b'Announcing the 2020Tim Morrow Memorial Awardfor the Most PromisingStudent of Natural HealthT heNationalHealthties to connect with the oldest Call for Entrieshealth-freedom organization Federationisin the World through learning pleasedtoinviteaboutCodex,leadingcam-submissionsforthepaigns, and writing for Health 2020TimMorrowMemorialFreedomNewsoroneofour Award,namedafterthees- many other venues.teemed herbalist and NHF life memberwhonotonlysavedThe Fine Printlives but helped thousands ofEntries (name and reasons otherindividualslivebetter,in favor of the candidate sub-healthier, and longer lives. mitted) must give the full name Sadly, Tim Morrow passedand contact information where awayonDecember20,2019;the individual may be reached. but the NHF Board of Gover- Onesubmissionperentrant, nors, together with Tim Mor- with submissions to be emailed rowswidowEvitta,jointlyto contact-us@thenhf.com with decided to honor his memorythesubjectline:TimMorrow andremarkablecontributionsMemorial Award. The deadline byinvitingourloyalNHFmemberstosubmitthefor this years submissions to reach us is the close of name (either their own or someone elses) of a worthybusiness day, Pacific Time, June 30, 2020. All submis-individual who is studying or would like to study nat- sions will be acknowledged by email. The Committee ural health and/or health freedom, along with a brief,will make its decision and notify the winner during written reason why this individual would merit thethe Summer of 2020.Awardand$1,000.00scholarshipthataccompanies it. One winner will be chosen every year by an NHFFurther Fundingcommittee chaired by Mrs. Evitta Morrow. Many of us owe our lifes career path to someone who believed and invested in us, not only through en-NHFs Investment couragement and mentoring, but by actively funding We are all jointly committed to the next genera- our education. NHF invites you to give back if you tion of health and health freedom leadership. There- have been helped in these vital ways by donating at fore, not only will the NHF create this new opportuni- https://thenhf.com/join-us/make-a-donation/.Please ty for advancement in health and health freedom, butmark your donation as one for the Tim Morrow Me-NHF will offer additional mentorship and opportuni- morial Award.30HHF FN ews / pri2020ealt reedomN ews /ss priNNgg2020ealtHH reedomHFN_SPRING-2020_4-29-2020-FINAL.indd 30 4/29/20 10:18 AM'