b'(repo) market had to be massively bailedexpire in March 2021, but it has set a free- at most, kill fewer of us than those diseases out by the U.S. Federal Reserve. In Decem- dom-smashing precedent that the 95 Danishwe have seen around us for our entire lives; ber2019,ZoltanPozsar,theHungarianparliamentarians who voted for it should bebut if the political plans that are being put economistwhopracticallyinventedtheashamed of. Even more, they should all bein place on the back of this fictitious coro-modern repo market, has warned us that thevoted out of office. navirus crisis are allowed to continue to Federal Reserves interventions to date haveSimilarly, the Quarantine Act in Canadacompletion, then all of us will suffer from a failed to reverse the underlying weak con- gives the Canadian government the abilityfar less healthy and more restrictive future.ditions in the banking system.The Fed canto suppress Canadians freedoms by shut- There is one thing that you can count only push on a string so much and its abilityting businesses down and shutting peopleupon: just as COVID-19 was preceded by through money printing and control of in- inside their homes, all on a bureaucraticthe Zika, Ebola, Swine flu, Bird flu, and terest rates to keep the economy and finan- whim. Meanwhile, the U.S. Federal Reserveother End of the World viruses, COVID-cial markets from unraveling is increasinglytalks about a planned shutdown of the19 will itself be followed by yet another, limited. Interest rates are already followingeconomy. as-yet-unnamed virus. Indeed, are we sur-those of Europe and elsewhere and plung- Two coronavirus plans have surfaced forprised to hear already, while still well in the ing into the negative, while the Fed mustthe United States and neither of them bodetrenches of the current lockdown, about the be extremely careful not to ignite inflationwell for its citizens health or liberties. Theinevitable next pandemic? In an opinion or to cause the dollar to drop in value withfirst one, proposed by Ezekiel Emanuel, awritten by two deans at the Harvard T.H. its overly zealous minting of money 24/7.health-policy expert at the University ofChanSchoolofPublicHealthandpub-I saw this coming, as reflected in my 2020Pennsylvania, calls for lockdowns to beginlished by the establishment magazine For-forecast in the January 2020 issue of Wholeeasing in June 2020, if certain health mile- tune, these two spokeswomen for the Elite Foods Magazine, of which I am the Legal Ed- stones are met. The second one, proposedstate thatthe global outbreak of COVID-19 itor and regular columnist. by the former FDA Commissioner Scott Got- is in no way an anomaly and that it is only With our financial house of cards poisedtlieb, M.D., is more draconian, calling for aa matter of time before the next pandemic to collapse at any moment, this years coro- much more cautious and open-ended easingstrikes. Of course.navirus arrived just in the nick of time. In- of restrictions with the lifting of those re- This next virus will be proclaimed to stead of the government, politicians, andstrictions only when a vaccine and/or med- be even deadlier than COVID-19; and ty-the economists of both parties taking theicines are available. Gottlieb doesnt mindrannical measures put in place, all in the blame for suddenly hard economic times,violating the Nuremberg Code against lackname of public safety, will exponentially they all seized upon the deadly corona- of informed consent in medical procedures,exceed the measures put in place now. So, virus as an excuse to allow the market toas he wants to forcibly vaccinate everyone.how we, as freedom-loving people, respond crash and to shutter businesses worldwide.He thinks a vaccine would take two yearsto the current power grab will dictate how After all, no one would question healthtodeploy(2022),whilemedicinescouldmany of our freedoms will be left for us and safety measures, would they? The blamebe available as early as this Summer 2020.our children in the near future. We all must could be pinned on the invisible virus,Meanwhile, the police state reigns in nearlyloudly and persistently say No.blame that continues to this day. As thefull force on the fraudulent foundation ofThen, name names. Get them out of of-American and other economies falter fromfalse statistics. fice and leadership. They must realize that major structural problems, out-of-controlif they persist, this becomes the seedbed of debt, reckless spending, and governmentRemember, Not Everyone Diedrevolutions and just as the resilient, inner stupidityinshutteringbusinesses,theon the Titanic power you possess, your time to rise is now blame for markets crashing and economiesWe all should be more frightened bynot as a victim but a victor. NHF was born tanking is borne by the conveniently avail- the political response to COVID-19 than thefor this day. And so are you.able COVID-19 disease.virus itself. As Martin Armstrong of Arm- Rightnow,gotohttps://nation-The real threat to us is not from thestrong Economics stated so well, This isal-health-federation.rallycongress.net/virusbutfromthegovernmentsandan intentional economic destruction that isctas/coronavirus-hysteria-is-deadly-final their corporate overlords who will comebeing carried out for an undisclosed pur- to direct your public servants to obey the out on top when the dust from all of thispose. Or, perhaps they know somethingConstitution and to sign the Pledge against pandemic settles. In mid-March 2020, theabout the virus that they are not telling us?mandatory chipping and vaccinations. Our Danish Parliament passed a draconian lawTime will tell. freedoms are at stake as never before and authorizing the government to test (withIn the meantime, we all need to stronglywhat actions you take now will determine their inaccurate tests) anyone they want inoppose the current lockdown and destruc- whether we keep what few remaining free-Denmark in order to determine if they havetion of our livelihoods and our lives. Wedoms we have or slide into total tyranny.beeninfectedwiththecoronavirusandneed to actually laugh at the political and 2020 Scott C. Tipsto even forcibly inject such persons withmedical buffoons who have over-reactedToaccesstheEndnotes,goto:https://a vaccine (as yet, non-existent), all againstand, by over-reacting, destroyed millionsthenhf.com/2020/04/04/never-has-so-little-their will and their rights. The law is set toof lives. The facts show that the virus will,done-so-much-harm-to-so-many/H ealtHF reedomN ews /s priNg2020 13HFN_SPRING-2020_4-29-2020-FINAL.indd 13 4/29/20 10:18 AM'