b'Defeat Snatchedfrom the Jaws of VictoryNHF French Legal Team Obtains GcMAF ScientistLynda Thyers Release for a Second Time Only to See Her Rearrestedfor Allegedly Fleeing FranceI n a last-minute flurry that left even theBY SCOTT C. TIPS abided by the letter of the law when she National Health Federation (NHF) and itsclearly had had a chance to escape from legal team wondering as to the exact dateFrance. Since then, however, in letters that and time of GcMAF scientist Lynda Thy- Lynansweredfromthosepersonswor-ers release from the French Womens Prison atried sick about her, she openly wondered Fleury-Mrogis,LyndaThyersFrenchattor- whethershewouldsurvivethisexperi-ney, Chloe Arnoux, obtained Lyns release onencementallyintact,herphysicalbody Wednesday, March 18, 2020.already having failed her on many counts. Lyn, as you may recall, had been false- But her passport had been red-flagged ly charged with distributing the anti-can- and using public transport to leave France cerproductGcMAFwithinFrance.Ifled to her being re-arrested at a Eurostar anything, she helped save many peoplesstationinParisasshewaswaitingto lives. NHF had previously obtained herboardan unfortunate turn of events to release on December 8, 2019, but then onewhat had started out as a day of victory. week later the French Court of AppealsLyn spent that night (March 18th) in a Pa-overturned the lower courts decision andrisian police cell.threw poor Lyn back into prison on De- followingtheJudgesdecisionforLynsThe next day, March 19th, she appeared cember 16th, right there straight from therelease (probably due to the coronavirusin Court before the Judge who would de-courthouse.pandemic). I myself was enroute from Cal- termine whether she remained at liberty Under French law, Lyn had to remainifornia to Europe on the day of her releaseor was to be remanded back to prison. Our inFleury-MrogisprisonwhiletheIn- and could not meet her at the prison gate.NHF attorney Chloe Arnoux once again vestigatingJudgedecidedwhethertoAnd even had I been in France that day,returned to court that afternoon to argue further interrogate her. One would thinkwith the French governments lockdownfor Lyn Thyers release after her arrest on this could have been settled in less thanon travel, I could have been stopped andthe previous day. Unfortunately, I am sad three months. Now, with the Investigat- blocked from getting to her. Nevertheless,to report, it was a very uphill battle and ing Judge having declined to do so with- Lyn was able to make her way from prisonthe Judge found Lyn to now be a flight in the specified time, our French defensesafely and into Paris. risk and had her remanded back to prison attorneyChloeArnouxintervenedwithUnder the terms of Lyns release (as withwhere she is at present.perfect and timely arguments for Lyns re- herpreviousreleaseinDecember2019),With this flight attempt, Lyn will be lease. She was evidently quite persuasiveLyn was obliged to stay in France pendingin prison for the near future unless we in her exchanges with the French Judge infinal disposition of her case and NHF hadcan all make a maximum effort to get her charge of detentions since he agreed withthree places for her to stay in France uponout a third time.NHF will explore all re-her arguments and ordered Lyns release.her release. This was communicated to Lynmaining available options open to us as Unfortunately, though, the Judge didbut,understandably,LynmusthavejustLyn Thyer does not deserve to be in pris-not advise our attorney as to the date whenwanted to get home to England and leaveon even for one day more. Once again, Lyn would be released. At first, we hadFrance and its bad memories in her rear- NHF thanks all of the donors who have been informed that it would be April 12th,view mirror while doing so. helped pay for Lyns able legal defense in whichthenchangedquicklytothedayIf you recall, last December, Lyn hadParis.H ealtHF reedomN ews /s priNg2020 23HFN_SPRING-2020_4-29-2020-FINAL.indd 23 4/29/20 10:18 AM'