b'p resideNtsN ote The Latest CoronavirusAttack Is a Cover for RestrictingOur Health FreedomsBY SCOTT C. TIPS, NHF PRESIDENT L ast year I was invited to speak oncethat is being enacted before our eyes. It isseasonal flu deaths! Not to even mention again at the International Academyimportant that none of us are stampededthat the European death rates are lower so ofOralMedicine&Toxicologyintobeingtheobedientslavesthatthefar in 2020 than those in 2017.(IAOMT) Conference to be held inmassive fear-mongering campaign wagedAnd for all of this, the U.S. and State and early March 2020 in Dallas, Texas. I had spo- by the Deep-State media and governmentlocal governments are willing to trash the ken at the organizations 2019 event held inwould have us become. American economy and destroy the domes-Indianapolis, Indiana and it was a great suc- tic and international financial markets, most cess. This organization of holistic dentists isThe Mortality-Rate Scam of which are based on the U.S. dollar? And one of the finest I know, and its events areIn February 2020, the World Health Or- why now? We must ask ourselves these always well-attended, well-planned, andganization (WHO)never known for itsquestions because this drastic approach was put on impeccably. This year I spoke on theaccuracy or consistencydeclared a Pan- not adopted during earlier epidemics with topic of vaccines, government mandates,demic for the coronavirus and claimed thatfar more deadly viruses. So, why now?and how to resist them legally. At the time,the mortality rate for the novel coronavirus the coronavirus pandemic was just startingdiseasenowdesignatedasCOVID-19 to get rolling worldwide and I began mywas 3.4%, while that for the seasonal flu speech by complimenting the assembledwas 0.1%. Of course, the news media ran dentists and dental personnel on their brav- withthosenumbersandsplashedscary ery in attending the event when so manyheadlinesacrosstheWorldstatinghow other public events, including Expo West inmuch more deadly this new virus was than Anaheim, California, were being cancelled.the seasonal flu. The problem with WHOs I felt that they all deserved a medal or atstatement, however, was that it applied two least an award, but they surprised me bydifferent formulas for the two viruses. For presenting me with an award instead. the COVID-19 disease, for example, WHO simply didnt count any of the mild cases ofCOVID-19 is the weakest of the seven COVID-19 that resolved themselves; yet, itserious flus and diseases (West Nile, SARS, did with the seasonal flu. If WHO were toBird flu, Swine flu, Ebola, and Zika) we have apply the same formula to seasonal flu caseshad since 2002. So far, as mentioned above, as it did with COVID-19 cases, then the sea- it is even less deadlyby one-halfthan the sonal flu is revealed more truthfully as beingordinary seasonal flu. Bob Luddy, writing twice as deadly as the COVID-19 virus. for The American Spectator, went even fur-In fact, the Centers for Disease Controlther, This season the flu has killed 22,000 and Prevention (CDC) itself has stated thatAmericans versus 388 dead from COVID-. for the 2019-2020 flu season, 24,000-62,00019. This is the hard data available. There has Part of my speech was about the corona- Americans have died of the seasonal flu,been no national discussion about the flu virus. But many additional facts have comewhile its claimed that 53,922 Americansbut complete panic on the coronavirus.to light and much has happened since Ihave died of COVID-19 flu as of April 26,John P. A. Ioannidis, a Stanford Univer-spoke on the subject then, as the World2020. Even applying reported worldwidesity Medical School professor of medicine hurls itself off the cliff into destruction farfiguresforCOVID-19deaths,wehaveand epidemiology, has reasonably argued below. In a rapidly changing environment,under208,000deathsclaimed.Thatisthat we are making decisions without rea-I can only present a snapshot here of ourtragic, but the worldwide COVID-19 fig- sonable data, so it is impossible to make current knowledge of the COVID-19 dramaures are still less worldwide than are theclaims about any fatality rate, actual or fu-H ealtHF reedomN ews /s priNg2020 7HFN_SPRING-2020_4-29-2020-FINAL.indd 7 4/29/20 10:18 AM'