b'CONTENTSSPRING 2020/VOLUME 38, NO. 1DEPARTMENTS HEALTH FREEDOM NEWS Letters to the EditorIn this issue, our readers comment on David Noakes National Health FederationPublisher and Lyn Thyer, a Bill Sardi article, nutritional supplements, GcMAF, and the Scott TipsEditor-in-Chief HEALTH The Current Coronavirus Pandemic C PAGE 14PAGE 18 coronavirus pandemic.Page 4$5.00Katherine A. CarrollExecutive DirectorFREEDOM //Vaccinations, Vitamin C, Politics, & the Law PAGE 32NEWS Voicrtoonray vinir Suws:e Wdehna ttNoH DFo-Sweden Wins a VoicePAGE 24SPRING 2020 VOLUME 38 NO. 1and Managing Editor TRUE INFORMATION FOR TRUE HEALTH Presidents NoteNever Has So Little Done So Much Harm to So NEVER HAS Daniella IvanovaAssistant Editor DONE SOManyScott Tips challenges the present coronavirus pandemic as more of a SO LITTLE Ben LizardiArt Director MUCH HARMthreat to our health freedom and human rights than it is to our lives. Page 6TO SO Anne MortensenWebmaster MANYAlex LandryVideo Host Thfeo rL Rateessttr iCctoirnogn aOvuirru Hs Aeatlttahc Fk rIese ad oCmosverHFN 1 Crossword PuzzleHealth Freedom News presents its first crossword puzzle BY SCOTT C. TIPSValeria VazquezOffice Manager HFN_SPRING-2020_4-28-2020-REVISIONS.indd 1 ealtHreedom PAGE 6 /spriNg 2020 4/28/20 8:36 AM specially created for NHF by master-puzzler Myles Mellor. Page 22ewswww.thenhf.comJonathan MiddletonResearcherPeter M. Bisno, Esq.NHF AttorneyHealth Bits & PiecesDan Kenner reveals the latest research on anti-aging Greg Glaser, Esq.NHF Attorneyvitamins and minerals, TCMs role in healing COVID-19 infections, using es-Advertising Information: 1.626.357.2181 sential oils against viral infection, preventing damage from conventional can-Literature & Circulation: 1.626.357.2181 cer treatments, and the estrogen onslaught by GMO meatless burgers. Page 28 National Health FederationFred Hart (1888-1975) Founder The 2020 Tim Morrow Memorial Award In memory of NHF member and master herbalist Tim Morrow, NHF has created a scholarship award that will be 2020 Board of Governors & Officers granted annually to a promising student of health and health freedom. Page 30Scott Tips, J.D., PresidentGregory Kunin, Vice President Our Dont Even Think About It! CampaignWith the current corona-David Noakes, Chairman virus hysteria in full swing, we must dissuade our public servants from push-Dr. Brad Weeks, M.D., Vice Chairman ing for mandatory vaccinations and health chipping. Learn how to make and Treasureryour voice heard by using our website. Page 31Carla Snchez-Anderson, SecretaryDr. Murray Susser, M.D., DIPL Book ReviewLeo Cashman reviews The Holistic Dental MatrixHow Your Dan Kenner, Ph.D., LAc Teeth Can Control Your Health & Well-being by Nicholas J. Meyer, DDS, DNM, Corinne Buckleywhich reveals how dental work can impact all aspects of our health, along with Sara Boo the benefits and solutions provided by contemporary holistic dentistry. Page 34Michael LeVesqueAdvisory BoardFEATURESPaul Harvey The Current Coronavirus PandemicBill Sardi challenges the official Ilse Van De Wiele (Belgium)coronavirus-infection story with a possible alternative multi-factorial cause Lisa and Per Hellman (Sweden) and its parallels to the Spanish flu, as well as informs us in depth about a Jay Newmanpowerful vitamin solution against infections. Page 14Marchia Carnicelli MinorMorten Krabbe (Denmark)Why I Have Remembered the NHF in My WillIn a reprint from our Dean Radetsky January 1982 issue, former NHF president Maureen Kennedy Salaman relates Dr. Richard Kunin, M.D. her still-valid reasons for naming NHF in her Will. Page 17 Peet Louw (South Africa) Dr. Thomas E. Levy, M.D., J.D.Vaccinations, Vitamin C, Politics, and the LawDr. Thomas Levy rec-Sayer Ji ommends an effective protocol for toxin protection and mitigation of the side NHF Financial Consultant effects from vaccination along with a practical treatment approach to corona-Harry D. Schultz virus. Page 18 Defeat Snatched from the Jaws of VictoryScott Tips reports on thePrinted on Recycled Paper. latest news regarding GcMAF scientist Lynda Thyers happy release andResponsible, Well-Managed Forests. unfortunate return to prison. Page 23Soy-Based Inks. Non-toxic and Acid-Free. Copyright 2020 by the National Health Federation. The National Health Fed- Coronavirus: What to DoDr. David Brownstein recommends severaleration, a nonprofit corporation, at Monrovia, California (P.O. Box 688, Mon- natural approaches to treat and prevent coronavirus infections. Page 24 rovia, California 91017 USA), publishes 4 issues of Health Freedom News yearly. Telephone 1.626.357.2181, fax 1.626.303.0642. The NHF is a 501(c)(4) non-profit, health-advocacy organization and, as such, any contributions to it are not con- Intravenous Hydrogen Peroxide: The 100-Year-Old Cure for Covid-sidered deductible by the Internal Revenue Service. Memberships are $45 per year in North America and $81 international. Additional copies of any issues are19Heidi Osterman, reminds us of a handy, safe, and effective 100-year-old available for $5.00 each, 25 copies for $75.00, 50 copies for $150.00, plus postagetreatment for todays coronavirus infections. Page 26 and handling. All rights reserved. The opinions of the authors of articles contained herein are not necessarily those of the National Health Federation, but are offered to stimulate inquiry into alternative methodologies. Products advertised are not toVictory in SwedenNHF-Sweden Wins a VoiceThanks to quick think-be considered endorsed or approved by the NHF. Submissions of previously un- ing and action by NHF-Swedens leaders and by leveraging NHFs accredited published manuscripts to be considered for publication are welcomed. Those sub- role at Codex Alimentarius, NHF-Sweden now has a seat at the government mitting such manuscripts are advised that budget constraints do not permit Health Freedom News to offer monetary compensation for articles that are published andtable helping to set Swedish vitamin and mineral levels. Page 32all manuscripts submitted become the property of the National Health Federation and cannot be returned unless specifically requested and self addressed stampedMany Codex Alimentarius Meetings Cancelled Due to COVID-19 envelopes are provided for that purpose. Disclaimer: The National Health Federa-tion does not necessarily agree or disagree with the views expressed by authors ofFearsThe NHF staff informs its members that most of the Codex Alimentarius articles appearing in this magazine. Their right to express these views, however,meetings this Spring and Summer have been cancelled or postponed. Page 35is consistent with our belief in freedom of speech (1st Amendment), freedom of practice for the physician, and freedom of choice for the layman. (ISSN 0749-4742) H ealtHF reedomN ews /s priNg2020 3HFN_SPRING-2020_4-29-2020-FINAL.indd 3 4/29/20 10:18 AM'