b'supplementation. With a better diet andhispractice,callingitunscientific.Dr.of orthomolecular treatment. supplements, and without medication,Kunin was shockedhis own colleaguesIn 1968, Nobel Prize winner Dr. Linus patients who had been completely psy- whom he had trusted were attacking him.Paulingdefinedorthomolecularmedi-choticmadedramatictransformationsGregsawhisfather,hishero,whohadcine as the restoration and maintenance right before young Gregs eyes since Dr.beenrestoringandsavingbrokenlivesofhealththroughtheadministrationof Kuninsmedicalofficewaslocatedinrightandleft,beingcondemnedforhisadequate amounts of substances that are their family home. success. Diverted from his vital work andnormally present in the body. Or, in oth-In 1968, Dr. Kunin started testing pa- with his professional integrity and scien- er words, physiology and biochemistry in tients hair for abnormal levels of lead,tific approach threatened, Dr. Kunin wasmedicine are really the key to Orthomo-mercury,cadmium,arsenic,andflu- thrust into the fight of his life. lecular Medicine, which supports normal oride.In1972,thesenovel,alternativeEschewinglegalrepresentationtothefunction versus pharmacology, which gen-practicesforamedicaldoctorpromptedastonishmentofmany,Dr.Kuninrep- erally modifies or blocks normal function Dr. Kunins appearance on the cover of Pre- resentedhimselfattheMedicalBoardvia toxic means (Toxi-Molecular). Ortho-vention magazine, in which they ran a storyhearing. One trumped-up charge was thatmolecularmedicaldoctorswerehelping titled He Cures Psychiatric Disorders withhehadadvertisedhisprofessionalprac- patients get well in a natural and effective Nutrition about his successful treatmenttice with the Prevention-magazine article,way.ofpsychiatricpatientswithnutrition,vi- something that was illegal at the time. But,Yet,GregsawmanyoftheSocietys tamin, and other unconventional thera- as Dr. Kunin argued, he had done no suchmembersbeingpersecutedsimplybe-pies. Greg had a front row seat to observingthing. Rather, it was an interview and therecausetheyweretreatingtheirpatients greatness and it is no wonder he views hiswasnoprofessionalprohibitionagainstoutside orthodox medicines standard of father as his hero to this day. You can learna medical doctor being interviewed. Thecare by using orthomolecular medicine. more about Dr. Kunins remarkable discov- Board, impressed with his self-representa- It didnt seem right to Greg that these good eries and achievements at this link: https:// tion and his arguments, ruled unanimous- men and women should have to risk their thenhf.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/ ly in his favor and he was completely vin- lives and careers to provide good-quality Dr.-Richard-Kunin-M.D.-Bio-.pdf. dicated. Still, Dr. Kunin had to endure fourmedicine for their patients. Most people, Gregalsowitnessedaparadeofor- more Medical-Board investigations, all ofhe thinks, do not realize the terrible risks thomolecularmedicalluminariespasswhichhewonwithoutlegalrepresenta- that these doctors must take simply to help through his home on a regular basis: Dr.tion and with the Board having expressedcure their patients, then and now.LinusPauling,Dr.AbramHoffer,Dr.admiration for his medical records as theTheNationalHealthFederationwas RichardHuemer,Dr.IrwinStone,andbest they had ever seen. These were trulycreated in the mid-1950s to fill a need to many others. Gregs mother even threw anlandmark wins for orthomolecular treat- protect doctors and patients alike from a 80th birthday party for Linus Pauling. Byment. Throughout these ordeals, Greg hadgrowing monoculture of tyrannical med-the age of ten, Greg was thoroughly im- lived and breathed each case alongside hisicine that could not compete in the mar-mersed in and interacting with the elite offather. Thus, came Lifes second huge les- ketplaceofrealscienceandfreshideas. theorthomolecular-medicinemovement.son for young Greg: you cannot have trueInstead, this cancer spread by using gov-Unfortunately, it was just about then thathealth without having health freedom. ernment-mandated monopolies and guild his father was attacked. Greg was about torestrictions to block and eliminate all of its experience firsthand what happens whenHealth Freedom Is competition.TheFederationopposesall doctors truly teach and heal. Indispensable such monopolies and restrictions, which His father had helped found the Ortho- easily made the Kunins and the Federation The Medical Mafia Attacks molecular Health Medicine Society (OHM)a natural fit.In June 1972, the San Francisco Chronicleandwasitsfirstpresident.Dr.KuninSo, Dr. Kunin started speaking at the ran a front-page story attacking Dr. Kuninnamed Dr. Abram Hoffers group The Inter- Federations conferences and meetings and and his practice of orthomolecular med- nationalSocietyofOrthomolecularMed- became an immediate hit. Greg was often icine.Intheearly1970s,majornewspa- icine (ISOM), which publishes the Journalpresent there as well with his father; and pers such as the Chronicle were one of theof Orthomolecular Medicine; and he was alsohemetmanyoftheFederationsleaders, publics main sources of information. Ofthe founder of the later Society For Ortho- suchasformerpresidentMaureenKen-course, as soon as the article appeared, themolecular Medicine. These were, and are,nedy Salaman. That connection lasted for SanFranciscoMedicalSocietylaunchedorganizations dedicated to the proposition,decades, with first Dr. Kunin joining the its own assault against Dr. Kunin for us- as Dr. Kunin put it, that You cannot haveNHF Board of Governors in the Spring of ing megavitamin therapy and nutrition ingood medicine without an understanding2002 and then Greg joining his father on the 24 H ealtHF reedomN ews /s ummer2020'