b'businessmancorrectlyobserved,[b]ydown measures will kill more people thanthe COVID-19 coronavirus would be to toss May [2020] the economic damage will bethe COVID-19 virus itself. Former Israelitheir television set out the window.so severe, it will cause more harm to fam- HealthMinisterProfessorYoramLass ilies, abused children, and spouses, thoseclearly states that the new coronavirus is who will die untreated because we onlyless dangerous than the flu and that lock-provide care for Covid-19. The number ofdown measures will kill more people than individuals permanently discharged fromthe virus. Pietro Vernazza, a Swiss infec-jobs(nevertoreturn)isstaggeringandtious-disease specialist, agrees, arguing that will get worse by the hour. Supply chainsthese lockdown and other measures are not havebeendisrupted,businesscontractsbased on science and should be discarded. arbitrarily breached, rents left unpaid, un- He recommends protecting the vulnerable employment lines increased by millions, andpopulation groups (e.g., the elderly and 50% of U.S. consumers are maxed out onlung-function compromised) while leaving their credit cards. The economic and per- the economy alone so that it can do its job. sonal damage is not only severe but prob- And Frank Ulrich Montgomery, the presi- Are Vaccines the Answer?ably irreparable. dent of the World Doctors Federation, callsThe mainstream medical community, Peopleforgetthattheirgovernmentsthe lockdown measures in Italy unreason- supported by the news media and gov-are run by ordinary men and women whoable and counterproductive. ernment, would have you believe that the genuinely lack the insight (as well as mar- The more one investigates with an openHoly Grail cure for COVID-19 lies in a ket-feedback mechanisms) on what actionsmind, the less confidence one has in ourmagical vaccine. The reality is that any vac-to take that will truly benefit the health ofgovernment officials. Sweden could be ancine is a year distant from being put on the their citizens and who rely for their advice,exception with its reliance upon two rules:market; and any vaccine developed sooner unfortunately, on the very same medicalGroups at risk are protected and those peo- than one year from now will be exceedingly doctors, institutions, and corporations whople with flu symptoms stay at home. Swed- dangerous and unproven. Regardless, in have become hugely wealthy off of the dis- ish health authorities think that it is betterone year, this current strain of COVID-19 eases and ill-health that are convenientlyto track individual cases within the coun- coronavirus will be history and any effica-incurable by their methods of treatment.try than to shut everything down. As theycious vaccine unnecessary. That does not, Often, their patients live on as their diseaseput it, Despite the popular perception, ourhowever, prevent the mainstream medical is managed (some would say milked)best hope against the pandemic is contin- community from dangling the promise of for all of the money that can be had from theued trade and cooperation across borders.a vaccine in front of the populations eyes. disease. The patients are never cured. Travel bans, the government wisely states,Ignore that empty promise.Former UK Supreme Court justice Lordare mostly political placebo. Also, ignore their invitations for you to Sumption recently hit the nail on the headEven vaccine advocate Dr. Paul Offit,protect yourself by getting the current flu when he said, Anyone who has studiedwho is no fan of health freedom, consid- shot. It will not protect you. In fact, hard evi-history will recognize here the classic symp- ers the seasonal flu more deadly than thedence has shown that it will do the exact op-toms of collective hysteria. Hysteria is infec- COVID-19 flu, stating we do not quaran- posite! A recent study published in Vaccine, a tious. We are working ourselves up into atine and we do not cancel meetings or shutprestigious, peer-reviewed medical journal, lather in which we exaggerate the threatdown schools, churches, and synagoguesdemonstrated that the influenza vaccination and stop asking ourselves whether the curefrom influenza. Dr. Offit wonders why,may increase the risk of infection from coro-may be worse than the disease. then, we are treating one type differentlynavirus by a significant 36% and from the So, with the government-ordered lock- than the other. human metapneumovirus by 51%. downs, are we any safer from the virus?But what is rarely spoken about, if ever, Perhaps in very small groups, but the CDCis how many people actually die from theseReally Protect Yourselfrecentlypublishedapaperquestioningextreme social, political, and economic re- None of the above is to say or suggest lockdowns of larger groups of individuals,strictions.Howmanypeoplehavediedthat you should treat this virus, or whatever such as the already health-compromisedfrom high-blood-pressure-induced strokes,is causing the deaths and illnesses, lightly. homeless in recreation centers, which isheart attacks, or even suicide caused by theAvoid direct exposure as much as possible. what Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti hashysterical, fearmongering news media andBut we cannot go through life avoiding po-ordered. The CDC reports that Japaneseheadline-grabbing politicians trying des- tential infectionit is not practical as we data showed that coronavirus transmissionperately to show how noble their effortsare witnessing. You can, however, build up was 18.7 times more likely indoors than out- are? I would estimate that a large numberand support your immune system with Vi-doors. And as the public catches on to theseof people are dying or else are seriouslytamins A, C, D3, and K2. Take on a regular lies, the rewriting of history to support lock- harmed by the media-fueled hysteria andbasis the minerals magnesium (to help acti-downs becomes more egregious. constant fear campaign. One of the best,vate the Vitamin D3), zinc, and selenium. Eat Many agree that stress-producing lock- first steps that anyone could take to combatan anti-inflammatory diet of predominantly H ealtHF reedomN ews /s priNg2020 11HFN_SPRING-2020_4-29-2020-FINAL.indd 11 4/29/20 10:18 AM'