapyoutofhospitalintensive-carethrough some very basic technology. critical 6-hour window. units (ICUs). Dr. Marik notes that most ofThe Beck Protocol consists ofthe non-septic ICU patients are also defi- four parts which work together, Worldwide Success cient in Vitamin C. One published studyhelping the body to heal itself:Hospital intensive-care units aroundreveals the prevalence of Vitamin-C defi-theWorldhaveemployedDr.Mariksciency is about 7% for the public at large Micropulsing, also known as blood vitamin therapy on over 1,000 patientsbutrisesto47.3%amonghospitalizedelectrification or blood cleansingwithreproduciblebenefitsandnore- patients.That figure approaches 100%using microcurrentsported side effects. in the ICU.Pulsed Electro-magnetic Fields Dr. E. V. Volda in Norway says, Af- So,thequestionremains:Whyare(PEMF)ter introducing Vitamin-C therapy to thecritical-carephysiciansleavingtheir Ionic Colloidal Silverequation, sepsis is no longer a concernpatients with scurvy-levels of Vitamin of mine. If they are not already dead atContheirdeathbedsinlightofthe Ozonated Waterarrival,thepatientssurvive. Andtheyscience?survive with their health intact!2020 Bill SardiDr. P. K. of Madison, Wisconsin, says, Ispent15yearsgainingexpertiseinTo access the Endnotes, go to: https://deployingICUtherapeuticswiththethenhf.com/2020/01/20/deathbed-scurvy/H ealtHF reedomN ews /F all2020 11HFN_FALL-2020_11-02-2020-FINAL.indd 11 11/2/20 8:50 PM'