b'Anycitizenwhodaredtoshare .thanks to the unprecedented efforts by these Plandemic Part 1 or question the ev- gatekeepers of truth, Plandemic Part 1 is now the er-changing and illogical mainstream narrative about the current pandemicmost viewed and most banned documentary of all wasfiercelyshamedintosubmis- time. It has been reported by online sources that it sion by Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Vimeo,GoDaddy,etc.Theysaiditreached 1 billion views on the internet. wasforyoursafety,toprotectyoutempted to shut us down. And thankwhat we are doing, we are in the mid-fromthedangerousspreadoffalseyou to everyone who posted the filmdle of a misinformation war, quite pos-information because apparently, weto your platforms. You have helped tosibly the next world war.have lost our own ability to processfree the voices of doctors all over theFollowing Plandemic Part 1, we had and comprehend information. World! to quadruple the size of our team due DoesanyonereallybelievethatManyofthesedoctors,amongto the number of rabbit holes that need our perpetually dishonest mainstreamthem Nobel Laureates and pioneers ofto be addressed further. There are nu-media, the very people who use thebreakthrough discoveries, will be fea- merous truth-and-information villains immune-suppressing weapon of feartured in Plandemic Part 2along without there and the villains have hired and propaganda to keep us panickedso much more. hundreds of fact checkers. Our basic and mentally paralyzed daily, the veryInaword,itsaBombshell!Wehuman freedom and history are disap-industry that rakes in the vast majoritywish we could say more, but in thispearing and censorship is continuing of its annual advertising revenue fromage of communism-style censorshipto dissolve the past as information and Big Pharma, truly cares about our well- we have to be vague. We can tell youvideos are being deleted by the giant being? Really? thiswe are living in a time whenmass-social-media employees altering we dont really know what to believeour digital history keeper, known as or why we believe what we believethe internet, every day. Everything is anymore. Through social engineeringdeemed fake news if it does not agree our narrative has been so twisted andwith our fact-checkers narrative and perfectly constructed to be divisive,agenda. Mikki Willis and his team are splitting humanity into factions, en- working hard to get the truth out.couraging hate and inspiring groupsOn that note, there is a good chance toperpetuallyargueaboutmasks,we will be banned from most or all sheltering at home, population con- socialmediaforrejectingthenew Dr. Judy Mikovits trol,orcontrollingthepopulation.normal.Meanwhile, everyone is locked down,If you want to remain connected to Ironically, thanks to the unprece- angry, and confused, all while the 1%us, join TEAM PLANDEMIC online. dentedeffortsbythesegatekeeperscontinue to profit daily. Is this reality,Gotowww.plandemic2.comand oftruth,PlandemicPart1isnowor are we now living The Matrix meetsenter your email so you will be the themostviewedandmostbannedThe Hunger Games meets The Trumanfirst to know when you can download documentary of all time. It has beenShow?Dont miss Plandemic Part 2. it for free, upload it to your sites and reportedbyonlinesourcesthatitWe are super grateful to the Nationalshare. You will receive access to Plan-reached 1 billion views on the internet.Health Federation and its sister organi- demic Part 2, as well as the re-release of Hopefully, we will reach and wake upzation, the Foundation for Health Re- Plandemic Part 1.the other 6 billion humans with Plan- search, a 501(c)(3), for being our fiscalThank you in advance for helping demic Part 2. sponsor, which makes it possible for usus further this cause.For your sup-As a result of this first 24-minuteto receive tax-free donations. port, whether it is financial, intellec-film about a virus going viral onlineIf you have already watched the filmtual or prayers, we are grateful.We and in the minds of people, a coalitionand like what we are doing, please con- are up against Goliath and need all the of over 27,000 doctors has formed insider a tax-free donation to the Foun- help we can get.support of a call to reform our corruptdation for Health Research earmarkedPlease share this information with global healthcare systems. Plandemic.Youwillbesupportinganyone who might care. In the name So, thank you to everyone who at- truth in media. If you dont know yetof life, liberty, and health! 10 H ealtHF reedomN ews /s ummer2020'