b'lets the reader in on the origin of the word,mias. An entire chapter is devoted to each influenzabecause of its comings and go- and is replete with case studies, scientific ings, it was thought to be governed by theinquiry, and intrigue. The chapter entitled influence of the stars. Fun, but useful,Suspended Animation explores the correla-facts such as this are peppered throughouttion between the effects of electromagnetic the book. The remainder of the chapter ar- pollution and longevity. His final state-gues that influenza is not inherently con- ment in this chapter contends that we may tagious, and he explains why it is seasonallive longer than our predecessors but we and how influenza outbreaks directly cor- are less alive.relate with electromagnetic solar flares andIn the final chapter, the effects of mi- Give theelectrical turmoil in the body.crowavepollutiononbirds,bees,and A lengthy list of physicians and scien- humans are investigated. Again, many ex- Greatest Health- tists who made the connection between in- amples are provided and well-illustrated. fluenza and electrical activity is providedThis is a typical metaphor from Firsten- Freedom Giftin the text. Also provided are their quotesberg: Attaching a radio tracking device that date from as far back as the 1800s toto a wild animal is like giving the animalof All.the current century in support of Firsten- a cell phone to wear.This final chapter bergs contention. In essence, these are tes- takes us to the present day; we are warnedHelp Preserve andtimonials that influenza outbreaks oftenagainst the devastation that 5G will bring occur in widely isolated locations simulta- to our Planet in no uncertain terms. And,Protect a Health-neously with outbreaks in more populatedalthough this book was written before theFreedom Heritage forareas. The chapter ends with the bold as- COVID-19 pandemic, Firstenberg all but sertion that from 1933 to the present, nopredicts this pandemic with his systematicthe Next Generations. proof exists that influenza is transmittedapproach to the topic of electromagnetic/ One of the most powerful ways tofrom person to person.microwave pollution and its interferencepreserve and protect a Health-Freedom In succeeding chapters, using examplewith the rhythm of life on our Planet. Heritage for the next generations is byafter example, Firstenberg sets out to proveArthur Firstenberg has a gift for takingremembering the NHF in your will.thatinfluenzaisanelectricaldiseasea highly technical subject and breaking itFor more than six decades, periodic and not a contagious disease. One entiredown for the novice. It reads almost like abequests from our dedicated members chapter is devoted to the extermination ofmystery novel, yet this work serves as anhave served as a valuable financial boost bees on the Isle of Wight congruent withideal reference book. By keeping his narra- enabling us to better fight for your health the installation of a radio station the heighttive interspersed with relatable examples,freedom. Many of the major victories we of a 12-story building. Another chapter isFirstenbergholdsthereadersinteresthave achieved through the decades would dedicated to the Earths electrical currentwithout compromising the solid sciencenot have been possible without someone and how all living organisms are a part ofupon which his work is based. caring enough to remember the NHF in their will.that circuit. Bathing life with foreign fre- Please, act today to preserve and protect quencies outside of this natural range in- Crossword a HEALTH-FREEDOM HERITAGE for terferes with the circuitry of our brains andPuzzle Answers the next generations by taking the time to nervous systems. Example after exampleremember the NHF in your will.and study after study are summarized in. Your passionate advocate for Health laymans terms with a full list of sourcesFreedom,in the notes and bibliography totaling 158 pages at the back of the book. Before mov-ing on to Part 2 of the book, Firstenberg also identifies porphyrins and their con-nection to electromagnetic environmental pollution. Part Two of the book delves into the roles electromagnetic pollution plays in diabetes,cancer,andcardiacdysrhyth-H ealtHF reedomN ews /s ummer2020 33'