b'NHF Board of NHF RETAINSGovernors Election A NEW2021 Notification LOBBYISTDear Fellow NHF members,We are happy to announce that the NHF Board of Governors Election of 2021 is scheduled to be open for our members to cast their votes from November 18, 2020, to January 18, 2021. This year begins our transition to encrypted online voting for our Board members. The paper-ballot method will still be availablebut only upon special request and this transition will enable the Federation to save thousands of our dollars in costs for each election cycle. All NHF members need to make sure that the NHF HQ has your most current, working email address. If in doubt, please send it to us at contact-us@thenhf.com.For any of you who may be electronically challenged for any reason or who simply prefer to vote as in the past elections, you can contact the NHF headquar-ters in Monrovia, California by telephone, fax, email, or by regular post mailbe- C harlesFrohman,NHFlobbyist,isa fore or within a reasonable time after the start of the voting period, and requestlibertarian yogi seeking the truth and a that a paper ballot be specifically mailed to you. Please provide your name andbetter world. After graduating in 1988 complete mailing address. So long as your ballot is postmarked by January 18,with a Government B.A. from the College of 2021, it will be valid and counted. William and Mary, he discovered while helping The annual election of members of the Board of Governors, in accordanceCongressmen in the 1990s how difficult it is for with the NHFs By-Laws and the current schedule of the Board, will be open toidealists to defeat special-interest subsidies or all members worldwide who are in good standing and a special link with a reg- the restrictions they impose upon competitors.istration code to vote online will be sent to each member individually only byAfterlobbyingforfinancialtradeasso-email. If the NHF has your email address, expect to receive your unique link forciations and ending up at the Cato Institute, voting in mid-November 2020. One additional, reminding email will be sent outFrohman served a variety of nonprofit clients to all registered voting members in the beginning of January 2021. As always,as their lobbyist in the 2000sincluding Health we will never spam your email and are the only authorized entity with the rightVentures for Pain Medicine Rights, Consumer to contact you about this election. For this to work well online, we need as manyHealth Reform, and Natural Health. members as possible to provide us with their email address. Taking a turn at teaching yoga and high You can find information about the Board of Governors candidates who areschool history at the end of the decade, he re-up for re-/election in this 2021 election cycle at https://thenhf.com/nhf-board- turned as an insider for Governor Johnsons elections-2021/ and through the email link that we will be sending registeredpresidential effort and ran his nonprofit, lob-bying also for the American College of Health-NHF voters. care Trustees. Charles is married with a young Thank you for being a valuable member of the oldest health and health-free- son and daughter in Williamsburg, Virginia.dom-minded community in the World and an active supporter of all that ourIts an honor to be invited to help lift the valued Governors themselves stand for and protect for us all. Your vote is mostpolitical profile of a health-freedom organiza-highly appreciated, and is your opportunity to weigh in with your voice fortion as old and eminent as the National Health protecting and sustaining the health and health freedom of everyone globally. Federation. When I lobbied the Codex issue in Thank you with my warmest wishes, the mid-2000s, it shocked me how little anyone understood its gravity.Today, international food-trade regulation makes up only a part Scott C. Tips of the medical-tyranny threat COVID-19 has President, National Health Federation made so many more appropriately fear. From 5GtogeoengineeringtoPharmamandates, Listen to NHF Video Host Alex Landrys most recent interview withand from water and food quality to persecu-Jeff Bowles: How To Virus Proof Yourself From C0VID-I9 with the tion of the medically independent, NHF can Miraculous Immune Boosting Sunshine Hormone Vit Don YouTube: serve an umbrella role with so many specific health freedom challenges. Im ready to sup-https://youtu.be/unScJt-Aliw port NHFs mission.H ealtHF reedomN ews /F all2020 17HFN_FALL-2020_11-02-2020-FINAL.indd 17 11/2/20 8:50 PM'